From GT New Horizons
Revision as of 23:39, 18 May 2023 by Embri (talk | contribs) (adding more desired pages, taking off stuff that's done.)

This wiki is in need of contributors!

If you are going to copy anything from the FTB Gregtech wiki, please insert this notice where-ever relevant Template:FTB_Attribution.

These are not listed in any particular order. Please add to the list if you think of something that should be added.

  • GT Pipes/Covers - Can find most info about this here [1] (and more info in link above) [2] [3]
  • Category:GT_Covers All GT covers, both the ones covered at the FTB wiki and those special to GTNH (Like one or two, like the fluid filter cover).
  • Category:GT_Tools All GT tools, possibly splitting up GT Tools.
  • Blood Magic Altar additions/clean up
  • Galacticraft Oxygen setups, how to produce oxygen in space and what the player should bring with them. (probably in the form of a guide/tutorial, and include pictures)
  • Cleanup / updating of Category:Guides
  • All Multiblock Machines from GregTech and now GT++
  • Category:GT Multiblock Machines All GT and GT++ multiblocks
  • A page on Wallsharing and what blocks can and cannot be wallshared, as well as which multiblocks support wallsharing
  • Flight - all the things that let you glide or fly, organized by tier they become available, various pros/cons (such as wings requiring Mantle of the Raven to not die.) Glider/Copterpack/Coal Jetpack/Electric Jetpack/GraviChestPlate/Thaumic Harness/etc.
  • Teleportation - All the ways of getting from Point A to Point B, instantly or near instantly.
  • Transportation - Faster ways of getting around, that aren't teleport-y.
  • Magnets - the various magnet options in the pack. Item Dislocator, Botania Ring of Magnetization, Electromagnet (EnderIO), Mysterious Magnet (Magic Bees), any others.

- A basic guide, or a link to what sort of format/style is expected on the wiki for novice writers.

Metals/ore and how to get them/make them

Thanks to everyone who helps!