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Benzene is another renewable fuel, made from charcoal and wood tar in a pyrolyse oven and later in a ICO (Industrial Coke Oven). It is fairly simple to make, but requires several fluid extractors to run at max speed. It is first available at MV, requiring an MV distillery to obtain it from Wood Tar, and it gets significantly stronger in EV when ICO and multiblock turbines become available. Benzene is viable until LuV+ (you can even use it all the way to UHV if you spam enough XL turbines, but with regular turbines you should plan to switch to fusion as soon as possible).
Warning: XL Gas turbine no longer accepts benzene in the currentlatest devstables version(2.4.0+). The latest version that is confirmed not to contain this change is 2.3.3.
The first step is creating Wood Tar and Charcoal from wood. Using nitrogen recipe is highly suggested. Then send all the outgoing Charcoal to Fluid Extractors to be made into more Wood Tar, then send all of that into an MV Distillery to be made into Benzene. After having reached HV, the Distillery can be replaced with a Distillation Tower, which outputs Toluene, Phenol, Dimethylbenzene and Creosote alongside the Benzene. The first two are good fuels as well, alongside being useful for other chemistry.
Nitrobenzene is a upgrade from benzene and can be produced in a gt++ chemical plant (there is a recipe in the large chemical reactor but it should not be used if nitrobenzene is for powergen). In comparison to benzene it can be used in XL Gas turbines, making it a direct upgrade to benzene power when moving from regualr gas turbines to XLGTs in IV. InCurrently 2.5.1(up andto 2.6.0), the nitrobenzene is by far the strongest power source in the IV-ZPM ages.
Used in: [[Gas turbines]]


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