
Revision as of 04:31, 28 June 2024 by Karpandsmeargle (talk | contribs) (Major rewrite)

The Rocket is a vehicle added by the Galacticraft mod that enables travel to different planets. These planets often contain ore veins and underground fluid veins which are inaccessible in other dimensions and are required for Tier progression.

A Tier 1 Rocket, on launch pad

Rocket Tiers

Rocket Tier Tier Destinations
T1 HV Moon
T2 EV Deimos, Mars, Phobos
T3 IV Asteroids, Callisto, Ceres, Europa, Ganymede, Ross128b
T4 IV Io, Mercury, Venus
T5 LuV Enceladus, Miranda, Oberon, Titan, Ross128ba
T6 ZPM Proteus, Triton
T7 UV Haumea, Kuiper Belt, Makemake, Pluto
T8 UHV Barnard C, Barnard E, Barnard F, Alpha Centauri Bb, T Ceti E, Vega B
T9 UEV Horus, Maahes, Anubis, Neper, Seth, Mehen Belt

The T9 planets require a Mothership and Shuttle Rockets to travel to.


The Better Questing quest tab for rockets, "Space Race", unlocks upon completing the IV Circuits and HV Assembling Machine quests in the HV quest tab. It contains the progression for rocket tiers, space survival systems, and rocket fuels, starting with a quest to craft the NASA Workbench.

Crafting a Tier 1 Rocket

NASA Workbench

The NASA Workbench is used to make rockets and other Galacticraft vehicles. Notable crafting components used to make the NASA Workbench include an HV Assembling Machine, 2 IV Circuits, 3 EV Circuits, Energetic Alloy frame boxes, and 6 Nether Star Plates (requiring 9 Nether Stars for a Block of Nether Star).

Implosion Compressor

The Implosion Compressor is required to craft Galacticraft compressed metal plates, which are used in rockets and oxygen systems.

Storage Rockets

In the T1 Rocket craft, there is an optional slot below the rocket control computer to add a copper, iron, or gold chest into (these recipes are also available in NEI). This will add storage space to the rocket, but it will not be detected by the T1 Rocket quest in the Space Race tab. These can be converted to the normal rocket in a crafting grid.

Space Travel

Building Launchpad

The Rocket requires rocket fuel and a launch pad to launch.

  • A launch pad is formed by placing a 3x3 square on the ground of Galacticraft Launch Pads. Right click to place a rocket on the launch pad.
  • A Galacticraft Fuel Loader can be placed next to the launch pad. It requires 91 EU/s to run. Once a rocket is placed on the launch pad, the Fuel Loader will pipe fuel from its tank into the rocket. A Fuel Loader can be filled with Galacticraft Liquid Canisters or piped in through a tank. Cells will be consumed by the fuel loader. All tiers of rocket hold enough fuel capacity for at least one round trip.

Rocket Controls

  • Interact with the rocket to enter it
  • Interact again or sneak to leave it
  • While on the rocket, press space to ignite the rocket and begin a launch; begins a 20-second countdown to launch, which cannot be cancelled.
  • By default, the key to view the inventory/fuel of the rocket is unbound. It can be found as the "Open Spaceship Inventory" key in the Minecraft Controls menu.
  • WASD to steer the rocket while it is flying.

Launch Process

During the 20-second ignition period, the rocket produces 10 pollution/sec and will begin to shake and emit white smoke particles. After the launch begins, the launchpads will break, and the rocket will fly straight up without player steering. While the rocket is flying, it will produce 1000 pollution/sec. A GUI indicator on the left side of the screen will display the rocket's height relative to the world. If the rocket hits any blocks, it will stall and waste fuel, requiring player steering. If a rocket runs out of fuel while launching, it will explode.

Upon reaching maximum height (y~1100 for the overworld), the player will be transported away from their current dimension and be shown a catalog of solar systems and planets. Clicking on a planet allows the player to build a Space Station there or launch there as the destination on the upper right hand side. Clicking on the planet again will zoom in on it and display its moons and space stations, which can also be launched to. The tier requirement of a launch is listed on the top of the screen; insufficient tier requirements prevent selecting a planet as a destination.

Upon selecting a destination, the destination will be loaded in, and the player will descend riding some form of a Lunar Lander (Parachute, Lunar Lander, Landing Balloons, etc.). For the Moon, the player must press space to expend fuel and slow down the Lunar Lander to a descent rate slower than -20m/s to prevent an explosive crash landing. Upon landing, the player can exit the Lander by sneaking. The Lunar Lander will hold the rocket (with its fuel) and launchpads, used for a return flight. Punch to break it like a boat.

Departure Checklist

  • Equipment
    • All your oxygen gear - 3 light tanks at least, 4 recommended, for trips from your moon base.
      • Moon monsters can occasionally drop extra tanks
    • Night Vision
      • The nights are LONG and dark; each phase of the moon lasts an overworld day; new moon marks the start of the night and full moon marks the start of the day. The Without Dying... quest tab has options, including the Bat Adventure Backpack, Night Vision Goggles, EnderIO Dark Steel Armor, or Thaumcraft Goggles of Revealing
    • At least 16 stacks of light sources (more if you do not use automated miners)
      • Galacticraft glowstone torches or other non-vanilla torch light source
      • Ztones lamps are also good
    • Food - Healing Axe or ~8 stacks of Tin Cans
    • Weapons (A sword to break webs inside the dungeon)
    • Repair materials
    • Tool station
    • Good armor, you'll have to go into the dungeon there at some point
    • Armor repair
    • Movement options (Mantle of the Raven, Coal Jetpack, Electric Jetpack, Copter, Hang Glider, Boots of the Traveller)
    • Enough fuel to run miners and jetpacks
    • Witchery Waystones
  • Base components
    • An oxygen collector
    • An oxygen compressor
    • Some oxygen tubes to get the oxygen from the collector to the compressor
      • Note that if you bring LOX you will still need an oxygen collector/compressor to transfer it to your tanks
    • A couple stacks of sheared leaves, to collect oxygen
    • A power source
      • Galacticraft machines use TINY amounts of power, just bring a couple fully-charged large lithium batteries and you'll be fine for a LONG damn time
    • Storage
      • Compressed chests are good for bringing back loot, or get lots of backpacks.
      • Also bring some throwaway chests for garbage loot you might want to bring back later.
    • Oxygen bubble distributor, if you intend to set up a long-term base there
    • Glowstone torches, HV monster repellator to keep 40 block radius around moon base clear (even without power), or a magnum torch
  • Mining outpost components
    • MV miner
      • Better to bring HV - covers more area, and also can recharge your nanosuit!
      • Don't forget: generator, chunk loader, mining pipes, output chests.
      • Stop when they hit a vein or reach Y 50, collect small meteoric iron
    • Hand prospector or seismic prospector + incidentals. Digging on vein centers is so LV era!
  • Return trip
    • Parachute
    • A fuel loader and canisters of fuel, to get yourself back
    • A few cells of fuel-just in case. Bring a few empty ones to empty the extra fuel out of your rocket.
    • Plenty of storage to take all your ores and stuff back with you (Spectral Key is going to be gated with titanium) - Keep the tuft, dirt, and rock for centrifuging

Arrival checklist

  • Setup base with walls around landing location - will be same in the future.
  • Setup lighting and monster repellator/magnum torch. For the servers, you will need to light up the area. Make sure you keep any monsters well away from your launchpad! A lightning infernal *can* destroy your rocket!
  • Wall in an area large enough for a launchpad and other items like oxygen generators
  • Build up walls. Make sure you put an anti-spider overhang. Lunar spiders can jump pretty high!
  • Setup launchpad and fuel loader.
  • Extract fuel and rocket from your lander. Place the rocket in safe place - obsidian chest for example. You can place the fuel in your fuel loader.
  • Find and complete lunar dungeon. Pretty easy overall.
  • Locate and harvest minerals

Returning home checklist

  • Get at least 64 meteoric iron. Meteors hit the surface near players (anchors won't work). Find small meteoric iron ores between 50-70 height, mine manually or use an automated miner. You want at least enough for 64 meteoric iron for the T2 rocket. Medium air tanks take 21 meteoric iron apiece so if you want to upgrade, you will need at least another stack.
  • Harvest the titanium and chrome from at least 1 vein, maybe more.
  • Harvest bauxite and aluminium from at least 1 vein
  • Harvest some neodymium (Can also get it from rare earths so not super important)
  • Make sure you complete the dungeon quest appropriately. Dungeon blocks/key/blueprint/etc.

Tier 2+ Rockets

Entrance to a Moon Dungeon

The NASA Workbench requires new schematics to craft higher tiers of rockets. These schematics are found in dungeons on planets in tier order. Tier 2 rocket schematics, for example, can be found in the reward room of Moon Dungeons. Dungeon entrances are deep holes on the surface that have unnatural brick blocks on the bottom.

Higher tiers of rockets require different kinds of Rocket Fuels.

Rocket Fuels

Fuel Maximum Rocket Tier Infrastructure Requirements
Cetane-Boosted Diesel 2 Large Chemical Reactor or HV Mixer
RP-1 Rocket Fuel 2 Chemical Plant HV/Stainless Steel
Dense Hydrazine 4 Chemical Plant HV/Titanium
CN3H7O3 6 Chemical Plant HV/Tungstensteel
H8N4C2O4 9 Chemical Plant HV/Laurenium


  • In additional rocket fuels were added that could be made in the Large Chemical Reactor as an alternative to the rocket fuels made in the GT++ Chemical Plant. In their recipes were removed, but could still be used as rocket fuels. As of 2.6.1, they no longer appear in NEI and likely have been removed.
Fuel Maximum Rocket Tier
LMP-103S 4
Monomethlyhydrazine Fuel Mix 6
Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine Fuel Mix 8
  • Natura clouds used to be enabled in Overworld generation which could block rockets.

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