Railcraft Boilers

From GT New Horizons
Revision as of 23:56, 3 April 2023 by Embri (talk | contribs) (category)

Railcraft provides a boiler multiblock. The bottom layer can be made of either solid fueled fireboxes or liquid fueled fireboxes, and the top layers can be made of either low pressure boiler tanks or high pressure boiler tanks. Solid fueled fireboxes can burn any furnace fuel. Liquid fueled fireboxes can only burn a limited number of fuels.

Fuels accepted by liquid fueled fireboxes

  • Creosote: 4800 burn time per bucket[1]
  • Ethanol: 16000 burn time per bucket[1]
  • Diesel: 48000 burn time per bucket[1]
  • Blazing pyrotheum: 64000 burn time per bucket[1]
  • Hootch: 36000 burn time per bucket[2]
  • Fire water: 120000 burn time per bucket[2]
  • Biofuel: 16000 burn time per bucket (has no recipe in GTNH)[1]
  • Rocket Fuel: 112000 burn tipe per bucket (has no recipe in GTNH)[2]

Additionally, there is code for liquefaction coal, but this fuel seems to be unimplemented.
