ServerUtilities: Difference between revisions

hopefully a compromise formulation
m (Cleanup: Ranks info wanted)
(hopefully a compromise formulation)
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{{cleanup|Subsection on Ranks / ranks config needed.}}
ServerUtilities (SU) is a GTNH forked mod combining FTBUtilities, FTBLibrary, and Aurora webAPI. Like its predecessors, SU focuses on extended multiplayer functions such as player ranks, chunk loading/claiming, teams, world [[#Backups|backups]], teleports and extended commands. While aimed at the needs of servers, its still commonly used in single-player as the [[chunkloading]] mod of choice. Previous users of FTBU/Lib can switch over to SU while retaining their home, warp and chunk settings, which will be automatically imported into ServerUtilites on first launch. SU does not use <code>/local/</code> for its file storage, but a similar top-level instance folder <code>/serverutilities/</code>.
== InstallationQuick Setup ==
Since 2.6.0, ServerUtilities is included in GTNH. Many features are purposefully disabled though to keep balancing intact.
Download the latest version from [ Github]. Pick the version that does not have any -source or -dev suffixes, just a plain ServerUtilities {version number}.jar file. Add the .jar to the <code>/mods/</code> folder in the instance. For servers, it must be added to both server ''and'' client-side. For Single Player, it only needs to be in the client. When properly installed, there should be new buttons to the left of the inventory GUI. Players migrating from FTBUtilities can archive their <code>/local/</code> folder after successfully running ServerUtilities and ensuring everything works as expected. There is no separate library mod needed for ServerUtilities.
If you want to use SU for chunkloading you must open <code>/.minecraft/serverutilities/serverutilties.cfg</code> and turn
=== Icons ===
* <code>B:chunk_claiming</code>
* <code>B:chunk_loading</code>
in the <code>world</code> category to <code>true</code>. To change the maximum amount of claims/chunkloads you also need to go the <code>ranks</code> category and turn them on by setting <code>B:enabled=true</code>. Afterwards the amounts can be customized as described in [[ServerUtilities#Permissions|Permissions]].
There are various other options in this config file to customize your overall server and what commands you want to have available. Of course some of these options will have a significant impact on balance and game experience. See [[ServerUtilities#Config Files|Config Files]] for more.
If you just want to use all of the features that SU provides you also have the option to delete the config file and restart the game. This generates a fresh config file based on the defaults in the mod instead of the modpack. Keep in mind that this will turn on SU backups and of course also affects modpack balance in various ways.
== Migrating from FTBUtilities ==
DownloadPlayers the latest versionmigrating from [ Github].& FTBLibrary Pickneed theto versionremove thatthose does not have any -source or -dev suffixes, just a plain ServerUtilities {version number}.jar file. Add the .jar to the <code>/mods/</code> folder in the instance. For servers, it must be addedorder to bothavoid server ''and'' client-sideissues. For Single Player, it only needs to be in the client. When properly installed, there should be new buttons to the left of the inventory GUI. Players migrating from FTBUtilities can archive their <code>/local/</code> folder after successfully running ServerUtilities and ensuring everything works as expected. There is no separate library mod needed for ServerUtilities.
=== Icons ===
[[File:SUButtons.png|100px|right|alt=Three rows of two icons, a square map, three people in blue, green and red, a trash can, a grey gear, a wooden sign and a pink gear.|SU buttons]]
* [[#Claimed Chunks|Map]] - Claimed Chunks / Chunkloading
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== Permissions ==
One of SU's core features is permissions management. It can be used to set a variety of different player ranks that allow/disallow certain actions and commands without having to assign each individual player. Players can have one or more ranks at once, andin willwhich havecase the greatestrank allowedwith highest power forwill eachtake priority over any overlapping permission amongstnodes themfrom ranks with lower power.
A full list of current permissions and commands can be generated with <code>/dump_permissions</code>. This file contains every command available to players, who can use it, and its source. ServerUtilities own permissions are also listed, such as warp/teleport cooldowns and warmups, restrictions on block placement/use in claimed areas, and maximum allowed claims/homes. This dump includes the node designations for commands (command.{mod}.{keyword}) which are needed to assign specific permissions to ranks. Maximum chunk claims/loads cannot be set to a value higher than 30,000.
* Ranks config: <code>/your_instance/serverutiltiesserverutilities/server/ranks.txt</code>
** <code>"serverutilities.chunkloader.max_chunks":</code> Change the total chunkloaded chunks per player. (max 30000)
** <code>"":</code> Change the total number of claimed chunks per player. (max 30000)
** <code>"":</code> Change the allowed number of /home registrations.
* Player list: <code>/your_instance/serverutiltiesserverutilities/server/players.txt</code>
* [ Sample Ranks and configurations are the same as for FTBUtilities]
== Claimed Chunks ==
[[File:SU claim map.png|thumb|right|alt=Top down map of a canyon and desert split by a wide river. The lower left area is mostly overlaid by blue chunks, the central area has a blobby red outline. Five buttons are on the right, a green checkmark, green circulating arrows, two no entry circles with white horizontal bars, and a blue circle with an "i" character.]]
Open in-game inventory, click on the map icon ([[File:FTBUtilities Map Icon.png|16px]]) to the left, then left click on chunks to claim. Claimed chunks will be overlaid with the player's team color, which can be changed from <code>My Teams > Settings > Color</code>. Right-click to unclaim a chunk. Click-drag to claim/unclaim multiple chunks as once. CTRL can be held while dragging to claim/unclaim in a large square.
==== Chunkloading ====
Shift+click on any chunk to claim and chunkload it. Shift right-click to keep the claim but no longer chunkcloadchunkload. Hold Shift and click-drag to claim & load multiple chunks at once. Shift+right click-drag unloads multiple chunks, but retains the claim. There are buttons on the right side for unclaiming all Overworld chunks and all chunks in every dimension.
Chunk Claim data is stored at <code>/''your_instance''/saves/''your_world''/serverutilities/teams/claimedchunks/''player_name''.dat</code>
== Teleports ==
Multiple teleportation options are offered including user-definable home points. Access and limits can be configured with player ranks for server owners.
*<code>/sethome your_teleport</code> Sets "your_teleport" as a destination. Can be any string.
*<code>/delhome your_teleport</code> Deletes "your_teleport" as a destination.
*<code>/home your_teleport</code> Teleports the player to destination "your_teleport"
*<code>/home list</code> List of all the player's sethome destinations.
*<code>/spawn</code> Teleports the player to spawn.
*<code>/back</code> Teleports back to the previous location before using a /home. Only works once.
== JourneyMap Integration ==
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== Backups ==
[[File:SUBackupMessage.png|right|thumb|alt=Magenta text saying "Server backup done in 00:43! (1.5GB : 5.9GB)|Successful backup message.]]
ServerUtilities can be configured to make regular automated backups of the <code>/saves/''your_world''/</code> folder as a .zip file. By default it places its archives in the <code>/backups/</code> folder, in the instance. That means it does ''not'' back up a number of key folders, including /journeymap/, /TCNodeTracker/ & /visualprospecting/ ([[Journeymap]] maps, prospecting data & waypoints), /schematics/ (for [[Schematica]]) and /saves/NEI/ ([[Not Enough Items]] bookmarks). Regular manual backups are recommended to supplement the automatic system, especially before [[Installing_and_Migrating#Upgrading|upgrading]] versions. When starting and completing a backup SU will display messages above the hotbar, which can be turned off in the config file.
* Trigger a manual backup: <code>/backup start</code>
