
From GT New Horizons
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In est libero, tristique vel, vestibulum a, aliquam sit amet, nisl. Curabitur suscipit euismod sapien. Nullam ligula.
Template documentation



  • title — title (default: none)
  • text — text (default: lorem ipsum)
  • bgcolor — RGB color without # (default: fefefe)
  • bordercolor — border color, RGB, no # (default: 999)
  • outerbordercolor — top, right and bottom border color (default: AAB or bordercolor if set)
  • img — image without «File:» (Default: FellAvatar.png)
  • imgwidth — for custom size pics. Preferably dont touch (default: 64)
  • cat — category without «Category:» (default: none). Preferably dont add it to any.
  • height — box height (default: auto)
  • width — box width (default: 80%)


  • You cant use «=» in params, since wiki uses it as separator. to use it use: Template:Tp
  • Dont put down size measuringor after include youll get something like «128pxpx», which layout-engines dont like at all.
  • Preferably if creating subnotices prefer to add /doc to it so everyone knows its possible uses in case its unclear.
  • Colors MUST be defined in HEX code without #. Color names wont work.


| title = This is very dark notice.
| text = its darker than octuple compressed cobble.
| height = 80
| bgcolor = C0C0C0
| bordercolor = 404040
| outerbordercolor = 000000
| img = Fish_pufferfish_raw.png
| imgwidth = 64


This is very dark notice.
its darker than octuple compressed cobble.


| title = 
| text = 
| height = 
| bgcolor = 
| bordercolor = 
| outerbordercolor = 
| img = 
| imgwidth = 