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== Lag ==
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You can use <code>/xu_tps</code> on the client (type it in chat) to see if the server is experiencing ''tick lag'' – if the numbers are consistently red you have an issue. If they're continually white, but you're getting [[lag]], you may have FPS lag – see [[Low End PCs]] for client performance tips. Keep in mind that <code>/xu_tps</code> is based on the connection between client and server, so the numbers could be impacted if you have high latency to the server. The 3 pairs of numbers are respectively the instantaneous ticktime, the rolling average ticktime over the last 100 game ticks, and the worst tick time over the last 100 ticks. Numbers in parentheses correspond to the equivalent in TPS. The example below shows a 30.30ms tick, and a drop to 7.84 TPS at some point in the last 100 ticks (roughly 5 seconds).
[[File:Xu tps.png|frameless|664x664px]]
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You can use the command <code>/cofh tps <parameter></code> to see the tick time/TPS. If the parameter is ommited, it'll display the data for all the dimensions (beware of chat spam). If you use <code>o</code> as a parameter, it will just display the overall ticktime and TPS of the server. <code>a</code> will do the same as <code>o</code> but it will in addition to that gives the amount of loaded dims/chunks/tile entities/entities. You can also specify a dimension id as a parameter, and it will give you the ticktime consumed by the dimension. Be careful of the TPS given for every dim displayed by this command, as it's a value to give you an idea of the server load in term of TPS if that dim was the only dim running on the server. Minecraft doesn't multithread the dimensions, so when TPS is decreasing, it's for all the dimensions. But this can help narrow down where a lag source may be.
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Some are mods you install into the server (and client); others are programs that run on the server. Not all may be available to you depending on your server provider.
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