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complete overhaul.
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'''Thaumcraft''' is the primary magic mod in GT:NH, which gates numerous others including [[Witchery]], [[Botania]], [[Blood Magic]], vanilla Potions/Enchanting/Beacons, Ender Chests/Tanks, the Bedrock dimension and more. It is based around studying alchemy, wandcraft, nodes and eldritch secrets, balancing the quest for knowledge against the consequences of forbidden arts. Starting Thaumcraft normally requires late [[LV]] for aluminium screws and access to the [[Twilight Forest]] for Shards and Naga Scales.
=== FirstBenefits Steps ===
Beyond unlocking other portions of the modpack, Thaumcraft offers useful tools and mechanics.
* Thaumic Restorer - Repairs durability for almost anything
* Rare Metal Duplication
* Boots of the Traveller - direct upgrade over [[Piston Boots]]
* Thaumostatic Harness - creative flight
* Wand Focus: Equal Trade - Swap blocks easily
* Wand Focus: Dislocation - move crops
* Hoe of Growth - 3x3 till, tick accelerate trees/crops not normally affected by bonemeal
* Warded Glass - virtually unbreakable
* Everfull Urn - Infinite Water, automatically fills Crucibles and Petal Apothecaries.
* Everburn Urn - Infinite Lava from Ignis [[#Centivis|Centivis]]
== First Steps ==
* Wand
** Thaumonomicon
** Arcane Worktable
** Thaumometer
** ResearchScribing TableTools
*** Research Table
There are two options for a first wand, which is needed to begin Thaumcraft. The standard path is making the Iron Capped Wooden Wand as the [[Quest Book]] suggests with "Your First Wand". The Quest Book doesn’t cover everything in Thaumcraft but provides a good guide towards what should be next. The second and more difficultrisky option is obtaining thea Profane Wand from aHeretica Heretic Villager Trade, as covered in the [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VF9HJPsaJasY_V_3OeJOX5RIRzGx5Xjfr-iBzzjfZGU/edit Stone Age Thaumcraft Guide], which gives [[#Warp|Warp]] when it recharges. The '''Thaumonomicon''' can be rarely looted from towers in villages, or crafted by right-clicking a Bookshelf with a wand. The '''Arcane Worktable''' is made similarly, with a Table instead of a Bookshelf. ''The Crafting Recipes in the Thaumonomicon are not to be trusted.'' Always check [[NEI]] for the correct recipes.
=== Arcane Worktable ===
The [[#Aspects|aspects]] that make up objects can be discovered using a '''Thaumometer'''. Not all objects are scannable, and sometimes scanning will be blocked until you have discovered aspects.
==== ResearchThaumonomicon ====
Change your GUI scale from Large to see more of the Thaumonomicon at once.
Scanning aspects gives points that can be used to unlock new research in the Research Table via a minigame. There are some custom [[#Aspects|aspects]] that are not needed for progression, but can be found on Galacticraft planets or combined in the Research Table directly by dropping one aspect over the other in the side storage area. Direct combination can be used to discover new aspects instead of scanning an item.
''The Crafting Recipes in the Thaumonomicon are not to be trusted.'' Always check [[NEI]] for the correct recipes.
=== WandsThaumometer ===
The [[#Aspects|aspects]] that make up objects can be scanned by using a '''Thaumometer'''. Not all objects are scannable, and sometimes scanning will be blocked until you have discovered aspects. The quest “quest_name” offers a list of items to scan, in order, to unlock aspects quickly. Some researches won't appear until you scan certain items in the world. For example, you must scan iron ingots to unlock Thaumium Ingots, and a torch to unlock Alumentum. Scan everything, including non-block items like Portals or entities. GT:NH includes an inventory scanning upgrade. Hold the Thaumometer over any item in an inventory to scan it without having to throw entities on the ground. Scanning aspects gives points that can be used to unlock new discoveries in the Research Table via a minigame.
With [https://discord.com/channels/181078474394566657/181078474394566657/790951713028702279 frugal 5 dislocation focus] on a wand, you can move crops around without having to hope for a chance at a seed drop.
=== Research ===
TODO: Add useful Thaumcraft stuff
Research requires Research Notes, Research Points, and the Research Table.
Research Points are obtained by scanning new things with the Thaumometer. The Research Table is two side-by-side Thaumcraft Tables, right-clicked with Scribing Tools. Research Notes are obtained from the Thaumonomicon, while having Scribing Tools and paper in the inventory. Important: any research marked Forbidden with a purple swirly effect will give normal and/or permanent [[#Warp|Warp]].
While most [[#Aspects|aspects]] can be discovered by scanning, there are some that are not needed for progression, but can be found on [[Galacticraft]] planets or combined in the Research Table directly by dropping one aspect over the other in the side storage area. Direct combination can be used to discover new aspects instead of scanning an item for any compound aspect.
Some stuff to add:
Place Research Notes and Scribing Tools in their respective slots in the Research Table to activate the minigame. Aspects must be placed in the hexagonal grid in such a way that all the initial symbols are linked together by aspects they share commonalities with. An aspect will connect to any other aspect it is made from, or can be combined to make. A completed Research Note becomes a Discovery, which can be right-clicked in hand to unlock a new section of the Thaumonomicon.
* Metal duping
* Good magic armors
* Dirt replication
* Wand foci
* Hoe of growth
* Infinite lava
==== ProgressionResearch TipsCompleter =====
You can do most alchemy recipes and some crafting recipes with a wooden wand, but infusion is locked until you can get stainless screws for the greatwood wand.
* [https://glowredman.github.io/tcresearch/ Research Helper] - ‘’’set for version and all add-ons enabled’’’
* [[Thaumcraft Research Cheatsheet]]
* [https://ftbwiki.org/Research_(Thaumcraft_4) Research - FTBwiki.org]
* [https://ftbwiki.org/Research_Notes Research Notes - FTBwiki.org]
== Wands ==
Using wands crafted from either impregnated sticks or iron caps will harm nodes if you pull too much vis.
*’’’Main Article: [[Thaumcraft Wands]]'''
Using wands crafted from either impregnated sticks or iron caps will harm nodes if you pull too much vis. You can do most alchemy recipes and some crafting recipes with a wooden wand, but infusion is locked until you can get stainless screws for the greatwood wand. After greatwood wands, you will need to build wands AND scepters to get the better wands.
With a frugal 5 dislocation focus + amber wand + 14% discount from gear you can use wand to move your crops around without bothering about seeds, and wand self recharges. Amber Wand Core is in the Thaumic Exploration tab, Wand Focus: Dislocation is in the Thaumic Tinkering tab. [https://discord.com/channels/181078474394566657/181078474394566657/790951713028702279 Crop Disclocation - Discord]
After greatwood wands, you will need to build wands AND scepters to get the better wands.
== Nodes ==
Change your GUI scale from Large to see more of the Thaumonomicon at once.
Nodes give off a small amount of light, so switching your [[Journeymap]] to night mode may allow you to identify them in areas you've explored. You can also use a Copter Pack to spot them from the air at night. Hives also give off a small amount of light, so it can be hard to tell from Journeymap alone.
Some researches won't appear until you scan certain items in the world. For example, you must scan iron ingots to unlock Thaumium Ingots. Scan EVERYTHING, including non-block items like Portals.
The Quest Pages for Thaumcraft do ''not'' walk you through everything, but provide a good guide on what you may want to do next.
The recipes in the Thaumonomicon are not guaranteed to be the actual gregified recipes. After researching something, look it up in NEI to see the real recipe cost.
If you don't want to solve the research minigame for the 100th time, you can use the [https://glowredman.github.io/tcresearch/ Thaumcraft Research Helper] (don't forget to enable the addons!) or use the Research Completer multiblock.
== Finding Nodes ==
Nodes give off a small amount of light, so switching your Journeymap to night mode may allow you to identify them in areas you've explored. You can also use a Copter Pack to spot them from the air at night. Hives also give off a small amount of light, so it can be hard to tell from Journeymap alone.
Nodes in different biomes tend to have aspects corresponding to their environment. For example, deserts have lots of Ignis-containing nodes.
Line 60 ⟶ 69:
Build a Nature's Compass and look for a Thaumcraft magical forest. The mushrooms there can be turned into vishrooms using alchemy that grant a little vis for every one you break.
Line 84 ⟶ 92:
* Vinculum (x1): throw in a spruce sapling to get amber. Requires Making Amber research in Thaumic Bases.
== WarpAppendix 1: Concepts ==
==== Aspects ====
Warp will randomly provide in-world effects depending on the amount you have. Low levels of warp are manageable and can be annoying, but aren't very harmful.
[[File:Aspects-GTNH.jpg|thumb|478x478px|All aspects, except custom GTNH aspects]]
These are elemental signs which describe all objects. Thre are six primal aspects; Ignis (fire), Aqua (water), Terra (earth), Aer (air), Perdito (chaos) and Ordo (order). Primal aspects combine to make more complex, compound aspects, which in combination with Primals are then assigned to every object based on its nature. Scanning objects with a Thaumometer gives research points equal to the aspects of the item scanned.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap" | List of Custom Aspects (spoilers).
! Aspect !! Combine
| Aequalitas || Cognito + Ordo
| Astrum || Lux + Primordium
| Gloria || Humanus + Iter
| Primordium || Vacous + Motus
|Alienis + Lucrum
| Vesania || Cognito + Vitium
=== Vis ===
This is the physical manifestation of aspects for using wand foci, charging wands, and magical crafting. Vis may be found by killing mobs (the other orbs that drop besides experience), drawing it from [[#Nodes|Nodes]] found in the world, or by breaking Primal Shrooms. Vis only exists as the six Primal aspects.
* [https://ftbwiki.org/Vis_(Thaumcraft_4) Vis - FTBWiki.org]
==== Centivis ====
Energized Nodes can produce Centivis, a type of Vis that is only used to power other magical devices within an eight block radius. It cannot recharge wands or be used as normal Vis.
* [https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Aura_Node_(Thaumcraft_4)#Energized_Nodes Energized Nodes - Thaumcraft 4 Wiki]
=== Nodes ===
These are nexuses of Vis power which can be found in the world. The aspects of a node are random. After scanning them with a Thaumometer, their location will be marked down in your '''Node Tracker''' (bound to "I" by default). A node will not be scannable if it contains undiscovered aspects. Late into your thaumaturgical study, you will learn ways to manipulate nodes - adding aspects, moving & merging them, and finding the true secrets behind them.
=== Essentia ===
Essentia are a liquid form of [[#Aspects|aspects]]. You can acquire them by burning items in an '''Alchemical Furnace''' to extract their component essentia. Liquid essentia may be stored in essentia jars, and later can interface with your AE2 system. Essentia are vital for alchemy, the Infusion Altar, and running certain machines, like the Lamp of Growth, Arcane Bore, or Thaumic Replicator.
* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Llvu91Vmn4RcCE__lKV8p_MIR9tiaV2URGbkombvlkE/htmlview Spreadsheet - good sources of Essentia]
=== Warp ===
Warp is one of Thaumcraft's consequence mechanics; it's acquired when learning Forbidden research in the Thaumonomicon (marked with a tooltip and purple fog) and when doing certain actions in world, like eating zombie brains. There are three types; Temporary, which fades with time, Normal, which can be removed with effort, and Permanent, which is permanent until very late in Thaumcraft progress and exceptionally hard to remove even then. Current Warp can be checked by using '''Arcane Litmus Paper''', or /checkwarp (if allowed on your server). '''Do not''' stack Warp without the means for dealing with it. It cannot be permanently removed before IV tech progression, so choose research options accordingly.
Warp will randomly provide in-world effects depending on the total amount of all types. Low levels of Warp are manageable and can be annoying, but aren't very harmful. Large amounts of warp can and WILL end a run if obtained too early on. (Unless capable of surviving random Wither boss spawns.) Some eldritch secrets cannot be understood without at least 50 warp. The Eldritch tab first unlocks at 30 warp, which gives access to Void Metal. Void Metal can also be acquired via [[Bees]].
Warp can be mitigated or eliminated, with effort. Pure Tear, Impure Tear, Soul Brazier, Warp Tumor, Santizing Soap, Bath Salts. Pure Tear can be rarely obtained from [[Enhanced Lootbags|lootbags]] but beware: using one will discharge all your Warp at once, causing death and destruction. Use well away from anything important and expect to perish.
* [[#Appendix 2: Warp Effects| Warp Effects]]
*[[InGame Info XML#Thaumcraft Warp| Display TC Warp with InGame Info XML]]
=== Flux ===
Large amounts of warp can and WILL end your run if you do it too early on. (Unless you can survive withers spawning in your base.)
Flux is the second of Thaumcraft’s consequence mechanics. Instead of affecting the player, Flux is released into the world as a gas or liquid. Touching either can inflict the Flux Flu debuff. Both can be destroyed by placing blocks in the space they occupy. Too much Flux from careless Thaumaturgy has a chance to create Fibrous Taint.
* [https://ftbwiki.org/Flux_(Thaumcraft_4) Flux - FTBwiki.org]
=== Taint ===
Some eldritch secrets cannot be understood without at least 50 warp. (The eldritch tab first unlocks at 30 warp, which gives access to void metal.)
Taint is the third, and most challenging negative mechanic. It can manifest as Fibrous Taint, Tainted Soil or Crusted Taint, which will slowly convert the local [[biome]] to Tainted Land any any nodes into Tainted nodes, which will also spread more Fibrous Taint. Taint can infest any living block or entity, slowly spreading across the landscape and stopped only by void, bedrock and water. Do not allow Tainted Land to remain in render distance as it will continuously spread while loaded.
* [https://ftbwiki.org/Fibrous_Taint Fibrous Taint - FTBwiki.org]
If you would like to know most of the warp effects, you can be spoiled here:
== Appendix 2: Warp Effects ==
Warning: Contains Spoilers
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap" | WarpTheory Effects (spoilers).
Line 385 ⟶ 443:
|Spawns a wither.
You can eliminate all warp with a Pure Tear, which can sometimes be obtained from a lootbag.
BEWARE: it will discharge all warp at once, so be far from your base and be prepared to commit die (may not stop it on some servers, in which case you have to wait it out).
(TODO: Add soul brazier, warp tumor, soaps, baths, impure tear, etc.)
You can edit a file to make warp always displayed on your InGameInfo.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
|+ style=white-space:nowrap | In Game Info XML to see Warp (cheats).
| config/InGameInfo.xml || Add the following after line 139 (for or just after the '''</line>''' closing '''lightfeet'''
<nowiki> <line>
<str> $fWarp: $e{tcwarptotal}$f</str>
<str> ($e{tcwarpperm}$f / $e{tcwarptemp}$f / $e{tcwarpsticky}$f)</str>
== Where is X research? ==
[[Thaumcraft Research Cheatsheet]]
TODO: Add some commonly asked research locations
== Appendix 1: Concepts ==
==== Aspects ====
[[File:Aspects-GTNH.jpg|thumb|478x478px|All aspects, except custom GTNH aspects]]
These are elemental signs which describe all objects. Ignis represents fire, Aqua represents water, and so on. Thre are six primal aspects; Ignis, Aqua, Terra, Aer, Perdito and Ordo. Primal aspects combine to make more complex, compound aspects. Scanning objects with a Thaumometer gives research points equal to the aspects of the item scanned.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap" | List of Custom Aspects (spoilers).
! Aspect !! Combine
| Aequalitas || Cognito + Ordo
| Astrum || Lux + Primordium
| Gloria || Humanus + Iter
| Primordium || Vacous + Motus
|Alienis + Lucrum
| Vesania || Cognito + Vitium
==== Vis ====
This is the physical manifestation of aspects used for powering wands, magical crafting, using wand foci, and certain magical machines. Vis may be found by killing mobs (the other orbs that drop besides experience), drawing it from nodes found in the world, or by breaking Primal Shrooms.
==== Nodes ====
These are nexuses of Vis power which can be found in the world. The aspects of a node are random. After scanning them with a Thaumometer, their location will be marked down in your '''Node Tracker''' (bound to "I" by default). A node will not be scannable if it contains undiscovered aspects. Late into your thaumaturgical study, you will learn ways to manipulate nodes - adding aspects, moving & merging them, and finding the true secrets behind them.
==== Essentia ====
Essentia are a liquid form of aspects. You can acquire them by burning items in an '''Alchemical Furnace''' to extract their component essentia. Liquid essentia may be stored in essentia jars, and later can interface with your AE2 system. Essentia are vital for alchemy, the Infusion Altar, and running certain machines, like the Lamp of Growth, Arcane Bore, or Thaumic Replicator.
* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Llvu91Vmn4RcCE__lKV8p_MIR9tiaV2URGbkombvlkE/htmlview Spreadsheet - good sources of Essentia]
==== Warp ====
Warp is Thaumcraft's consequence mechanic; it's acquired when learning Forbidden research in the Thaumonomicon (marked with a tooltip and purple fog) and when doing certain actions in world, like eating zombie brains. There are three types; Temporary, which fades with time, Normal, which can be removed with effort, and Permanent, which is permanent until very late in Thaumcraft progress and exceptionally hard to remove even then. Current Warp can be checked by using '''Arcane Litmus Paper''', or /checkwarp (if allowed on your server). '''Do not''' stack Warp without the means for dealing with it. It cannot be permanently removed before IV tech progression, so choose research options accordingly.


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