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=== Introduction ===
HV is the third electric tier, upon reaching HV, you should already have ability to make HV circuits, stainless steels,steel. havingYou oneshould oralso multipleupgrade HVyour EBF,(s) with Nichrome coils and have a MV precision laser engraver with a green sapphire and ruby lens
=== The Start / Early-HV ===
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=== Late-HV ===
After you made some EV circuits, you could now make a HV circuit assembler for mainframe which is your first IV circuits. You'll need it for NASA workbench which is required soon for titanium. You should be creating a vacuum freezers for cooling down the hot ingots from the EBFs like kanthalKanthal, tantalum and titanium. You could also make a distillation tower if you have enough stainless steel for it.
=== Preparation for rocket ===
After viewed theviewing NEI, you saw that you need a NASA workbench and a implosion[[Implosion compressorCompressor]] for your first rocket. You'll need 37 T1 heavy-duty alloy plate and a lot more of all the stuff behind it. You'll need a T1 rocket, a oxygen equipment set with 2 light oxygen tank(1 is too tiny for resource collecting), oxygen collector and compressor, fuel loader, and 9 landing pad.
=== Blast Off \O/ ===
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