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Thaumcraft Research Cheatsheet: Difference between revisions

Line 3,026:
!Alchemical Incubation
|alchIncubation || 0 || P: alcheponics || Bestia, Ignis, Victus
!Golemancer's Bell
Line 3,065:
!Essentia Dynamo
|essentiaDynamo || 0 || P: visDynamo<div />Ph: INFUSION<div />Ph: VISPOWER<div />Ph: THAUMIUM || Auram, Aqua, Machina, Potentia
!Blood Alchemy
Line 3,071:
!Ethereal Shard
|etherealShard || 0 || P: shardTrans<div />Ph: INFUSION<div />Ph: VISPOWER || Auram, Potentia, Praecantatio, Vacuos
!Flesh Hardening
Line 3,089:
!Wand Focus: Liquefaction
|focusLiquefaction || 0 || P: focusIllumination<div />P: FOCUSEXCAVATION || Ignis, Metallum, Permutatio
!General Infusions
Line 3,122:
!Kirlian Lens
|lensAir || 0 || P: lensFire || Auram, Exanimis, Sensus, Victus
!Lens Case
Line 3,128:
!Evanescent Lens
|lensEarth || 0 || P: lensFire || Lux, Sensus, Vacuos
!Arcane Lenses
Line 3,134:
!Scholar's Lens
|lensOrderEntropy || 0 || P: lensFire || Cognitio, Praecantatio, Sensus
!Echo Lens
|lensWater || 0 || P: lensFire<div />P: ARCANEEAR || Permutatio, Sensus
!Primordial Fossils
Line 3,209:
|soulKnowledge || 2 || P: soulExtractor || Cognitio, Sano, Spiritus
!Spider Climb
Line 3,218:
!Thaumium Boat
|thaumiumBoat || 0 || P: greatwoodBoat<div />P: THAUMIUM || Ignis, Metallum, Praecantatio
!Transduction Amplifier
|transductionAmplifier || 2 || P: planarTheory || Alienis, Auram, Potentia, Vacuos
!Vis Dynamo
Line 3,233:
!Vortex Attenuation
|vortexStabilizer || 2 || P: planarTheory || Auram, Fames, Machina, Ordo, Potentia, Vinculum
!Warped Tumor


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