Renewable Resources
Renewable Resources are ways of acquiring raw ingredients from infinite sources such as crops, bees, machines or magic. It is mostly in fun, since some of these routes have very low return rates. Some materials are also listed on the Renewables Spreadsheet - 2.2.3 (outdated)
Periodic Table
- Hydrogen - Electrolyze Water or Salt Water | Sodium + Water in LCR/Chem Bath/Chemplant | Methane + Distilled water in LCR | etc
- Helium - Centrifuge Noble Gases (Centrifuge Liquid Air) or Endstone Dust (renewable via Witchery, crops, botania, etc) | Distillation of Air or Any Steam/Hydro-Cracked Refinery Gas (Renewable via Oilberry or Pyrolyse Oven), Bees
- Lithium - Ghast Tears and Water in a Chemical Reactor | Electrolyze Clay (Renewable via Blood Magic) or Tungstate + Hydrogen (Renewable via Lava) | Lithium Chloride from Algae Farm
- Beryllium - Electrolyze Enderpearl Dust (Mob Farm) or Emerald Dust (villager trading, bees...)
- Boron - Borax from Salt Bee
- Carbon - Electrolyze Sugar or Charcoal Dust | Centrifuge Dark Ashes, Manure Byproduct (Centrifuge Raw Animal Waste) or Rubber Wood | Electrolyze Diamonds (from a redcap farm, fisher farm, bees, etc)
- Nitrogen - Centrifuge Air or Liquid Air
- Oxygen - Electrolyze Water, Sugar, or Silicon Dioxide
- Fluorine - Electrolyze Biotite (Centrifuge Stone Dust) | Cryolite (Bees, this is better than the Fluorine Bee) | Chemplant for Fluorite Ore
- Neon - Bees
- Sodium - Electrolyze Clay Dust or Sodium Hydroxide (obtainable from Salt Water) | Centrifuge Sodalite Dust (Centrifuge lapis - renewable via Lazulia/Lazullia) or Quartz Sand
- Magnesium - Electrolyze Obsidian Dust | Centrifuge Marble Dust (Centrifuge Stone Dust)
- Aluminium - Electrolyze Clay Dust, Emerald Dust, Sodalite Dust, Lazurite Dust, Ruby Dust (Centrifuge Redstone), Potassium Feldspar (Centrifuge Stone Dust) or Bauxite Dust (Centrifuge Metal Mixture Dust - Centrifuge Stone Dust)
- Silicon - Electrolyze Silicon Dioxide, Lazurite Dust, Clay Dust, Sodalite Dust, Obsidian Dust, Emerald Dust or Biotite Dust | Centrifuge Redstone or Potassium Feldspar
- Phosphorus - Centrifuge Pahoehoe Lava or Manure Byproduct | Electrolyze Phosphorus Pentoxide (Centrifuge Ashes)
- Sulfur - Craftable via XP Buckets | Centrifuge Blaze Powder | Electrolyze Pyrite (Centrifuge Redstone), Barite (Centrifuge Metal Mixture Dust), or Gypsum (Craftable via XP Buckets)
- Chlorine - Electrolyze Salt Water or Sodalite Dust
- Argon - Centrifuge Noble Gases | Bees
- Potassium - Electrolyze Potash (Centrifuge Ashes), Potassium Feldspar or Enderpearl Dust
- Calcium - Electrolyze Calcite (Centrifuge Marble or Lapis Dust), Gypsum, Lazurite or Bone Meal | Centrifuge Manure Byproduct
- Scandium - Currently unobtainable in-game
- Titanium - Process Bauxite
- Vanadium - Only renewable via UU-Matter or Mercury Bee
- Chrome - Electrolyze Ruby Dust
- Manganese - Electrolyze Pyrolusite (Centrifuge Metal Mixture Dust)
- Iron - Craftable via XP Buckets | Electrolyze Banded Iron (Centrifuge Ashes or Metal Mixture Dust), Pyrite or Obsidian Dust | Mob Farms | Metalleat Seeds (Thaumic Bases Crop)
- Cobalt - Centrifuge Cobalt Brass (Craftable via XP Buckets)
- Nickel - Byproduct of Platline (renewably getting PtMP will be hard without bees/crops) | Craftable via XP Buckets | Molecular Transformation of Copper Dust
- Copper - Craftable via XP Buckets | Centrifuge Lava, Brass Dust or Manure Byproduct
- Zinc - Centrifuge Brass Dust
- Gallium - Mob Farm Redcap Sappers | Craftable via XP Buckets
- Germanium - Exotic ore processing (ores are renewable from Blood Magic Meteors)
- Arsenic - Craftable via XP Buckets | Bees
- Selenium - Exotic ore processing (ores are renewable from Blood Magic Meteors)
- Bromine - Exotic ore processing (ores are renewable from Blood Magic Meteors)
- Krypton - Centrifuge Depleted Thorium, Uranium, or MOX Rods (only single ones!) | Bee
- Rubidium - Only renewable via UU-Matter
- Strontium - Exotic ore processing (ores are renewable from Blood Magic Meteors)
- Yttrium - Sift Rare Earth (renewable via various types of bees or Blood Magic's Mark of the Falling Tower ritual)
- Zirconium - Chemically Bathe Tin or Rutile dust with Chlorine
- Molybdenum - Only renewable via UU-Matter or Tungsten Bee
- Technetium - Currently unobtainable (some compounds of Tc can be obtained from LFTR but they are completely useless and you can't actually get elemental Tc out)
- Ruthenium - Purified Iridium Ore (Renewable via Blood Magic's Mark of the Falling Tower ritual) and Sulfuric Acid
- Rhodium - Product of Platline (renewably getting PtMP will be hard without bees/crops) | Milling platinum ore (ores are renewable from Blood Magic Meteors)
- Palladium - Product of Platline (renewably getting PtMP will be hard without bees/crops)
- Silver - Centrifuge Lava | Craftable via XP Buckets | Molecular Transform Tin Dust
- Cadmium - Sift Rare Earth
- Indium - UU-Matter | Fusion | Sphalerite + Galena ores, Naquadria Ore (ores are renewable from Blood Magic Meteors) | Bee
- Tin - Centrifuge Lava | Craftable via XP Buckets | Electrolyze Cassiterite Dust (Centrifuge Quartz Sand)
- Antimony - UU-Matter | Bees
- Tellurium - UU-Matter | exotic ore processing (ores are renewable from Blood Magic Meteors)
- Iodine - Exotic ore processing (ores are renewable from Blood Magic Meteors)
- Xenon - Bee (need escritore or mega apiary to actually get combs)
- Clay - {organics} (Compressor) -> Plant Ball (Pulverizer) -> Plant Mass (Centrifuge) -> Bio Chaff (Pulverize) -> Dirt + Water (Mixer) -> Mud Ball (Extractor) -> Clay | Bees | Thaumcraft duping | Botania Clayconia
Products from Stonelilies
These products don't include the material specific crops like Coppon etc.
Resource | Stonelilly | Support Block |
Andesite | Grey Stonelilly | Andesite |
Basalt Dust | Black Stonelilly | Basalt |
Black Granite Dust | Black Stonelilly | Black Granite |
Diorite | White Stonelilly | Diorite |
Endstone Dust | Yellow Stonelilly | Endstone |
Granite | Red Stonelilly | Granite (non-GT) |
Marble Dust | White Stonelilly | Marble |
Netherrack Dust | Nether Stonelilly | Netherrack or Nether Brick |
Red Granite Dust | Red Stonelilly | Red Granite |
Sand | Yellow Stonelilly | Sandstone or Sand |
Stone Dust | Grey Stonelilly | Stone or Cobblestone |