Thaumcraft Tips: Difference between revisions

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* Everfull Urn - Infinite Water, automatically fills Crucibles and Petal Apothecaries.
* Everburn Urn - Infinite Lava from Ignis [[#Centivis|Centivis]]
== First Steps ==
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== Appendix 1: Concepts ==
==== Aspects ====
[[File:Aspects-GTNH.jpg|thumb|478x478px|All aspects, except custom GTNH aspects]]
These are elemental signs which describe all objects. Thre are six primal aspects; Ignis (fire), Aqua (water), Terra (earth), Aer (air), Perdito (chaos) and Ordo (order). Primal aspects combine to make more complex, compound aspects, which in combination with Primals are then assigned to every object based on its nature. Scanning objects with a Thaumometer gives research points equal to the aspects of the item scanned.
