
Revision as of 22:10, 4 July 2023 by Embri (talk | contribs) (requirements)

The Tinker's Construct Smeltery is a variably sized multiblock structure necessary to progress in the Stone Age. It's primary use is casting basic metal parts before the MV Extruder, mass-processing dusts or ingots, recycling metal items and solidifying glass blocks.

How to Build

Cross-section of a 2x2 Smeltery

The Smeltery can be built with any interior footprint from 1x1 up to 11x11. The size of the interior determines how many items can be melted at once. To be a valid structure the interior must be a square; same length and width, with any height of one or more. The bottom layer can be any block tagged as 'smeltery structure block' in NEI. The Controller must face outwards, its back touching the Smeltery's interior. At least one lava holding block (Seared Tank, Seared Glass or Seared Window) must be on the same y level as the Controller. Drains, Tanks, and the Controller must all go on a hollow layer above the base. The large black square on Drains faces the interior, while the smaller round hole is the output side. The edges and corners are not necessary to have a valid Smeltery build.


  • Exactly one (1) Smeltery Controller
  • 1+ Seared Tank, Seared Glass or Seared Window
    • Lava for fuel
  • 1+ Smeltery Drain
  • 1+ Smeltery Faucet (optional, can use other fluid piping)
  • 0-1+ Casting Table (for using casts)
  • 0-1+ Casting Basin (for making blocks)
  • 2+ Smeltery Structure Blocks
    • Seared Bricks, Seared Stone, Seared Cobblestone, Seared Paver
    • Cracked Seared Bricks, Seared Road, Fancy Seared Bricks, Chiseled Seared Bricks


The speed of the Smeltery is constant based only on the type of material being melted. While melting anything, it consumes Lava at a rate of 30L/4s. Number of items being processed does not affect the Smeltery's fuel consumption, thus a larger Smeltery is more efficient as the number of simultaneous items is equal to one per interior block volume.



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