Backpack (Forestry)

From GT New Horizons
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Fourteen backpack icons of various colors.

Forestry's Backpacks, like their Backpack (Editted for ModdedNetwork) and Adventure Backpacks counterparts, expand the total number of things a player can carry at once. Unlike the others, Forestry's entry is notable for having predefined item types that go into each of its backpacks, built-in auto-pickup without any configuration necessary, and quick refill / deposit. These Backpacks are also technically the only ones available at the Stone Age, requiring leather, cotton, wood, and a variable third item depending on type.


Four dark forest green backpack icons. The first has no additional decoration, the second has a dark gold padlock, the third a neon green up arrow, the fourth a yellow down arrow.
Modes - Normal, Locked, Receiving, Resupply


With the exception of Apiarist and Lepidopterist, each Forestry backpack comes in two sizes. The basic version has fifteen slots, and the upgraded version forty five. Upgrading any of the backpacks requires a Carpenter and Woven Silk, which is only made by Bees. Silky Combs can be collected from wild-caught Tropical Bees cycling in a Bee House or Apiary (beware their Poison effect) or generated with the Escritore mini-game and a Silky Comb producing bee.


Can't upgrade your backpack?

The Forestry Carpenter is picky about metadata, to the point where it won't accept previously used backpacks. Pop an empty backpack into a crafting grid to refresh it and fix the problem.

Backpack Types

  • Apiarist
  • Lepidopterist
  • Miner
  • Digger
  • Forester
  • Hunter
  • Adventurer
  • Builder