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Additional Mods: Difference between revisions

Add GregtorioOverlays (my mod) to the additional mods list.
(Add ESM legacy to the list)
(Add GregtorioOverlays (my mod) to the additional mods list.)
Line 119:
|''Replaced by Server Utilities, see below.'' Backup your world scheduled or via command. Add other players as friends and give them permissions to your claimed chunks which also can be chunkloaded. Don't forget [https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/FTB-Library/releases FTB libs].
| Needs to be installed on the server and client-side for MP.
! [https://github.com/ah-OOG-ah/GregtorioOverlays Gregtorio Overlays]
| Adds a overlay to Journeymap displaying polluted chunks.
![https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/JustEnoughCalculation/releases/tag/1.7.10-4.0 Just Enough Calculation]
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