
From GT New Horizons
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A Resource is a raw or semi-processed material used for crafting and refining. GTNH has hundreds of materials, many of which are gated to specific technology tiers. Most resources also have multiple methods of acquisition, which may also be gated to certain tiers. Most raw resources come from mining, pumping, bees, or crops. Other options include Void Miners, Space Elevators, and Meteor Rituals.



Thaumcraft Duplication

Many metal type resources can be duplicated with Thaumcraft. This requires Taboo researches, but effectively makes many rare metals renewable. At least one nugget is required to get the process started, and it can be automated using a Thaumatorium.

XP Buckets

A number of early game materials can be traded for XP, via 1-9 XP Buckets in the crafting grid. Buckets are not consumed. Notable options include Redstone, Gypsum, Calcite, Sulfur, Quartz Sand & Glass Dust, Raw Rubber, Obsidian Dust, Arsenic and Gallium. While expensive, trading XP can be used to avoid early Nether trips or make up for bad luck in finding a specific ore vein. Trading XP requires iron bucket(s), a XP Drain and some form of tank, available in early Steam Age.

Material Source[1] XP[2] Bee[3] Crop[4] TC[5] Meteor
Arsenic LV - Realgar (Nether small ore), Kobold drop (Twilight Forest)
MV - Cobaltite (EBF)
EV - Mars Arsenic Vein
Yes Arsenic Nickelback * Yes Yes
Gallium LV - Sphalerite & Zinc byproduct (%), Redcap/Redcap Sapper drop (Twilight Forest)
HV - Bauxite byproduct (%)
EV+ - Planetary Stone Dust (%)
Yes Zinc Galvania * Yes Yes
  1. Any entry marked (%) is a percentage chance, not a guaranteed source.
  2. Can be traded for with XP Bucket(s)
  3. Bee species that can produce the resource.
  4. Crops marked with * are multipliers to another resource that can yield this one.
  5. Nugget can be duplicated with Thaumcraft, using essentia.