Electricity: Difference between revisions

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===== 1. Voltage (V) =====
Voltage is not a finite [[resource]] that is used up or stored, but rather a constant value used to determine the tier of electricity/generators/machines. Power generators create power and machines use them. There are 9 tiers of electricity/generators/machines. The voltage a machine receives must be less than or equal to the maximum voltage it can handle. For example, an MV machine has a maximum voltage of 128V, so it can accept power up to 128V, and run any recipes that require 128V or less. If you try to run a recipe that requires more than 128V, it won't run, and if you give it more than 128V, it will catch fire or [[explode]].
The voltage listed in the recipe is the MINIMUM required voltage the machine needs to run this recipe. Since our Basic Ore Washing Machine is in the LV tier and can use a maximum of up to 32V, the recipe for Crushed Iron Ore will run in the machine as long as we supply it with between 16V and 32V. If supplied with less than 16V (ULV provides 8V), the machine won't run, and if supplied with more than 32V, the machine will explode.
