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* [[Thaumic Restorer]] - Repairs durability for almost anything
* Rare Metal Duplication
* Goggles of Revealing + Illumine Lens - night vision
* Boots of the Traveller - direct upgrade over [[Piston Boots]]
* Boots of the Traveller - direct upgrade over [[Piston Boots]], and diversifies into many [[#Appendix_3:_Thaumic_Boots|Thaumic Boots]]
* Thaumostatic Harness - creative flight
* Thaumostatic Harness - creative [[flight]]
* Wand Focus: Equal Trade - Swap blocks easily
* Wand Focus: Dislocation - move crops and other non-harvestable blocks
* Hoe of Growth - 3x3 till, tick accelerate trees/crops not normally affected by bonemealBone Meal
* Warded Glass - virtually unbreakable
* Everfull Urn - Infinite Water, automatically fills Crucibles and Petal Apothecaries.
* Everburn Urn - Infinite Lava from Ignis [[#Centivis|Centivis]]
* [[Large Essentia Generator]] - EU Generation multiblock viable until UV
==First Steps==
To get started in Thaumcraft, the prospective Thaumaturge needs a [[#Basic_Tools|Wand]], [[#Thaumonomicon|Thaumonomicon]], [[#Arcane Worktable|Arcane Worktable]], [[#Thaumometer|Thaumometer]], Scribing Tools and [[#Research|Research Table]]. Wands hold Vis, which is collected from nodes and used to power spells and the Arcane Worktable, Thaumcraft's version of the Crafting Table. The Thaumonomicon is a encyclopedia containing lore, recipes, and the source of Research Notes. Research Notes, Scribing Tools and points from scanning things with the Thaumometer combined with the Research Table's minigame unlock new recipes.
* Wand
** Thaumonomicon
=== Basic Tools ===
** Arcane Worktable
There are two options for a first wand, which is needed to begin Thaumcraft. The standard path is making the Iron Capped Wooden Wand as the [[Quest Book]] suggests with "Your First Wand". The Quest Book doesn’t cover everything in Thaumcraft but provides a good guide towards what should be next. The second and more risky option is obtaining a Profane Wand from a Heretic [[Villager]] trade, as covered in the [ Stone Age Thaumcraft Guide], which gives [[#Warp|Warp]] when it recharges.
** Thaumometer
** Scribing Tools
*** Research Table
ThereFor arethe two options for a firststandard wand, whichNaga isScales neededcan tobe beginobtained Thaumcraft. The standard path isby makingkilling the IronNaga Capped Wooden Wand as thein [[QuestTwilight BookForest]], suggeststhen withusing "Yourthe Firstdropped Wand".Naga Trophy Theand QuestSalis Mundus Bookto doesn’tmake coveras everythingmany inscales Thaumcraftas but provides a good guide towards what should be nextdesired. The secondalternate and more risky optionroute is obtaining a Profane Wand from a Heretic [[Villager]] trade, as covered in the [ Stone Age Thaumcraft Guide], which gives [[#Warp|Warp]] when it recharges. Naga Scales can also be obtained via a combination of Naga [[Bees]] and Magic Metal Berry [[IC2 Crops Guide|Crops]] for Naga Scale Fragments and the Thaumium necessary to repair them in a [[MV]] [[Assembler]]. There are many options for building incrementally more powerful [[Thaumcraft Wands]], many of which will require [[#Vis_Discount_Gear|Vis discount gear]] to afford.
The '''Thaumonomicon''' can be rarely looted from towers in villages, or crafted by right-clicking a Bookshelf with a wand. The '''Arcane Worktable''' is made similarly, with a Table instead of a Bookshelf.
===Arcane Worktable===
[[File:ArcaneWorktableGUI.png|thumb|right|alt=A dark green octacon on a dark brown wood table, with geometric lines and circles drawn around a 3 by 3 crafting grid. A slot in the upper right is holding a gold and brown wand, while a larger brown wooden output slot middle right is empty.|Arcane Worktable GUI]]
This block is a crafting table with the additional ability of holding a wand in the upper right slot. Any crafting recipe that requires Vis will be made in the Arcane Worktable, and the wand must be charged with enough of the needed aspects to make it. The listed Vis for a recipe is drained from the wand in the table. Wearing discount gear affects the final Vis cost.
Most basic Thaumcraft items will be made in this way. It's recommended to place your Arcane Worktable close to a node or other method of Vis recharging for convenience.
{{Ombox|type=move|small=yes|smallimage=[[File:TaintFlask.png|30px]]|text=''The crafting recipes in the Thaumonomicon[[NEI]] are not to be trusted. Use [[NEI]]the Thaumonomicon!''}} Change your GUI scale from Large to see more of the Thaumonomicon at once.
[[File:ThaumonomiconGUI.png|thumb|right|alt=A vivid magneta starscape background with wooden frame, marked with mystical glyphs. The frame is populated with light grey nodes with icons, some connected by lines. The sides of the outer frame have tabs with icons for additional pages. The upper right corner of the frame has a search box, and the bottom right a dark blue arrow button.|Thaumonomicon GUI]]
Right-click with the Thaumonomicon in hand to open it. This is the primary method for obtaining new recipes and knowledge about Thaumcraft. Unlike most mods, each bit of information has to be unlocked by completing Research Notes.
The middle window offers nodes for different researches, while the outer frame has tabs for different categories of magic. Arrow at the bottom right scrolls to the second page of tabs. Change your GUI scale from Large to see more of the Thaumonomicon at once. An available research that is not yet known will flash light-to-dark grey and back again, with either a "<span style="color:MediumTurquoise">Click to get a research note for this research</span>" tip in light cyan, or "<span style="color:Red">You need scribing tools and paper to get this research note</span>" in red. As the text suggests, Scribing Tools and one piece of paper are needed to generate a Research Note. Some nodes are also marked with a dark purple gas swirl - these give Warp when the [[#Research|research]] is learned. Research Notes are used on the Research Table.
As more experience is gained with Thaumcraft via scanning, Warp and research, more nodes and tabs will become available.
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{{Ombox|type=move|small=yes|smallimage=[[File:TaintFlask.png|30px]]|text=''Forbidden research with a purple swirly effect gives normal and permanent [[#Warp|Warp]]!''}}Research requires Scribing Tools, Research Notes, Research Points, and the Research Table.
Research Notes are obtained from the Thaumonomicon, while having Scribing Tools and paper in the inventory. Scribing Tools require a Feather, Ink Sac, Glass Bottle and Rubber. Research Points are obtained by scanning new things with the Thaumometer, consuming Knowledge Fragments (+1-2 points of each primal aspect, obtained from loot, Wizard [[Villager]]s and [[Bees]]) or with the Deconstruction Table. The Research Table is two side-by-side Thaumcraft Tables, right-clicked with Scribing Tools. A Research Table can also generate inspiration points based on nearby blocks, which gives free primal points at a very slow rate if the table has none of that aspect.
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Completing Research Expertise (Basic Information tab) allows combining aspects ten at a time by holding down Control, while Research Mastery will automatically combine available aspects if a compound aspect is Shift-left-clicked. Completing Research Duplication will activate the third slot in the Research Table, allowing copying with paper, ink sac, and research points.
== Vis Discount Gear ==
Research Completer
Affording a new wand upgrade can be expensive, sometimes seemingly impossible. Thaumcraft and its child mods offer a wide variety of wearable items that give stacking percentage discounts on wand use, similar to [[Thaumcraft_Wands#Caps|Wand Caps]]. The first set of discount gear includes the Goggles of Revealing, Thaumaturge's Robe, Thaumaturge's Leggings, and Thaumaturge's Boots for a total of 10% discount when worn. Search [[NEI]] for "vis discount" to see more options.
multiblock (TODO)
== Research ==
* [ Research Helper] - ''set for version '''''' and all add-ons enabled''
* [[Thaumcraft Research Cheatsheet]] Spoilers. Lists all research and prerequisites for unlocking.
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Wands have a max [[#Vis|Vis]] capacity and discount determined by their materials. Using wands crafted from either impregnated sticks or iron caps has a chance to permanently damage a node's max Vis capacity if it fully drains that aspect. Most alchemy recipes and some crafting recipes can be done with a wooden wand, but infusion is locked behind stainless screws for the greatwood wand. After greatwood wands, it's necessary to build wands AND scepters to get the better wands. For easier Vis recharging, make a Nature's Compass and look for a Thaumcraft Magical Forest. The Vishrooms there can be turned into Primal Shrooms using Alchemy. When grown Primal Shrooms grant a little [[#Vis|Vis]] each time one is broken.
To equip foci, use the <code>Esc > Controls > Thaumcraft > Change Wand Focus</code> keybind (default F). Hold it down to bring up a selection wheel of all carried foci to pick from. To remove a focus instead, press Shift + Change Wand Focus keybind.
With a frugal 5 dislocation focus + amber wand + 14% discount from gear you can use wand to move your crops around without bothering about seeds, and wand self recharges. Amber Wand Core is in the Thaumic Exploration tab, Wand Focus: Dislocation is in the Thaumic Tinkering tab.
* Wands can be used for Arcane Crafting, equip Foci, and perform any other wand-related actions.
* Staves (Staff) can hold twice as much Vis and double as a melee weapon, but cannot be used for crafting in an Arcane Worktable.
* Scepters cannot equip Foci and are used only for Arcane Worktable crafting. They have more 50% Vis storage than an equivalent wand and get a 10% innate discount for crafts.
* Staffters can do neither Arcane Crafting nor equip Foci.
====Crop Wand====
With a Frugal 5 Dislocation Focus + Amber Wand + 14% discount from gear you can use wand to move [[IC2 Crops]] around without bothering about seeds, and the wand self recharges. Amber Wand Core is in the Thaumic Exploration tab, Wand Focus: Dislocation is in the Thaumic Tinkering tab.
* [ Crop Disclocation - Discord]
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* Next throw in 5 iron ingots to get 5 Thaumium ingots. This should leave 20 Vitreus.
* Now throw in 5 crushed shard powder (Aer Crystal Powder, Aqua Crystal Powder, etc). This will give you 5 shards and leave zero aspects in the crucible. Nice and tidy!
For a clean Shadow Ore recipe:
* Throw in 8 Thaumium Ingots for 8 Praecantation and 24 Metallum
* Followed by 6 Abyssal Slabs for 6 Tenebrae
* 4 Bowls will give you the 4 Vacuos
* 1 Vanilla Stone to get the Shadow Ore
* Clean the remaining 16 Metallum with 8 Iron Nuggets. You will need the Metal Transmutation research for that.
If there's a few lingering aspects left in your crucible and you're not sure how to get rid of them, try throwing some stuff in:
Line 108 ⟶ 135:
|Can't place aspects in Research Table
|If the values of aspect research points become corrupted, edit <code>THAUMCRAFT.ASPECTS</code> in the following file using an [[NBT]] editor. your_instance, your_world and player_name are user-defined text strings.
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|This is a known bug, it just doesn't show up. Thankfully it's a rare aspect that isn't particularly useful for doing research anyways.
| Thaumatorium won't form || Thaumatoriaum requires the "Auotmated Alchemy" research, unlocking the automated construct recipe in Essentia Distillation is not sufficient. (Alchemy tab, Essentia Tubes + Advanced Essentia Tubes + Alchemical Centrifuge must be researched to get to Automated Alchemy.)
|Cannot see recipe || NEI hides non-researched TC recipes by default. To disable this behavior, search for "Thaumcraft NEI Additions" in <code>ESC > Mod Options</code> and set <code> Config > General > Show locked recipes</code> to <code>true</code>
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| Vesania || Cognito + Vitium
|Vitreus + Metallum
|Tutamen + Iter
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=== Taint ===
Taint is the third, and most challenging negative mechanic. It can manifest as Fibrous Taint, Tainted Soil or Crusted Taint, which will slowly convert the local [[biome]] to Tainted Land any any nodes into Tainted nodes, which will also spread more Fibrous Taint. Taint can infest any living block or entity, slowly spreading across the landscape and stopped only by void, bedrock and water. Do not allow Tainted Land to remain in render distance as it will continuously spread while loaded. Taint can be reversed with Ethereal Blooms and/or other biome changing effects, such as the pure nodes generated by Silverwood Trees. It's extremely difficult to eradicate by normal means unless caught early.
* [ Fibrous Taint -]
==Appendix 2: Warp EffectsEvents==
{| {{STDT|mw-collapsible mw-collapsed c_01}}
|+ style="white-space:nowrap" | and prior Warp Effects
! Warp !! Effect Name
| 10 || FakeBoom
|Random [[explosion]] noises
| 10 || FakeBoomer
|Random creeper charging noises
| 15 || Bats
|Spawns bats around you (good source of volatus!)
| 16 || Poison
|Adds poison effect randomly. First harmful effect, can be cleared with milk or terrawart
| 18 || Jump
|Increases jump height very significantly. If you're wearing jump increasing boots, this might propel you 40 blocks into the air in the overworld.
If you're on a low gravity planet, I don't recommend jumping to avoid dying of fall damage.
|Rains blood particles from nearby blocks
|Applies nausea effect (screen tearing)
|Turns weather to rain. Off on most multiplayer servers.
|Spawns a "friendly" creeper with ~110 health and a randomized name.
Although it won't [[explode]], it can be infernal, which means it can force choke you if you're afking when it spawns. Or hurt you with vengeance when you try to kill it.
|Queues up more and more lightning strikes over time for when you go outside.
This is the first warp effect that really sucks as it makes going outside difficult without bonus hearts or good armor.
Get a [[Thaumic Restorer]] for all the damage your armor will be taking. Or use electric armors.
|LiveStock Rain
|Rains animals on a nearby sky-visible block. Will queue until you get within 5 or so blocks of a valid block. Good source of leather :)
|Pushes you around
|Applies blind effect
|Randomly teleports you a few blocks, including up or down. Can be very disorienting with blind and nausea.
|Randomly increases ticks nearby?
|Inflict slowness? Destroy nearby crops?
|Spawns random trees/swamp water around. Will grief your base.
|Scrambles all nearby chest inventories.
|Spawns a wither.
[ Since], Warp has been reworked to be less oppressive and puts base griefing much later in the warp progression. [ Default Thaumcraft warp events] can also still happen, but frequency will reduce over time if no more warp is gained, unlike those added by WarpTheory.
* [[Warp Events (Legacy)]]
{| {{STDT|c_01}}
Line 417 ⟶ 371:
|Speeds up the ingame time, players can check either the faster moving skybox or the Time in the top left of their HUD to see it skipping by integrals of ~3
|Randomly increases ticks nearby?
Line 442 ⟶ 396:
|Randomly begins turning nearby Stone/Wood logs into cobble/dirt, then into gravel, and finally into sand
|Inflict slowness? Destroy nearby crops?
|Randomly replaces dirt blocks around player with Podzol/Water blocks with lily pads; Mass plants grass/Saplings/Vines
Line 453 ⟶ 407:
== Appendix 3: Thaumic Boots ==
To activate the speed and jump effect, bind the toggles under "modulate".
{|{{STDT|c_01 sortable}}
! Equipment !! Jump<ref>Jump height, in blocks</ref> || Time<ref>Time to travel one hundred blocks. Lower is faster.</ref> || Speed<ref>Where a range is given with ->, the boots accelerate from the first speed to the second.</ref>
| Base (no boots) || 1 || 18.09s || 5.61m/s
| Base (no boots, run and jump) || 1 || 14.46s || 7.13m/s
| Boots of the Traveler || 3 || 12.61s || 8.04m/s
| Electric Boots of the Traveller || 3 || 12.56s || 8.04m/s
| Nano Boots of the Traveller || 6 || 6.43s || 16.62m/s
| Quantum Boots of the Traveller || 9.5 || 3.60s || 27.64m/s
| Boots of the Meteor || 3 || 12.59s || 8.04m/s
| Boots of the Comet || 3 || 8.17s || ~10.5m/s -> 13.10m/s
| Boots of the Voidwalker || 3.5 || 7.17s || 14.42m/s
| Electric Boots of the Voidwalker || 4.5 || 6.98s || 14.42m/s
| Nano Boots of the Voidwalker || 7.5 || 3.50s || 29.84m/s
| Quantum Boots of the Voidwalker || 11 || 1.75s || 60.68m/s
| Boots of the Voidwalker + sash || 5 || 3.20s || 32.04m/s
| Electric Boots of the Voidwalker + sash || 5.5 || 3.13s || 32.04m/s
| Nano Boots of the Voidwalker + sash || 9 || 1.31s || 78.30m/s
| Quantum Boots of the Voidwalker + sash || 12.5 || 0.48s || 170.81m/s
| Meteoric Boots of the Comet || 3 || 7.89s || 12.88m/s
| Icy Boots of the Frozen Meteor || 3 || 7.90s || 12.88m/s
| Electric Boots of the Comet || 3 || 6.95s || 34.03m/s
| Nano Boots of the Comet || 6 || 4.52s || ~21m/s -> 24.11m/s
| Quantum Boots of the Comet || 9.5 || 2.63s || ~37.5m/s -> 39.97m/s
| Electric Boots of the Meteor || 5 || 12.61s || 8.04m/s
| Nano Boots of the Meteor || 8 || 6.23s || 16.62m/s
| Quantum Boots of the Meteor || 12 || 3.70s || 27.64m/s
| Meteoric Boots of the Voidwalker || 9 || 5.80s || 18.33m/s
| Tainted Boots of the Eldritch Comet || 4.5 || 3.26s || 34.03m/s
| Meteoric Boots of the Voidwalker + sash || 10.5 || 2.40s || 45.26m/s
| Tainted Boots of the Eldritch Comet + sash || 5.5 || 1.28s || 90.85m/s