Stone Age: Difference between revisions

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* Near river or lake. With no infinite water until you get a Railcraft Water Tank, you will be making frequent trips to fetch water. Make sure the water source is large enough, at least 60 blocks. Being near a river is good for setting up kinetic water generators later, but not necessary. Rivers are also not a bad way to get around by boat. Proximity to water also where clay will generate. Large quantities go into making the [[Smeltery]], which is the first step towards better [[Tinkers Tools|reusable tools]].
* [[Biome]] with high IC2 nutrient bonus, IC2 hydration bonus, and humidity. Not desert or snowy. [[InGame Info XML]] shows humidity but not the other two. If you plan on growing [[IC2 Crops Guide|crops]] later for resources[[resource]]s nutrient/hydration bonuses will support plants with higher stats and make them grow faster. The [[Water Tank]] auto-fills with water over time, and the speed of this is heavily affected by the biome humidity (90% humidity will fill 3x as fast as 30% humidity.)
* Sand: Desert within reasonable travel distance. You will need sand for many of the early multi-block recipes, and for glass. Later you can automate creating it from cobblestone, but in the Stone Age you have to collect raw sand from the wild.
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Copper and Tin are going to be the first minerals requiring dedicated searching. Many players start with a nomadic lifestyle until they hit upon a copper or tin vein. Copper is used more often, but can show up in more ores (malachite and chalcopyrite). Tin is rarer; look for Cassiterite or Garnet sands. Cassiterite spawns high (y80-200) so it's best searched for in elevated areas like mesas or mountains. Iron is relatively plentiful, with many alternate sources.
Other important resources[[resource]]s to make it into the [[Steam Age]] include Redstone, Calcite, Gold & Gypsum, so keep track of these if found. Redstone is a primary, while Calcite spawns rarely in Lapis veins, Gold spawns rarely with Magnetite, and Gypsum is found with both Basaltic and Granitic Mineral Sands. [[NEI]] has an excellent module for GT Ore Veins, showing composition, world type, scarcity and depth.
[[File:IGI ore chunk.png|thumb|frame|right|alt=This text is displayed when the player is standing in a chunk that contains an ore vein.|This text is displayed when the player is standing in a chunk that contains an ore vein.]]GT [[Ore Generation|ore veins generate]] evenly spaced on a grid, with two chunks in all directions between ore chunks. JourneyMap comes equipped with a togglable ore vein overlay which will automatically register deposits, so long as they are at least 200 blocks away from spawn axis (chunk 0,0) in both horizontal directions (known issue). To get a vein to register, hit the ore block, use an [[Ore Finder]] wand with the correct resource, or a [[Prospector's Scanner]]. The [[InGame Info XML]] panel in the upper left (by default) will tell you when you're in an ore chunk. Once one is found, simply move three chunks over for the next. Rarely, there may be no vein to find. This happens most commonly when there is no stone in the height range the vein wanted to spawn at. Depleted veins can be toggled from JourneyMap with (default Delete) key. This will mark them with an X. Double-click on a vein icon to toggle tracking it as a visible waypoint.
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===Small Ores===
You've no doubt seen single blocks of resourcesores with names starting with 'Small' by now. These are indicator ores and a sprinkling of random resources[[resource]]s. Diamond, Redstone, Lapis, Gold, Silver, Iron. Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Tin and Coal spawn in all chunks of the Overworld as long as their Y requirements are met.
For other Smalls, they mean there's likely an ore vein of the corresponding material somewhere nearby. Silver, Zinc and Nickel do not spawn veins in the Overworld, so they're worth collecting or marking for later. Small ores can drop their associated resource, its dust or crushed forms. They rarely also drop a stone dust of the type of rock they were in.
