Stone Age: Difference between revisions

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== Goals ==
* [[#Starting_Location|Home Base]] - somewhere safe to live
* Home Base
* [[#Basic Farms|Basic Farms]] - food to avoid starving
* [[#Tinker's Tools|Tinker's Tools]] - shaping the world around you
* Tinkers' Tools
* [[#Prospecting & Mining|Prospecting & Mining]] - acquiring resources
* [[#Tinkers' Smeltery|Tinkers' Smeltery]] - more advanced processing
* [[#Coke Oven|Coke Oven]] - charcoal production
* [[#GregTech Iron Tools|Iron Tools]] - metal tools for crafting
* [[#Bronze|Bronze]] - the first alloy and gate to Steam Tier
* Bronze
== Starting Location ==
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== First Days ==
{{ombox |type=notice |smallimage=[[File:QuestbookIcon.png|40px]] |small=yes |textstyle= color: grey; text-align: center;|text= Rush the first few tasks until you get a torch or you'll be stuck in the dark.}}Fair warning, nights in GTNH are ''dark''. Gamma correction is disabled, on purpose, and you won't get a steady supply of torches until well into the game. And there are terrifying Infernal mobs that can do nasty things to you. Expect to wall yourself in a hole in the ground during the night until you get your first bed. Torches will be in short supply until your first [[Coke Oven]] when excess creosote, wool and sticks can make torches in quantity. (Tip: to have only a tiny bit of orientation in your absolute dark dirt shack, press F7 to know where the floor is). If you're lucky and find a coal vein, you can smelt the ore to make coal for torches. There is also a guide on the [[Questing Mechanics]]. Coal may drop from Small Coal Ore, but it's not a guarantee. One of the first quests offers five torches in exchange for wood, which you are strongly advised to pick.
Set up some [[Item Storage]] with Chests, [[JABBA]] barrels, and/or [[Storage Drawers]]. There are a ton of items to collect and getting organized early is key to a pleasant GT:NH experience. Choose your starting location with care because it becomes exponentially more difficult to move as more resources are gathered and infrastructure built.
Pick up any [[Garden]]s and berry bushes nearby. Hang onto a few of each garden and break extras for some early food. Do *not* jump or run unless necessary. Until food is renewable, hunger is a real problem. Build stairs up/down between your house and farm if they're not level as soon as possible, and between commonly traversed destinations.
Close combat with most mobs is likely to end in your death this early in the Stone Age. Avoid or cheese whatever you can, and run away from everything else. Many hostile mobs have dangerous abilities. Punji Sticks, Quicksand, Natura Berry Bushes or Cactus all make for good defensive barriers. Once you have a bed, sleep immediately as it turns to night (6:32pm). This will prevent hostile mobs from spawning and ruining your day. Make a Sleeping Bag for a portable bed that won't reset your spawn point.
Explore the immediate area around your base to ensure there aren't any environmental [[Hazard]]s. Two in particular to be wary of are Hungry Nodes and Tainted Lands. Hungry Nodes are invisible but manifest as a small localized area of block destruction. Approaching too close is lethal. Tainted Lands are dark purple and spread, slowly infecting and destroying any living things the Taint comes into contact with. Eerie biomes caused by Eldritch Obelisk's nodes and Stone Circles should also be given a wide berth, as they can spawn powerful mobs.
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Squids are easy to kill, respawn on their own, and drop calamari which can be cooked or eaten raw.
Plant a large plot of cotton after securing renewable food. You're going to need a ton of string for tannedTanned leatherLeather, backpacks[[Backpack]]s and a sleepingSleeping bagBag/beds. Place all of your Pam's gardensGardens that you don't have more than eight of on cleared dirt/grass around your base so they start spreading. Leave at least six blocks between gardens of the same type. Consider breaking Stalk Gardens to find some soybeans and plant a 9x9 cropland of that. Soybeans are one of the most versatile crops and process into Tofu for the Healing Axe quest.
Lure some cows, chickens, pigs and/or sheep into a pit or pen before slaughtering any extras. Passive mobs have a chance to [[explode]] on death if not killed with an appropriate tool, another reason they don't make for the best food supply.
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== Prospecting & Mining ==
Copper and Tin are going to be the first minerals requiring dedicated searching. Many players start with a nomadic lifestyle until they hit upon a copper or tin vein. Copper is used more often, but can show up in more ores (malachite and chalcopyrite). Tin is rarer; look for Cassiterite or Garnet sands. Cassiterite spawns high (y80-200) so it's best searched for in elevated areas like mesas or mountains. Iron is relatively plentiful, with many alternate sources. Make an [[Ore Finder Wand]] as soon as possible.
Other important [[resource]]s to make it into the [[Steam Age]] include Redstone, Calcite, Gold & Gypsum, so keep track of these if found. Redstone is a primary, while Calcite spawns rarely in Lapis veins, Gold spawns rarely with Magnetite, and Gypsum is found with both Basaltic and Granitic Mineral Sands. [[NEI]] has an excellent module for GT Ore Veins, showing composition, world type, scarcity and depth.
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== Smeltery ==
[[File:Smeltery.png|right|200px|frameless]]The [[Smeltery]] is one of the reasons for all the fuss about clay, sand and gravel. Crafting the Grout is tedious in Stone Age since there's no automation. Set up a temporary work camp near the water's edge with your gravel, sand, clay and a Crafting Table or Crafting Station. Crafting Stations keep their inventory, so the only thing that has to be placed each time is the bucket. A saw is needed to make one, or they can be appropriated from a Tinker's house in Villages. It's mentioned by the Quest Book but bears repeating: the Smeltery does ''not'' double ores in this pack. That ability is gated behind the Macerator, which you will gain access to in [[Steam Age|Steam]].
== Coke Oven ==
[[File:CokeOven.png|right|200px|frameless]]One of the first milestones is a [[Coke Oven]] for torches and charcoal. Massive quantities of charcoal are needed to make Steel later. The sooner you start on mass charcoal production, the better. The alternative is going mining for coal regularly.
The Coke Oven build is similar to the Smeltery; large quantities of sand and clay, shaped into bricks, cooked and assembled into blocks. Like the Smeltery, this process is best accomplished close to a water source to minimize trips for refilling buckets for the Crafting Station. While initially a single Coke Oven is enough to get a stable source of fuel and torches, most players are going to want multiples to keep their [[Bricked Blast Furnace]]s fed sooner rather than later.
==GregTech Iron Tools==
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Bronze is an alloy of Tin and Copper, easily mixed in a 1:3 ratio in a crafting grid. While both materials are abundant in [[Ore Generation|worldgen]], sometimes it can be difficult to locate a source of Tin. Tin is commonly found as Cassiterite Sand (Y50-Y60) or Cassiterite Ore (Y80-Y200), both of which like to spawn at high elevations. If Chalcopyrite Ore has been found, use a piece in your [[Ore Finder Wand]] to help locate a Vermiculite Vein, which contains Cassiterite as well. Sample ores can also be bought from the Quest Book in a pinch.
