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Electricity: Difference between revisions

Further cleaning and improving. Quotation and fixed wiki links.
m (Cleaned garbage left from FTB Gamepedia)
m (Further cleaning and improving. Quotation and fixed wiki links.)
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Since version 5.0 (for Minecraft 1.7.2) GregTech has it's own Energy System since GregoriusT wasn't satisfied with [[IC2 Experimental]]'s Energy System.
''{{Quotation|The reasons of why I removed compatibility to the IC² Enet are that Cable Loss doesn't work, that the Network doesn't have Packets anymore and that it switched from Integer to Double (what is horrible for larger Energy Storages). Not to mention that it is very hard to have control over Energy flow without constantly registering and unregistering TileEntities.'' - |GregoriusT }}
==Voltage and Amperage==
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Different machine blocks accept and emit different Amperages.
* GregTech {{L|Transformer (GregTech 5)[[GT5U_Transformer|Transformers}}]] will input 4A and output 1A if used to step-up Voltages; they will input 1A and output 4A if used to step-down.
* {{L|[[Battery Buffer|Battery Buffers}}]] input 2A per Battery and output 1A per Battery.
* {{L|[[Battery Charger|Battery Chargers}}]] input 8A per Battery and output 4A per Battery.
* {{L|[[Chest Buffer|Chest Buffers}}]] and {{L|[[Super Buffer|Super Buffers}}]] accept 2A.
* {{L|[[Energy Hatch|Energy Hatches}}]] accept 2A input.
* {{L|[[GT5U Mass Fabricator|Mass Fabricators}}]] accept 10A input.
* {{L|[[Microwave Energy Transmitter|Microwave Energy Transmitters}}]] accept 3A input.
* {{L|[[Monster Repellator|Monster Repellators}}]], {{L|[[GT5U Pump (GregTech 5 Unofficial)|Pumps}}]], and {{L|[[GT5U Teleporter (GregTech 5)|Teleporters}}]] accept 2A input.
* All other {{L|[[EU}}]] accepting machine blocks accept at least 1A, depending on recipe: The amperage is equal to twice the recipe's EU usage, divided by the machine's voltage input, rounded down and added to 1.
** An LV Centrifuge performing a 5 EU recipe accepts 1A
** An LV Chemical Reactor performing a 30EU recipe accepts 2A
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Given that GregTech has its own power system now, you will need to use GT cables for powering GT machines. '''Do note that the only machine capable of accepting IC2 EU in GT is the {{L|[[GT5U Transformer (GregTech 5)|Transformer}}''' (Not to be confused with the IC2 Transformer).


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