
From GT New Horizons

MouseTweaks is a quality of life mod that adds additional mouse action functionality while manipulating items in crafting grids and inventories. It replaces the standard right mouse button (RMB) drag and assigns actions to left mouse button (LMB) drag and scroll wheel scrolling. Each of these behaviors can be toggled in MouseTweak's config file /your_instance/config/MouseTweaks.cfg/.


Action Config Default Behavior
RMB stack drag RMBTweak=1 (on) Same as vanilla RMB stack drag (places down one item), except dragging over multiple times adds additional items. =0 to turn off.
LMB stack pickup LMBTweakWithItem=1 (on) After picking up an item with LMB, do not release the LMB - drag over an inventory to pick up matching items, up to one full stack. =0 to turn off.
LMB + Shift drag LMBTweakWithoutItem=1 (on) While not holding an item, hold down LMB+Shift to transfer any item stack touched to a different inventory (player inventory <-> chest or player inventory <-> crafting grid, etc.) This is similar to vanilla's LMB+Shift click, without having to click on each stack. =0 to turn off.
Scroll Wheel WheelTweak=1 (on) Scroll with the mouse wheel to quickly deposit or take items below the cursor. Further modified by the next two settings below. =0 to turn off.
Scroll Wheel Direction WheelScrollDirection=0 =0 scroll up to increase, down to descrease
=1 scroll up to descrease, up to increase
=2 behaves like =1 in player inventory, =0 in top inventory.
=3 reverse of =2; behaves like =0 in player inventory, =1 in top inventory
Scroll Quantity ScrollItemScaling=0 =1 will force only one item moved per wheel click (MacOS Compatibility). Does not seem to be enabled in GTNH.

Known Issues

MouseTweaks wheel scroll enabling can conflict with NEI's similar feature - it's recommended to turn one of the two off if two items are being moved per mouse wheel rotation. (Open inventory -> Wrench button in lower left -> Inventory -> Disable Mouse Wheel Transfer -> True)

External Links