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→‎LV Oil Pump set-up: troubleshooting
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* Blocks for a rain shield
Once a suitable oil spout is located, construct a rain shield overhead to prevent any rain from touching the blocks around the pump and battery buffer/power generator. Place the pump directly over the spout's center column of oil. Place Mining Pipes in the "IN" slot of the Pump's GUI. Put the power provider adjacent and wrench it so the output faces the pump. Insert battery into buffer or fuel the generator. Add tank or pipes to the top of the Pump. If the pump doesn't start or the mining pipe needs to be retracted, hit it with a Soft Mallet. It consumes very little power while running, even a single lithium battery will keep it going for quite a long time. It can take up to five seconds for a section of pipe to emerge or fluid to be collected. If the pump is consuming power but not deploying any pipes or collecting oil, it may be stuck trying to pick up a different fluid. This often happens with water-based spouts; use blocks to isolate the oil, which spawns in a five block cross shape.


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