Steam Age: Difference between revisions

457 bytes added ,  10 months ago
major cleanup
(cleanup, better info on solars.)
(major cleanup)
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== Steam ==
[[File:TooltipBronzeFluidPipe.png|thumb|alt=Black tooltip for Bronze Fluid Pipe stating a Fluid Capacity of 2,400 liters per second and a heat limit of 2,000 K.|Hover over pipes to see a tooltip.]]The machines in this era use '''steam''' as energy. Steam is produced in aby Boiler[[#Boilers]] by combining heat and water, and is used to power machines at a rate of 2 Steam:1 EU. The amount of steam needed is determined by the recipe. Adding water to a dry but heated Boilerboiler will cause an explosion. Coal and Solar Boilers are otherwise immune to rain and fire.
[[File:ExplodingSteamPipes.gif|thumb|alt=short animation of a dark brown wood pipe leaking white steam, then exploding and catching the nearby boiler on fire.|Do ''not'' use wooden pipes for steam!]]
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There are multiple Boilers available in Gregtech. All boilers need both water and fuel to produce steam, except the simple solar boiler, which needs to be picked up and placed back every once in a while rather than fuelled. They produce steam in different rates and use more fuel the more advanced they are. In most GT boilers 1L of water equals 150L of steam. However, this is not true for the Lava Boiler as it creates 300L of steam from 1L of water.
Non-solar boilers will only accept water from below and only output steam from the top - these are the recommended faces to use since it avoids the possibility of getting water or steam in the wrong pipe. Boiler sides can be used for both auto input and output, causing steam to get into your water pipes. A steady water supply, such as a [[Water Tank]], must be provided to boilers to avoid explosions. If a boiler is allowed to heat up dry or runs out of water while heated, and water is then added to the hot boiler it will explode, potentially taking out other nearby machines.
If you have extra resources, build an Iron Tank (Railcraft) and use it as a steam buffer between the Boilers and machines. Until you have an Iron Tank, you can use a line of Large or Huge Bronze Fluid Pipe between the boiler(s) and machines to buffer steam instead. A buffer is helpful because many steam machines consume power faster than you're able to generate it with only one or two boilers.
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There are also Multiblock Boilers available in higher tiers. For information on other power producing options see [[Power Generation Options|here]].
=== Small Coal Boiler (Bronze)Boilers ===
ThisSmall Coal Boiler is your first Boilerboiler. It will accept all kinds of coal as fuel (not compressed blocks), and will produce 6L/t of steam while heated. When the boiler is fully heated one piece of charcoal will last for 360 seconds. During the heating process one charcoal lasts 96 seconds. Upgrades to the '''High Pressure Coal Boiler''', which burns fuel twice as fast but produces 15L/t of steam while heated.
=== Simple Solar BoilerBoilers ===
Solar boliers use no fuel; instead they must have a clear view of the sky to heat up, producing up to 6L/t. Solars can be placed under glass and other non-solid blocks without issues, but will not function if covered by water. Solar output begins to diminish after running for more than 3.5 hours cumulative of real time. Wrench and replace solar boilers to reset them, or supply distilled water. Distilled water is only economical much later when it can be produced cheaply. Unlike other boilers, solars will only send steam through its square marked side; default side for this is the back side, but it can be rotated to any side face with the wrench. '''High Pressure Solar Boilers''' are the upgraded version of this block, outputting three times as much steam and never shutting down fully even when calcified. After 3.5 hours their output will be the same as a simple solar and remain that way until reset.
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=== High Pressure Steam Machines ===
These machines are upgraded versions of the other Steamsteam Machinesmachines. They will drain steam 2xtwice as fast as Steamtheir Machinesbasic counterparts, but work at double speed. This means the steam consumption remains the same but you will probably need better pipes to keep up with steam draindemands. They are more efficient than LV machines versus the efficiency of thosesteam turbines, but require more pipe infrastructure as steam is not a power dense fuel. The Forge Hammer, Extractor, Compressor and steam multiblocks ([[Steam Oven]] and [[Steam Grinder]]) are likely to remain relevant for several tiers yet to come.
They are more efficient than LV machines if you consider efficiency of steam turbines, but they require more infrastructure to be automated.
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