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Template:Navbar Tectech/Blocks: Difference between revisions

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| imageleftstyle = vertical-align: center;
| titlestyle = width: 100%; color: black;
| groupstyle = background-color: #6BA5C8; font-weight: bold; color: whiteblack;
| liststyle = width: 100%;
| evenstyle = background-color: #EAF6F9;
| group1 = Blocks and Casings
| list1 = [[High powerPower casingCasing]] • [[Computer casingCasing]] • [[Computer heatHeat ventVent]] • [[Advanced computerComputer casingCasing]] • [[Molecular casingCasing]] • [[Advanced molecularMolecular casingCasing]] • [[Containment fieldField generatorGenerator]] • [[Molecular coilCoil]] • [[Hollow casingCasing]] • [[Spacetime alteringAltering casingCasing]] • [[Teleportation casingCasing]] • [[Dimensional bridgeBridge generatorGenerator]] • [[Ultimate molecularMolecular casingCasing]] • [[Ultimate advancedAdvanced molecularMolecular casingCasing]] • [[Ultimate containmentContainment fieldGield generatorGenerator]] • [[Debug sidesSides]] • [[Quantum glassGlass]] • [[Quantum stuffStuff]]
| group2 = Machines
| list2 = [[Reactor simulatorSimulator]] • [[Owner detectorDetector]] • [[Data readerReader]] • [[Buck converterConverter]]
| group3 = Multiblocks
| list3 = {{Navbox|child
| groupstyle = background-color: #6BA5C8; = font-weight: bold; color: whiteblack;
| evenstyle = background-color: #EAF6F9;
| group1 = Machines
| list1 = [[Active transformerTransformer]] • [[Network switchSwitch withWith QoS]] • [[Quantum computerComputer]] • [[Microwave grinderGrinder]] • [[Data bankBank]] • [[Matter junctionJunction]] • [[Matter quantizerQuantizer]] • [[Matter dequantizerDequantizer]] • [[Essentia quantizerQuantizer]] • [[Essentia dequantizerDequantizer]] • [[Elemental scannerScanner]] • [[Research stationStation]] • [[Matter colliderCollider]] • [[Energy infuserInfuser]] • [[Quantum processingProcessing machineMachine]] • [[Matter assemblerAssembler]] • [[Elemental stabilizerStabilizer]] • [[Wormhole]] • [[Decay generatorGenerator]] • [[Annihilation generatorGenerator]] • [[Black holeHole generatorGenerator]]
| group2 = Parts
| list2 = [[Elemental inputInput hatchHatch]] • [[Elemental outputOutput hatchHatch]] • [[Overflow outputOutput hatchHatch]] • [[Energy hatchHatch]] • [[Laser targetTarget hatchHatch]] • [[Dynamo hatchHatch]] • [[Laser sourceSource hatchHatch]] • [[Parametrizer]] • [[Uncertainty resolverResolver]] • [[Optical slaveSlave connectorConnector]] • [[Optical masterMaster connectorConnector]] • [[Assembly lineLine slaveSlave connectorConnector]] • [[Data bankBank masterMaster connectorConnector]] • [[Computer rackRack]] • [[Object holderHolder]] • [[Capacitor hatchHatch]] • [[Auto-tapingTaping maintenanceMaintenance hatchHatch]]
| group4 = Tesla
| list4 = [[Redstone Alloy primaryPrimary teslaTesla windingsWindings (tieredTiered)]] • [[Tesla baseBase casingCasing]] • [[Tesla toroidToroid casingCasing]] • [[Tesla secondarySecondary windingsWindings]] • [[Tesla towerTower]] • [[Tesla transceiverTransceiver]]
| group5 = Pipes
| list5 = [[Quantum tunnelTunnel]] • [[Laser vacuumVacuum pipePipe]] • [[Optical fiberFiber cableCable]]
| group6 = Turrets
| list6 = [[Elemental matterMatter turretTurret]] • [[Elemental turretTurret baseBase]]
| group7 = Misc
| list7 = [[Germanium]] • [[Power transformerTransformer]] • [[AVR microMicro-controller]]
| group8 = Debugging
| list8 = [[Debug pollutionPollution generatorGenerator]] • [[Debug dataData hatchHatch]] • [[Debug powerPower generatorGenerator]] • [[Debug structureStructure writerWriter]]
[[Category:Navigational templatesTemplates]]


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