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Botania's magnet is gated behind Manasteel, available post-Twilight Forest if Botania progression is pursued. Its crafting recipe is slightly more complicated than the Item Dislocator's, but not difficult once Manasteel and basic machines are available. It must be equipped as a ring bauble in order to work, has a range of six blocks and an item limit of 200. When worn, items will be attracted to the player more gently than the Item Dislocator, but faster than the Electromagnet. The ring will not pull items through other blocks, and can be temporarily disabled by holding down Shift (sneaking). Items dropped from the inventory will not be attracted for five seconds.
[[File:FloatingSolegnolia.png|frameless|right|120px|alt=A golden loop-petaled flower with ruby red center on a small floating platform of grassy dirt.]]
The main attraction of Botania's magnet option is the '''Solegnolia'''. This functional flower prevents all Rings of Magnetization from working within a four block radius of itself, useful for automating functions that require dropped entities. The Solegnolia Petite version of this flower works only for entities dropped directly on it. Both have a floating option for placement in locations where a grass block is unfeasible. Solegnolias only work with Rings of Magnetization, they will not shut off other magnets. Mana holding items like Mana Tablets, Botania relics from the Dice of Fate and AE2 seeds (fluix, nether quartz, certus quartz) are automatically ignored by magnetization rings.


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