Rocket Fuel

From GT New Horizons
Revision as of 19:28, 11 December 2022 by Steelux (talk | contribs) (Clarified LCR fuels not being craftable anymore)

Rockets need fuel to get where they are going. In new LCR fuels were added as an alternative to GT++ chem plant fuels, but in the recipes for them were removed. Anyone that has previously made them can use the fuels for the corresponding rocket tiers, shown below. However, they cannot be produced anymore in the most recent stable version.

Rocket Fuels
Rocket Tier Fuel (Chemical Plant) Alternate Fuel (LCR)
1-2 RP-1 Rocket Fuel (not RP-1 Fuel!) Cetane-Boosted Diesel
3-4 Dense Hydrazine LMP-103S
5-6 CN3H703 Monomethlyhydrazine Fuel Mix
7-8 H8N4C204 Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine Fuel Mix