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moved Explosion and Item Storage to WIP
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m (moved Explosion and Item Storage to WIP)
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** [[Teleportation]] - All the ways of getting from Point A to Point B, instantly or near instantly. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Rsz0rH9tIVJxr18b1Z6-QxOSaEKssxF7u2naQTq2Mqg/edit#gid=1327614200 info here]
** [[Flight]] - all the things that let you glide or fly, organized by tier they become available, various pros/cons (such as wings requiring Mantle of the Raven to not die.) Glider/Copterpack/Coal Jetpack/Electric Jetpack/GraviChestPlate/Thaumic Harness/etc.
* [[Item Storage]] Overview of what storage options are in this pack, any quirks (like Compressed Chest keeps contents when broken and doesn't play nice with Crafting Station, Drawer Controller has # chests and range nerfed), what things can be moved with Dollies, any special traits like blast resistant, benefits of JABBA barrels vs Storage Drawers... possibly [[Portable Storage]] as well, either as its own page or a subsection - backpacks and other types of storage that can be carried by the player.
* [[Fluid Storage]] Same as above, but for fluids. BC Tanks, Seared Tanks, RC Multiblock tanks, GT Tanks/Supertanks, Adventure Backpack with Hose, ye humble bucket, milk/terrawart to clear supertank debuffs & auto-pickup w/backpack, etc. Things that can pick up/place fluids.
* [[Automated Crafting]] Overview - Crafting Station w/inventory, Worktables, EnderIO Inventory Panel, Logistic Pipes, Project Red Transport and of course AE2. All but the first two probably need their own in-depth page/guide as well if it doesn't exist yet.
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* [[Long Distance Fluid Pipe]] Setup & trouble shooting, good uses for, limitations of. Possibly as part of a bigger page on transporting items/fluids? Dimensional Transcievers, Ender Chests, Ender Tanks, etc.
* [[AE2 Best Practices]] Good network design, how to encode patterns properly, cable / P2P management, et. al. (don't make all your patterns with substitutions kids, or it'll take 9,000 years for the system to calculate late game stuff.) Do not use Backbone Cable, ever, because it can potentially corrupt the entire save.
* [[Explosion]]s - things that go boom, and why. how to check the explosion.log to find out what blew up.
* [[Experience]] - ways of getting it (mob farms, XP berries), ways of storing it (drain/tank, XP obelisk, others?) things you can do with it (inc. the various XP bucket trades).
* [[Warp]] from Thaumcraft. Both warp effects and ways of mitigating/removing warp, esp. the pack exclusive stuff.
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===WIPs / Claimed Projects===
* [[Explosion]]s - things that go boom, and why. how to check the explosion.log to find out what blew up.
* [[Item Storage]] Overview of what storage options are in this pack, any quirks (like Compressed Chest keeps contents when broken and doesn't play nice with Crafting Station, Drawer Controller has # chests and range nerfed), what things can be moved with Dollies, any special traits like blast resistant, benefits of JABBA barrels vs Storage Drawers... possibly [[Portable Storage]] as well, either as its own page or a subsection - backpacks and other types of storage that can be carried by the player.
* GT Pipes/Covers - Can find most info about this here [http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Wire] (and more info in link above) [http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Fluid_Pipe_(GregTech_5)] [http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Item_Pipe_(GregTech_5)]. Information about use of covers and pipes is being worked on at [[GT Interface]] and [[GT Logistics]], as of 2023/05/19 (yyyy/mm/dd).
** [[Pyrolyse Oven]]


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