Quantum Computer

From GT New Horizons

The Quantum Computer is used together with the Research Station to progress further in the game. It is first required in UV-tier to obtain the Data Stick required for the UHV-Mainframe. As TecTech multiblocks, they come with support for Laser-Hatches and Power Pass. The general idea is that the Research Station requires both power and computation packets to scan an item into a Data Stick. The computation packets are generated by Quantum Computers and sent to the Research Station via Optical Fiber Cables.


For general construction use the Multiblock Structure Hologram Projector. Holding multiple projectors in one stack will display longer versions of the Quantum Computer.

The Quantum Computer has a variable size, ranging from 5 to 16 blocks long. When holding a single Multiblock Structure Hologram Projector, it will show the shortest version with only 2 Computer Racks, however the slice with the Computer Racks can be repeated up to 12 times for a total of 24 Computer Racks. It also needs an Uncertainty Resolver, a Maintenance Hatch, Energy Hatch, and Optical Master Connector to send computation packets to the Research Station. An Optical Slave Connector may also be attached to receive computation packets from other Quantum Computers as part of a chain. Only one Research Station is needed for any number of Quantum Computers. The Optical Connectors need to be connected with Optical Fiber Cables.

  • 1 Quantum Computer (First Slice, as shown)
  • 1 Uncertainty Resolver (Any Computer Casing on First or Last Slice)
  • 1 Maintenance Hatch (Any Computer Casing on First or Last Slice)
  • 1 Optical Master Connector (Any Computer Casing on First or Last Slice)
  • 0-1 Optical Slave Connector (Any Computer Casing on First or Last Slice)
  • 1+ Energy Hatches (Any Computer Casing on First or Last Slice)
  • 2-24 Computer Racks (Any Advanced Computer Casing on left half, except 2nd and 2nd to last slices)
  • 4-32 Advanced Computer Casings (As shown)
  • 17+ Computer Casings (As shown)
  • 6-28 Computer Heat Vent (As Shown)

By default, the Quantum Computer requires 1A UV + (1A UV per rack) to work. The power is constantly consumed regardless if anything is being researched so it is highly suggested to turn the multiblock off when not in use. An easy way to accomplish this is by attaching a wireless item detector cover to the object holder of the research station and have that turn on the quantum computer(s) via a wireless redstone receiver (internal) and machine control cover.

Uncertainty Resolver

After repairing any maintenance issues, the next step is to solve the puzzle in the Uncertainty Resolver. This is required for the machine to operate. The interface has a Schrödinger-Matrix in the middle as well as two sets of 8 buttons on the left and right. Clicking on one button and then another will switch the states of the two corresponding cells in the matrix. This means switching their blinking speed (in the basic Uncertainty Resolver) or their shade/color (in the Uncertainty Resolver X). The goal of the puzzle is to balance the states of the matrix around the glowing LED lights, turning all of them green.

Interface of the Uncertainty Resolver. The Schrödinger Status is OK because the two glowing LED lights are both green--the states of the cells around them are balanced.

The number of LED lights increases with the length of the quantum computer and reference a specific part of the matrix. The top-left LED looks at the four cells in the top-left corner while the center LED looks at the entire matrix, for example. The figure below can be used as a reference for balancing a matrix. The mode refers to the number of glowing LED lights and the numbers are the cells that should have the same or very similar states. All 1's should have the same blinking pattern or shade/color as should all 2's and so on.

The five modes of the uncertainty resolver and which cells to balance in each.

Despite appearing as a maintenance issue, uncertainty resolvers CAN be wall-shared by multiple Quantum Computers. This means only one matrix needs to be solved for every four machines (at best), saving a bit of time and resources. The Uncertainty Resolver X is also significantly more stable than the basic version in that all cells tend towards the same state over time, essentially solving the puzzle itself and preventing future issues. The Uncertainty Resolution is even better because the matrix is perfectly balanced at all times regardless of when it was placed.

Computer Rack

Every rack has four total slots for either circuits (to generate heat and computation packets) or vents (to dissipate heat). This is functionally very similar to a Nuclear Reactor, except the location of the components in the rack does not matter at all. Every rack is also completely independent from every other rack which means it is not possible to have one rack with all circuits and another with all vents. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use the exact same setup for every rack.

Interface of the Computer Rack.

The computation of a rack is the sum of all the computations of the components within. For example, three Ultimate Crystal Computers and an Advanced Heat Vent generate a total of 26 + 26 + 26 + 0 = 78 computation per second. More computation is always better because faster scanning of items into Data Sticks by the Research Station will save both time and power. The power consumption and computation of racks can be increased with Overclocking and Overvolting. Note that Quantum Computers cannot wall-share an optical master connector to sum their computations together.

The heat of a rack is a value between 0 and 10,000 and is reported in the interface of the Quantum Computer. The portable scanner can also return the heat level but does so as a percent out of 10,000. Every component has a certain heat limit which if exceeded will void that component. Breaking or wrenching a rack while it is hot (thermometer is lit) similarly voids the components inside. Every component also comes with a heat factor and heat coefficient which are used to calculate how much heat is added to the rack every second. Unfortunately, these values are not obvious and the math is rather complicated. Therefore, use this script to see where the heat will converge as well as other important information regarding your setup.

Tier Circuit Computation Heat Limit Heat Factor Heat coefficient
UXV Quantum Circuit 128 9000 48 -0.60
UMV Pico Circuit 64 8500 40 -0.50
UIV Nano circuit 48 8000 35 -0.45
UEV Bio Mainframe 40 6000 28 -0.40
UHV Bioware Supercomputer 42 6200 30 -0.40
Wetware Mainframe 38 6000 25 -0.40
UV Biowareprocessor Assembly 40 5900 26 -0.35
Wetware Supercomputer 35 5700 22 -0.30
Crystalprocessor Mainframe 30 5500 18 -0.35
ZPM Bioprocessor 34 5800 20 -0.35
Wetwareprocessor Assembly 30 5600 18 -0.30
Ultimate Crystalcomputer 26 5400 16 -0.30
Quantumprocessor Mainframe 22 5200 14 -0.30
LuV Wetwareprocessor 24 5300 15 -0.30
Crystalprocessor Assembly 20 5400 14 -0.25
Master Quantumcomputer 16 5100 13 -0.20
Nanoprocessor Mainframe 16 5000 12 -0.20
Other High Energy Flow Circuit 24 10000 16 -0.25
Graphics Card T3 130 4500 111 -0.30
CPU T3 374 4500 241 -0.20
APU T3 606 4500 398 -0.20
APU Creative 1590 9000 1006 -0.30

Vent Heat Limit Heat Factor Heat Coefficient
Heat Vent 1000 -1 10
Reactor Heat Vent 2500 -1 20
Overclocked Heat Vent 5000 -1 40
Advanced Heat Vent 10000 -1 80

Stable Setups

Here are a few stable combinations of circuits and vents (last tested on GTNH 2.6.0) that should maximize computation depending on your available resources. Note that the current best setup is available to you as soon as you build your first Quantum Computer. The computation here is per rack which means a full length Quantum Computer can produce up to 27,456 computation per second at a cost of 3,774,873 EU/t (7.2A UV).

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 Component 4 Overclock Overvolt Computation/s
Graphics Card T3 Advanced Heat Vent Advanced Heat Vent Advanced Heat Vent 1.05 1.07 136
Graphics Card T3 Graphics Card T3 Advanced Heat Vent Advanced Heat Vent 0.71 0.80 184
CPU T3 CPU T3 Advanced Heat Vent Advanced Heat Vent 0.47 0.80 351
APU T3 APU T3 Advanced Heat Vent Advanced Heat Vent 0.36 0.80 436
APU Creative Advanced Heat Vent Advanced Heat Vent Advanced Heat Vent 0.62 0.80 985
APU Creative APU Creative Advanced Heat Vent Advanced Heat Vent 0.36 0.80 1,144

Overclock and Overvolt

The Quantum Computer features two additional configurable parameters, Overclock and Overvolt, to significantly change both the computation and power consumption of each rack. By default, both are set to 1 but can easily be changed in the interface of the Quantum Computer (LED buttons). The total power consumption of the Quantum Computer can be modeled as follows where 524,288 = 1A UV

Computation is slightly more complicated. At best, it will follow this relationship, but that assumes no packet loss (which requires a certain Overvolt to Overclock ratio).

A good rule of thumb is to follow the equation provided. Sample calculations are in the table below. If the Overvolt is any lower than these values, there will be packet loss and the Quantum Computer will be spending more power for significantly less performance. If the Overvolt is any higher than these values, you are wasting power without any boost to computation. Below 1.0, this relationship is no longer true and Overvolt should be greater than or equal to Overclock.

Overclock Overvolt Power Multiplier
0.80 0.80 0.64x
1.00 1.00 1.00x
1.50 1.75 2.63x
2.00 2.50 5.00x
2.50 3.25 8.13x
3.00 4.00 12.00x

Note that reducing Overclock and/or Overvolt below 1.0 actually reduces the power consumption quite nicely, but there is a limit. An Overvolt below 0.8 will start to drop packets and an Overvolt below 0.7 will drop all packets.

WARNING: Changing either Overclock or Overvolt will also have an impact on heat, as represented by the simplification below. The actual math is quite complicated so just use the script to guarantee the safety of an untested Quantum Computer setup.

Happy Computing! To report a bug or have a suggestion, please leave a comment on the GitHub repo linked with the script! ~Fòx