Tinkers Tools

From GT New Horizons
Revision as of 23:52, 8 December 2021 by MrJakobLaich (talk | contribs) (Added modifier section)

This page provides data and information about the tinkers tools.

If you want to look at spreadsheet data yourself, look at this part of the spreadsheet.

The following lists recommended materials over some tiers for some tools, more should follow over time.



General rule of thumb for picks is "get the best mining level you can get".

Here you use the pickaxe for mining.

  • bronze head
  • any binding (any material you want, this only adds the trait and has NO other effect)
  • slime tool rod

put as much redstone on there as you can, I'd still recommend not going over 30 mining speed tho (it will become annoying later and you'll probably not want to make a second pickaxe until MV when you can make a Vanadium Steel head, mostly because you'd have to put more redstone on the new pickaxe to make it fast again and a pickaxe that's too fast will be annoying while doing stuff in the base)

Here you don't.

  • Alumite head (cobalt if you have an EBF)
  • any binding, maybe you found a paper one in a village by now, or use thaumium if you can already make that (binding is made in the part builder)
  • slime tool rod OR use thaumium for the tool rod if you found a paper binding, thaumium doesn't stack.
  • cobalt head, make one if you haven't already. (you can now use the extruder, fun!)
  • paper or thaumium binding
  • reinforced tool rod (not the trait, the metal "reinforced ingot") (before that you could use Damascus Steel (quest reward) or even Vanadium Steel)
After that

Use whatever you want, at this point you only need the tools for base building anyways.


Tough binding:

BINDINGS are weird, I recommend using a thaumium tough binding and nothing else, until that use anything you want.

"WHY?" you might ask, crossbows, for whatever reason, don't inherit reinforced or the durability multiplier from the tough binding, so wood or obsidian doesn't matter.

  • Paper adds a modifier.
  • Thaumium adds a modifier.
  • Magical wood does NOT add a modifier.

-> Get wood or whatever until thaumium.

Anyways, here's the list.

  • You can only make a crossbow once you have access to the tool forge, at that point you should be more or less close to LV anyways, make a hammer instead of a cross bow
  • If you still want one, make one from:
    • Don't make one in steam.
    • Bowstring doesn't matter, don't make one in steam.
    • ANY binding
    • slime body, don't make one in steam.
    • Make the LV one below, oh, that's LV stuff ... how about you don't make one in steam and get to LV.
    • I used my axe until I got the crossbow, use anything until you are in LV and don't make one in steam.
  • carbon head
  • fiery bowstring (normal bowstring would be fine too)
  • ANY binding, get thaumium once you have it (use the part builder to make the tough binding)
  • slime body
  • carbon head
  • fiery bowstring (if you don't have it by now you're doing this wrong, why are you looking at this, go get some fiery bowstring, it's better in any way)
  • thaumium (feel SHAME if you haven't made someone else do magic for you, why don't have have thaumium by now?)
  • reinforced body (not the trait, the metal "reinforced ingot") (before that you could use Damascus Steel (quest reward) or even Vanadium Steel)
  • energetic alloy head
  • fiery bowstring
  • thaumium
  • reinforced body
  • Osmiridium head
  • fiery bowstring
  • thaumium
  • reinforced body
After that
  • Upgrade the head to Infinity.
  • Upgrade body to:
  1. Neutronium
  2. Draconium
  3. Trinium
  4. Awakened Draconium
  5. Infinity

In that order at any point when you feel like it and have access to the material, only changes durability. (durability multiplication modifier)

Crossbot Bolts

Rule of thumb is "highest damage tip material, any fletching you can make, lightest rod"


You don't have a crossbow, why are you reading this?

  • slime rod
  • tipped with alumite
  • slimeleaf fletching
  • carbon rod
  • tipped with Vanadium Steel
  • slimeleaf fletching
  • energetic alloy rod
  • tipped with Meteoric Steel
  • slimeleaf fletching
  • energetic alloy rod
  • tipped with Tungsten Steel
  • slimeleaf fletching
After that

Energetic alloy rod, tipped with Infinity, of course, do NOT get Neutronium, too heavy to be usefull, look at the spreadsheet.

To be extended at some point in the future.


Keep in mind that you can always make a new tool, especially in or after MV, at this point you get access to better materials and machines.

So, you can always just make new pickaxe for example, just for base building in case your main pick is too fast and annoying.


Redstone until you hit 30 mining level, don't go above that, it'll get annoying when base building.

(You'll switch to a hammer anyways so just stick with it until then)

Lapis, after redstone, don't bother before you have enough speed.

No Diamond.

Emerald might be acceptable, depends on you and if you have enough modifiers for it.

No Moss.

Reinforced X once you get everything else.


Redstone only, you'll only use it for mining.

Lapis once you can mine normal stone like netherrack.

NO Diamond.

No Emerald, only if you're feeling funny.

No Moss.

No Reinforced.


No Redstone.

No Lapis.

No Diamond.

No Emerald.

No Moss.

Reinforced X, then you can do what you want with it. (use rainforest oak to get it to 10)


Redstone until around 22 mining speed, at this point you can instantly mine dirt, sand, gravel, etc. You could add more but you don't have to.

No Lapis.

No Diamond.

No Emerald.

No Moss

Reinforced after everything else


Redstone only.

No Lapis needed.

No Diamond.

No Emerald.

No Moss.

Maybe Reinforced after Redstone, probably still not worth it.


Redstone only.

Lapis once you hit 0.25 drawspeed.

No Quartz. Only affects melee damage.

No Diamond.

No Emerald.

Maybe Moss later once you have everything else.

No Reinforced, takes to many modifier slots.

No Beheading, melee only.

No Knockback, maybe once you have everything, only adds melee knockback.

No Fiery, melee only.

No Lifesteal, maybe once you have everything, melee only.


Moss, add two, until you can craft Moss you add the one you got from the quest.

Quartz only.

No Diamond, waste of modifiers.

Maybe Emerald, once you do enough (>200 hearts maybe?) damage, just add more quartz lol.

Maybe Smite if you plan on killing a lot of undead stuff.

Based on current knowledge no other modifiers do anything on bolts (or don't do anything usefull), if you know some more modifiers that actually do something, tell MrJakobLaich or add them here yourself.

To be extended at some point.