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Upcoming Features: Difference between revisions

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** https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/GT5-Unofficial/pull/710
* [In progress] Standardized single-block machine and multi-block hatch fluid capacities
*[In* progress] Fluid Hatch normalization - ifIf you are running a bio vat you may want to confirm your settings are based on percentages not absolute bucket values as those have changed
** More details here: https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/GT-New-Horizons-Modpack/issues/8751
** In particular, the brewery now has >1000 fluid capacity, so it can now be filled with cells in the UI
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* A few EnderIO materials have had wires added. This may affect recipes for fine wire (no longer one-step in wiremill), so check your automation setups!
** See: https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizonsCoreMod/commit/91e9e4984505565b922c39c4011c68fdbf8934f4
*[In progress] Fluid Hatch normalization - if you are running a bio vat you may want to confirm your settings are based on percentages not absolute bucket values as those have changed
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