Server Performance: Difference between revisions

rephrase networking part of xu_tps command
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(rephrase networking part of xu_tps command)
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== Lag ==
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You can use <code>/xu_tps</code> on the client (type it in chat) to see if the server is experiencing ''tick lag'' – if the numbers are consistently red you have an issue. If they're continually white, but you're'It gettingshould [[lag]],be younoted maythat have/xu_tps FPSis lagbasing its seemeasures [[Lowon Endtime PCs]]used forby clientthe performanceserver Keeprespond into mindthe thatclient, <code>/xu_tps</code>which iscan basedbe onimpacted thewith connection[[lag]].''' betweenIf clientthey're andcontinously serverwhite, sobut theyou're numbersexperiencing couldframerate beissues, impactedsee if[[Low youEnd havePCs]] highfor latencyclient toperformance the servertips. The 3 pairs of numbers are respectively the instantaneous ticktime, the rolling average ticktime over the last 100 game ticks, and the worst tick time over the last 100 ticks. Numbers in parentheses correspond to the equivalent in TPS. The example below shows a 30.30ms tick, and a drop to 7.84 TPS at some point in the last 100 ticks (roughly 5 seconds).