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Electric Pump: Difference between revisions

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{{FTB_Attribution|url=http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Electric_Pump_(GregTech_5)|name=Electric_Pump_(GregTech_5)}}<br /><br />
The Electric Pump is a component used in the crafting of several [http://ftb.gamepedia.com/GregTech_5 GregTech 5] electric machines, and also functions as a cover that can be used to automate fluid extraction and insertion. A [[Crowbar]] can be used to remove the Electric Pump from the machine it is attached to.
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== See also ==
[[Selection Grid]]
{{FTB_Attribution|url=http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Electric_Pump_(GregTech_5)|name=Electric_Pump_(GregTech_5)}}<br /><br />
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