Discord Commands

From GT New Horizons
Revision as of 19:49, 22 June 2023 by Embri (talk | contribs) (greginator, official spreadsheet)

A list of useful bang commands for GT:NH's Discord channel; Invite

Command Does
!boom Lists all the things that explode and why.
!brokenvp Visual Prospecting near spawn bug and how to fix it.
!clientside Link to the Client-side Mods wiki page.
!commands List of commands, including these. Only use in the #bot-commands channel.
!crash Prints a helpful list of information required to help with crashing launchers/games. (Logs, launcher, game state, etc.)
!curse Explanation of why CurseForge launcher isn't supported by GT:NH.
!crops Links to IC2 Crops List and Beedril's Crops Notes.
!cropswiki Wiki page for IC2 Crops.
!download Links to GT:NH downloads page.
!ebf Common EBF problems and their solutions.
!electricity Links to Electricity wiki page.
!enet Explanation of enet and why RF consumers might not be recognized on isolated EU systems.
!essentia Links to the Sources of Essentia Spreadsheet by OrderedSet.
!fastcraft Two options for fixing Fastcraft/Optifine conflicts.
!ftbu GitHub Install links for the GTNH forks of FTBUtilities and FTBLibrary.
!greginator Links to Divran's Greginator Tools]
!howto Displays an image of a huge nuclear explosion crater with the text "TRY TESTING IN CREATIVE"
!install Link to Installing and Migrating wiki page.
!multimc MultiMC download link and brief install instructions.
!nukes Links to Nuclear Reactors wiki page.
!oil Links to Oil wiki page.
!renewables Links to the Renewable Resources] spreadsheet.
!rslatch Displays an image of an RSLatch with a short explanation of parts / how to set up. Turns things on/off based on a low/high threshold, like generators.
!skyblock Link to the Garden of Grind document.
!rtfm Prints "Read the F*****g Manual!" with the Quest Book icon.
!simpsa Invite link for Sampsa's Discord
!spreadsheet Links to the Official Spreadsheet.
!stoneagethaum Links to the Stone Age Thaumcraft Guide.
!supported Links to the State of Mod Support spreadsheet.
!texturepacks Links to Textures wiki page.
!tips Links to Beginner Tips wiki page.
!tix Links to the GitHub issues page, and asks for a ticket to be added.
!tools Links to Tinker's Tools and GT Tools on the wiki.
!thaumhelp Links for Essentia Pipe Guide and Bit-By-Bit YouTube Playlist for Thaumcraft 4.
!tyrant Animated GIF of swapping NEI into Cheat Mode.
!research Links to the Thaumcraft Research Cheatsheet wiki page.
!speedrun Channel invite for GTNH Speedruns
!spreadsheet Links to the Official Spreadsheet
!wandinfo Links to the Wand Info Spreadsheet.
!wtf Links to the Commonly used acronyms and nicknames wiki page.