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Thaumcraft Research Cheatsheet: Difference between revisions

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!Ichorium Wand Caps
|CAP_ICHOR || 3 || P: ICHORIUM || Alienis, Instrumentum, Lux, Metallum, Praecantatio, Tenebrae
!Feline Amulet
|CAT_AMULET || 0 || P: ICHORIUM || Alienis, Cognitio, Ordo, Mortuus, Motus, Tenebrae
!Talisman of Remedium
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|ICHOR || 5 || KAMI research<ref>too many to list, use /iskamiunlocked in game.</ref> || Alienis, Infernus, Humanus, Lux, Ordo, Praecantatio, Spiritus, Vitium
!Awakened Ichorium Axe
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|ICHOR_CLOTH || 1 || P: ICHOR || Alienus, Fabrico, Lux, Pannus, Praecantatio, Sensus
!Awakened Ichorium Pickaxe
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!Bottomless Pouch
|ICHOR_POUCH || 3 || P: ICHOR_CLOTH || Aer, Alienis, Humanus, Motus, Pannus, Vacuos
!Awakened Ichorium Shovel
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!Ichorcloth Robes
|ICHORCLOTH_ARMOR || 3 || P: ICHOR_CLOTH || Alienis, Lux, Motus, Pannus, Perfodio, Tutamen
!Boots of the Horizontal Shield
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|ICHORIUM || 2 || P: ICHOR<div>Ph: ICHOR_CLOTH<ref>ALL pre-Ichor research in the first 6 tabs and all Thaumic Tinkerer, even if not listed in /iskamiunlocked. Includes mod-added research such as GT transmutations, Railcraft crowbar, etc.</ref> || Alienis, Fabrico, Instrumentum, Lux, Metallum, Praecantatio
!Infused Potions
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|REVEALING_HELM || 0 || P: GOGGLES<div>Ph: THAUMIUM || Auram, Metallum, Praecantatio, Sensus, Tutamen
!Ichor Woven Silverwood Wand Core
|ROD_ICHORCLOTH || 3 || P: ICHOR_CLOTH || Alienis, Arbor, Instrumentum, Lux, Pannus, Praecantatio
!Tome of Knowledge Sharing


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