Stone Age: Difference between revisions

→‎Tools: linking
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This might be the first time you'll run into one of GT:NH's quirks - difficulty in finding recipes. [[NEI]] has no results for "Flint Pickaxe". Tools in GTNH aren't hard coded the same way vanilla recipes are - so to find them, look up the base material (Flint) and hit "U" for uses. Flint tools have straight crafting recipes but more advanced materials you'll need to find the "GregTech Material Tools" tab for reference.
===Tinker's Tools===
[[GT Tinkers Tools|Tinker's Construct tools]] are available early and well worth switching over to as soon as possible. After unlocking the Stone Age tab of the Quest Book, complete Basic Processing, Clay: The Gathering, Macerator v0.1 Alpha, Something to Carry Liquids, and Book Parts to unlock the Tinker-Time quest. Villages also sometimes have a set of Tinker's Part Builder, Stencil Table and Crafting Station ready to use. These tools have durability but can be repaired with whatever the main tool head material is made out of. They also gain EXP over time, unlocking modifier slots that can be used to increase speed, luck, damage, durability and more. TiCon tools can also be upgraded with better parts, but only if fully repaired first. The only starting material to begin with is Flint, but the Quest Book will offer you an iron pickaxe head upgrade.
If you lose your iron pick, all is not lost. Look for Small Iron Ore or its natural alloys Pyrite, Magnetite or Limonite. Small Ores can be mined at one level less than the regular ore. If you still have an iron shovel or better, look for Iron Gravel. It spawns rarely in the world and can be melted down into a new pickaxe head.
