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Once you reach MV, you have the option of building the multiblock oil drilling rig. This is a beast of a multi, and can serve as your oil generation until the end of time. The downside of this machine is finding oil, but it is well worth it. If you are curious about this mechanic, I would recommend reading this page [[Oil_Generation|here]]. Normal oil is the best option to make LF and diesel. Being 1:1 oil to LF helps a lot, and the heavy fuel output is pretty much in line with the diesel ratio.
=== '''Fuel production''' ===
Equipped with your oil source, it's time to starting making fuel. In LV you can't make diesel yet, so the best option is light fuel. The best route should be using a distillery to turn oil into sulfuric light fuel, then combining it with H2 in a chemical reactor for light fuel. Generally these steps don't use much H2, so an electrolyzer with water will be able to keep up.


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