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Bee Species: Difference between revisions

missing percentages and formatting, soapstone added to Stone Comb
(energy, pyrotheum, cryotheum, lapotron, coolant, indium)
(missing percentages and formatting, soapstone added to Stone Comb)
Line 16:
* Silky Propolis -> Silk Wisp -> Woven Silk
* Slag Comb - Stone Dust (50%), Black Granite Dust (20%), Red Granite Dust (20%), Beeswax (30%)
* Stone Comb - Stone Dust (70%), Black Granite Dust(50%), Red Granite Dust (50%), Basalt Dust (50%), Marble Dust (50%), Redrock Dxust (50%), Beeswax (50%), Purified Soapstone, Magnesium, Raw Silicon, Oxygen, Hydrogen
* Space Comb - Beeswax (50%), Refractory Wax (30%), Oxygen Drop (15%), Space Invaders 1 Coin (5%)
Line 113:
| Ancient || {{LV}} || Old Comb (30%) || Normal/Normal ||
| Apatine || {{LV}} || Honey Comb (10%)<div> ''S:Apatite Shard (10%)'' || Normal/Normal || Apatite Bee is the much better option.
* Apatite
| Apatite || {{LV}} || Seedy Comb (15%)<div> ''S:Apatite Comb (15%)'' || Warm/Normal || Nutdew, Purified Apatite Ore
* Seed Oil, Apatite, Phosphate, Calcium, Chlorine
Line 273:
| Clay || {{LV}} || || ||
| Coal || {{LV}} || Lignite Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Coal Comb (15%)'' || || Thorium
| Cobalt || {{LV}} || || ||
Line 281:
| Conductive Iron || || Conductiveiron Comb || ||
| Coolant || {{HV}} || Frozen Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Coolant Comb (15%)'' || Cold/Arid || Coolant Drop, Unstable Propolis (30%). Can be bred at MV, but requires HV to process Coolant Combs.
* IC2 Coolant, Metabolic Frame (Component)
| Copper || {{LV}} || CopperSlag Comb (30%)<div>SlagCopper Comb (15%)<div> ''S:Gold Comb (5%)'' || Normal/Normal || Purified Copper Ore, Purified Gold Ore
* Copper, Gold
Line 301:
| Crumbling || {{LV}} || || ||
| Cryolite || {{LV}} || CryoliteSlag Comb (30%)<div>SlagCryolite Comb (15%)<div> ''S:Silver Comb (5%)'' || || Fluorine, Sodium, Aluminium
| Cryotheum || {{MV}} || Blizz Comb (15%)<div>''S:Cryotheum Comb (20%)'' || Icy/Arid || Blizz Dust, Cryotheum Dust
Line 341:
| Diamandi || {{LV}} || || ||
| Diamond (GTNH) || {{LV}} || Stone Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Diamond Comb (15%)'' || || Graphite
| Diamond (ExB) || {{LV}} || Diamond || || Diamond Fragment
Line 357:
| Dragon Essence || || || ||
| Drake || {{UHV}} || Draconium Comb (30%)<div>''S:Awakeneddraconium&nbsp;Comb&nbsp;(20%)'' || Hellish/Damp (MA<ref name="MA">Requires the Mega Apiary to achieve Jubilant status and produce its Specialty product.</ref>)|| Purified Draconium Ore, Purified Awakened Draconium Ore. (req.Requires Awakenedthe DraconiumMega Coil)Apiary to produce Awakeneddraconium Combs.
*Draconium, Awakened Draconium
Line 381:
| Electrical Steel || || Electricalsteel || ||
| Electrotine || {{MV}} || Slag Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Electrotine Comb (15%)''<div> ''S:Redstone Comb (5%)'' || Hot/Normal || Purified Electrotine Ore, Purified Redstone Ore, Rare Earth (%), Electrum Dust (%). Can be bred at LV, but requires MV processing for Electrotine Comb.
* Redstone, Gold, Silver, Rare Earth
Line 387:
| Embittered || {{S}} || || || Purchasable with Beekeeper coins in the [[Quest Book]], scoop Nether Hives.
| Emerald (GTNH) || {{LV}} || Stone Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Emerald Comb (15%)''<div> ''S:Aluminium Comb (5%)'' || ||
| Emerald (ExB) || {{LV}} || Emerald Comb || || Emerald Fragment
Line 449:
| Fireessence || || || ||
| Firestone || {{LV}} || Stone Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Firestone Comb (15%)'' || ||
| Fiery || {{LV}} || || ||
Line 455:
| Floral || {{MV}} || || ||
| Fluix (GTNH) || {{LV}} || Stone Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Fluix Comb (15%)'' || ||
| Fluix (ExB) || {{LV}} || || ||
Line 503:
| Gnawing || {{LV}} || || ||
| Gold || {{LV}} || Slag Comb (30%)<div>Gold Comb (15%)<div> ''S:Nickel Comb (5%)'' || || PtMP
| Gray || {{LV}} || || ||
Line 535:
| Indigo || {{LV}} || || ||
| Indium || {{ZPM}} || Indium Comb (5%) || Hot/Normal || Purified Indium Ore. Can be bred at IV, but requires ZPM tier to process combs.
* Indium
Line 555:
| Io || || || ||
| Iridium || {{IV}} || Slag Comb (30%)<div>Iridium Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Osmium Comb (5%)''<div> ''S:Palladium Comb (30%)'' || Hellish/Arid || Iridium Nugget, Acidic Iridium Solution, Osmium Nugget, Acidic Osmium Solution, Purified Palladium Ore, Palladium Metallic Powder Dust
*Iridium, Osmium, Palladium
| Iron || {{LV}} || Slag Comb (30%)<div>Iron Comb (15%)<div> ''S:Tin Comb (5%)'' || || Purified Iron, TinOre, Zinc,Purified Tin ZirconiumOre
* Iron, Tin, Zinc, Zirconium
| Jaded || n/a || || ||
Line 571 ⟶ 573:
| Krypton || || || ||
| Lapis (GTNH) || {{LV}} || Stone Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Lapis Comb (15%)'' || || Purified Lapis Ore.
*Lapis Lazuli, Lazurite, Sodalite, Pyrite, Calcite, Aluminium, Calcium, Raw Silicon, Sodium, Chlorine, Iron, Carbon, Oxygen
| Lapis (ExB) || {{LV}} || Rocky Comb (20%)<div> ''S:Lapis Comb (5%)'' || || Better output than GTNH variant with a lower processing requirement. ExB Lapis Comb = 6x Lapis each.
* Lapis Lazuli, Lazurite, Sodalite, Pyrite, Calcite, Aluminium, Calcium, Raw Silicon, Sodium, Chlorine, Iron, Carbon, Oxygen
| Lapotron || {{HV}} || Lapis Comb (20%)<div>''S:Energy Comb (15%)''<div>''S:Lapotron Comb (10%)'' || Icy/Damp || Purified Lapis Ore, Redstone, Hot Coolant Drop (20%), Burning Propolis (30%), Energium Dust (50%), Lapotron Dust, Lapis coolant Drop (20%), Amnesiac Wax (40%), Flowing Propolis (30%)
* Lapis Lazuli, Lazurite, Sodalite, Pyrite, Calcite, Aluminium, Calcium, Raw Silicon, Sodium, Chlorine, Iron, Carbon, Oxygen, IC2 Coolant, Fire Infused Dust, Fire Shard, Water Infused Dust, Water Shard, Magic Frame (Component)
Line 585 ⟶ 587:
| Lavender || {{LV}} || || ||
| Lead || {{LV}} || Slag Comb (30%)<div>Lead Comb (15%)<div> ''S:Sulfur Comb (5%)'' || Warm/Damp || Purified Lead, SilverOre, StonePurified Dust, Black Granite Dust, Red GraniteSulfur DustOre
* Lead, Sulfur
| Leaden || {{LV}} || Leaden || || Lead Grains (Lead)
Line 603 ⟶ 607:
| Lime (ExB) || {{LV}} || || ||
| Lithium || {{MV}} || Slag Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Lithium Comb (15%)''<div> ''S:Salt Comb (5%)'' || Warm/Arid || Purified Lithium Ore, Salt, Rock Salt, Saltpeter
* Lithium, SaltSodium, RockChlorine, Potassium, SaltOxygen, SaltpeterNitrogen
** Sodium, Chlorine, Potassium, Oxygen, Nitrogen
| Lordly || {{LV}} || || ||
Line 622 ⟶ 625:
| Malicious || {{LV}} || || ||
| Manganese || {{HV}} || Slag Comb (30%)<div> Manganese Comb (15%)<div> ''S:Iron Comb (5%)'' || Hot/Arid || Purified Manganese Ore, Purified Iron Ore, Tin Dust (%)
* Manganese, Iron, Tin
Line 676 ⟶ 679:
| Naquadah || || Naquadah || || NqOM, Nq+OM
| Naquadria || <ref name="mutatron"/> || Slag Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Naquadah Comb (20%)''<div>''S:Naquadria Comb (15%)'' || || Nq*OM, NqOM, Nq+OM
| Natural || {{LV}} || || ||
Line 712 ⟶ 715:
| Oily || {{LV}} || Oily || || Oily Propolis (Oil)
| Olivine || {{LV}} || Stone Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Olivine Comb (15%)''<div>''S:Magnesium Comb (5%)'' || ||
| Orange || {{LV}} || || ||
Line 744 ⟶ 747:
| Pluto || <ref name="mutatron"/> || Pluto || || Pluto Stone Dust, Pluto Ice Dust, Thorium, Uranium 238, Black Plutonium, Red Garnet, Yellow Garnet, NqOM, Plutonium 239, Ledox
| Plutonium || || Slag Comb (30%)<div>Lead Comb (15%)<div> ''S:Plutonium Comb (15%)'' || || Silver
| Porcine || {{LV}} || || ||
Line 766 ⟶ 769:
| Purple || {{LV}} || || ||
| Pyrotheum || {{HV}} || Energy Comb (20%)<div> ''S:Pyrotheum Comb (15%)'' || || Hot Coolant Drop (20%), Burning Propolis (30%), Energium Dust (50%), Blaze Powder (25%), Pyrotheum Dust (20%). Can be bred at LVMV, but requires HV for processing Pyrotheum Combs.
*IC2 Coolant, Fire Infused Dust, Fire Shard, Blazing Pyrotheum, Coal Dust, Redstone
Line 780 ⟶ 783:
| Red Alloy || || Redalloy Comb || ||
| Red Garnet || {{LV}} || Stone Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Redgarnet Comb (15%)''<div>''S:Pyrope Comb (5%)'' || ||
| Red || {{LV}} || || ||
| Redstone || {{LV}} || Stone Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Redstone Comb (15%)''<div>''S:Rareearth Comb (15%)'' || || Rare Earth 1, 2, 3, etc
| Redstone Alloy || || Redstonealloy || ||
| Refined || {{LV}} || Oily Comb (10%)<div> ''S:Petroleum Comb (4%)'' || || Oily Propolis (Oil), Petrolium Propolis (Fuel)
| Rejuvenating || {{LV}} || || ||
Line 808 ⟶ 811:
| Rooted || {{LV}} || || ||
| Ruby (GTNH) || {{LV}} || Stone Comb (30%)<div>Ruby Comb (15%)<div>Redgarnet Comb (5%) || || Aluminium Hydroxide, Chrome, Vanadium
| Ruby (ExB) || {{LV}} || Ruby Comb || || Ruby Fragment
Line 822 ⟶ 825:
| Salis Mundus || || Salismundus || ||
| Salt || {{MV}} || Slag Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Salt Comb (35%)''<div> ''S:Lithium Comb (5%)''<div> ''S:Borax Dust (10%)'' || Warm/Arid ||
* Salt, Rock Salt, Borax, Lithium, Saltpeter
Line 829 ⟶ 832:
| Sandwich || {{LV}} || Seedy || || Nutdew (Seed Oil)
| Sapphire (GTNH) || {{LV}} || Stone Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Sapphire Comb (15%)'' || ||
| Sapphire (ExB) || {{LV}} || Rocky Comb (20%)<div> ''S:Sapphire Comb (3%)'' || || Sapphire Fragment
| Saturn || <ref name="mutatron"/> || Saturn || || Enceladus Snow Dust, Titan Stone Dust, Chrome, Iridium Metal Residue, Rarest Metal Residue, Mysterious Crystal, Trinium, NqOM, Nitrogen, Nickel, Emerald, Gallium, Methane
Line 927 ⟶ 930:
| Sunnarium || {{EV}} || || ||
| Supernatural || {{LV}} || Otherworldy Comb (25%)<div> ''S:Unusual Pollen (8%)'' || Normal/Normal || * Liquid DNA
| Sweetened || {{LV}} || || ||
Line 947 ⟶ 950:
| Thauminite || || Thauminite || ||
| Thaumium Dust || || Stringy Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Thaumiumdust Comb (20%)'' || ||
| Thorium || || Thorium* || ||
Line 955 ⟶ 958:
| Timely || {{LV}} || || ||
| Tin || {{LV}} || TinSlag Comb (30%)<div>SlagTin Comb (15%)<div> ''S:Zinc Comb (5%)'' || Normal/Normal || Purified Zinc Ore, Gallium Dust (%), Zirconium (%),
| Tipsy || {{LV}} || || || Limited availability to around New Years.
Line 985 ⟶ 988:
| Unknownwater || || || ||
| Unstable (GTNH) || || Unstable Comb (20%)<div> ''S:Divided Comb (12.5%)'' || || Chem: Diamond; Centrifuge: Semi-Stable Nugget, Diamond, Iron, Magic Wax Saltpeter
| Unstable (ExB) || {{LV}} || Barren Comb || || ||
Line 1,001 ⟶ 1,004:
| Valiant || {{St}} || || || Random % drop from scooping Forestry [[hive]]s.
| Valuable || {{LV}} || Rocky Comb (20%)<div> ''S:Platinum Comb (1%)'' || Normal/Normal || Platinum Grains. Notable for being a very early source of Platinum that requires no special processing.
Line 1,015 ⟶ 1,018:
| Venus || <ref name="mutatron"/> || Venus || || Venus Stone Dust, Carbon, Quantium, Mytryl, Amethyst, Mithril, Draconium, CO2
| Vibrant Alloy || || Parched Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Vibrantalloy Comb (15%)'' || Normal/Damp ||
| Vindictive || {{LV}} || || ||
Line 1,045 ⟶ 1,048:
| Wispy || {{LV}} || || ||
| Wither || || Wither Skeleton Bone Chip (20%)<div> ''S:Sparkling Comb (12.5%)'' || Normal/Normal || Chem:Purified Nether Star; Centrifuge: Dragon Egg Dust, Nether Star Dust, Magic WaxOre
* Wither Skull, Nether Star, Nether Star Dust
| Withering || {{LV}} || || ||
Line 1,053 ⟶ 1,058:
| Yellorium || {{LV}} || || ||
| Yellow || {{LV}} || Yellow&nbsp;Colored&nbsp;Comb&nbsp;30(30%) || Normal/Normal || Yellow Colored Honey Drop
*Yellow Dye
| Yellow Garnet || {{LV}} || Stone Comb (30%)<div> ''S:Yellowgarnet&nbsp;Comb&nbsp;(15%)''<div> ''S:Grossular Comb (5%)'' || Warm/Damp || Purified Soapstone, Purified Grossular Ore, Purified Yellow Garnet Ore, Calcium Dust(%), Andradite Dust(%), Uvarovite Dust(%)
* Grossular, Yellow Garnet, Calcium
Andradite, Uvarovite
| Zinc || {{LV}} || Slag Comb (30%)<div> Zinc Comb (15%)<div> ''S:Gallium Comb (5%)'' || Normal/Normal || Purified Zinc Ore, Purified Gallium Ore
* Zinc, Gallium


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