Resource: Difference between revisions

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Embri (talk | contribs)
m Manganese
Embri (talk | contribs)
m double tag
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| Magnetite || Crop - Ferru Leaf(*)<div/> TC - Cluster
| Magnetite || Crop - Ferru Leaf(*)<div/> TC - Cluster
| Manganese || Bee - Manganese, D-O-B<div/> Crop - Pyrolusium Leaf(*)<div/> TC - Cluster, Nugget<div/> {{LV}} - Pyrolusite, Spessartine, Tantalite Ore (% byproduct), Pyrolusite, Tantalite, Spessartine Dust (Electrolyzer)<div/> {{MV}} - Explorer Coins (Quest Book), Tantalite (Electrolyzer)<div/> {{EV}} - Scheelite, Tungstate Ore (Mars/Deimos, % byproduct), UU-Matter (Replicator)<div/> {{IV}} - Manganese Ore (Europa)<div/> {{ZPM}} - {{ZPM}} - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Circuit Assembler VI)<div/> {{LuV}}? - Pyrope, Spessartine Froth (Utupu-Tanuri)
| Manganese || Bee - Manganese, D-O-B<div/> Crop - Pyrolusium Leaf(*)<div/> TC - Cluster, Nugget<div/> {{LV}} - Pyrolusite, Spessartine, Tantalite Ore (% byproduct), Pyrolusite, Tantalite, Spessartine Dust (Electrolyzer)<div/> {{MV}} - Explorer Coins (Quest Book), Tantalite (Electrolyzer)<div/> {{EV}} - Scheelite, Tungstate Ore (Mars/Deimos, % byproduct), UU-Matter (Replicator)<div/> {{IV}} - Manganese Ore (Europa)<div/> {{ZPM}} - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Circuit Assembler VI)<div/> {{LuV}}? - Pyrope, Spessartine Froth (Utupu-Tanuri)
| Manyullyn || TC - Cluster, Nugget
| Manyullyn || TC - Cluster, Nugget

Revision as of 07:09, 2 January 2024

Very incomplete table - this page isn't a useful reference yet! Embri (talk) 22:17, 6 December 2023 (UTC)

A Resource is a raw or semi-processed material used for crafting and refining. GTNH has hundreds of materials, many of which are gated to specific technology tiers. Most resources also have multiple methods of acquisition, which may also be gated to certain tiers. Most raw resources come from mining, pumping, bees, or crops. Other options include Void Miners, Space Elevators, and Meteor Rituals.


Bees are a main renewable resource choice, closely followed by crops. Unlike crops, they scale well into the late game and can create a much wider range of resources, but require a significant investment of time and infrastructure before becoming profitable. Bee species are listed in the table who either directly make a resource or produce something that can be processed into said resource. The Combs page lists processing paths for combs, of which there are often multiple. Bees make few resources directly, it should be assumed that further refinement is likely necessary and many bee resources are a percentage chance. Acquiring most bee species requires a block of the material to get the initial mutation.


Crops are the second mainstream renewable resource option. Many mods add growable resource plants, the primary option being IC2 Crops and its dependents. Thaumcraft add-ons, ProjectRed, Natura, Pam's HarvestCraft, vanilla, and Witchery all have resource genreation via plants. Any entry listed with (*) is an ore multiplier for that resource, rather than creating it directly. Like bees, IC2 crops are often percentage chance drops per harvest. IndustrialCraft2 items are marked with (IC2) if they share a name.


Many metals and a few other resources can be duplicated with Thaumcraft. This requires Taboo researches, but effectively makes many rare metals renewable. At least one nugget is required to get the process started in the Cauldron, or it can be automated using a Thaumatorium. Thaumcraft items are marked with (TC) if they share a name. Native Clusters are transmuted from ore blocks.

XP Buckets

A number of early game materials can be traded for XP, via 1-9 XP Buckets in the crafting grid. Buckets are not consumed. Notable options include Redstone, Gypsum, Calcite, Sulfur, Quartz Sand & Glass Dust, Raw Rubber, Obsidian Dust, Arsenic and Gallium. While expensive, trading XP can be used to avoid early Nether trips or make up for bad luck in finding a specific ore vein. Trading XP requires iron bucket(s), a XP Drain and some form of tank, available in early Steam Age.

Resource Table

Most resources have more sources than what is listed on the table below, which has been limited to methods that are at least semi-reasonable options for their tier. For example, water is a byproduct of many Electrolyzer and Chemical Reactor recipes, but it's unlikely any player is going to set those up just for water production. Any entry marked (%) is a percentage chance, not a guaranteed source.

To add: Lootgames, Loot Table Chests, Roguelike Dungeons, Enhanced Lootbags, Infernal Mobs Drops, Eye of Harmony, Space Mining, Scrapbox, Witchery resources, rainbow cacti (which dyes?), Botania flower stuff, Thaumcraft Warp effects (WIP) Transition TC, Bee Species and Crops to relevant tiers; has to be done after all material sources are in, since gating is contingent on sourcing. Minimum MV for TC first wand/Cauldron and BM Meteors, LV for bee breeding. Crops (?)

  • Any entry marked (%) is a percentage chance, not a guaranteed source. All bees and crops are % drops by default.
  • (% byproduct) means the resource is a percentage chance from ore processing with multiple paths / machines.
  • Crops marked with (*) are multipliers to another resource that can yield this one.
Material Source
Adamantium TC - Cluster, Nugget
Argon TC - Cluster, Nugget
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Air Shard Bee - D-O-B
Alduorite TC - Cluster, Nugget
Almandine TC - Cluster
Alumina MV - Tanzanite, Lazurite, Glauconite, Zeolite Dusts (Electrolyzer), Green Sapphire, Sapphire, Ruby Dusts (EBF)
HV - Aluminium Hydroxide, Sodium Aluminate (EBF)
Aluminium Bee - Aluminium, Emerald, D-O-B
Crop - Aluminum Oreberry, Bauxia Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster, Nugget
St - Aluminum Gravel Ore, XP Bucket (Crafting)
S - Farmer Coins (Oreberry, Quest Book)
LV - Kobold, Slime Beetle (ingot, Twilight Forest)
MV - Almandine, Bauxite, Cryolite, Emerald, Grossular, Jade, Kaolinite, Pyrope, Sodalite, Spessartine, Spodumene, Red Granite, Ruby, Zeolite Dusts (Electrolyzer), Alumina + Cryolite/Carbon (EBF, ingot)
HV - Aluminium Ore (Moon), Blacksmith Coins (Quest Book)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator), Meteor Ritual (Emitter (HV))
IV Meteor Ritual (Advanced Mass Fabricator II)
ZPM Meteor Ritual (Advanced Circuit Assembler IV)
Alunite TC - Cluster
Amber TC - Cluster
Americium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Amethyst TC - Cluster
Andesite Crop - Gray Stonelilly
Andradite TC - Cluster
Dolomite Vein (Overworld, rare)
LV - Yellow Garnet (Centrifuge), Calcite, Yellow Garnet Ores (%, byproduct)
Angmallen TC - Cluster, Nugget
Annealed Copper HV - Technician Coins (Quest Book)
Antimony TC - Cluster, Nugget
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Apatite Crop - Fertilia
TC - Cluster
Ardite Crop - Ardite Berry
TC - Cluster, Nugget
Arsenic Bee - Arsenic
Crop - Nickelback Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster, Nugget
St - XP Bucket (Crafting)
LV - Realgar Small Ore (Nether), Kobold drop (Twilight Forest)
MV - Cobaltite (EBF)
EV - Arsenic Vein (Mars), UU-Matter (Replicator), Meteor Ritual (Emitter (HV))
IV - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Mass Fabricator II)
Asbestos TC - Cluster
Atlarus TC - Cluster, Nugget
Balanced Shard Redcap Sapper drop
Bee - D-O-B
TC - Primal Shard, Salis Mundus
Banded Iron Crop - Ferru Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
Barite TC - Cluster
Barium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Basalt Bee - Any Stone Comb(%)[1]
Crop - Black Stonelilly
S - Basaltic Mineral Sand (dust, %), Basalt Dust (Compressor)
LV - Sky Stone Dust (%), Basaltic Mineral Sand (Centrifuge)
MV - Andesite (Alchemy Catalyst), Meteor Ritual (TNT, Pufferfish)
Basaltic Mineral Sand TC - Cluster
LV - Sky Stone Dust (Centrifuge, %)
Bastnasite Crop - Platina Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
HV - Bastnasite Ore (Moon)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Emitter (HV), Sensor (HV))
IV - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Mass Fabricator II)
Battery Alloy TC - Nugget
Bauxite Bee - Aluminium
Crop - Bauxia Leaf(*), Titania Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
S - Aluminum Ore Gravel (Centrifuge, %)
HV - Aluminium Ore (Moon, %), Bauxite Ore (Moon), Aluminium Ore/Gravel (Pulverizer, %)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Emitter (HV))
IV - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Mass Fabricator II)
Bedrockium TC - Cluster, Nugget
HV Quadruple Compressed Cobblestone + Diamond block (Assembler)
UHV - Small Bedrockium Ore (Barnard F)
UEV? - Neutronium Vein (Anubis/Horus)
UIV? - Excited Dimensionally Transcendent Crude Catalyst + Molten Steel (DTPF)
Bentonite TC - Cluster
Beryllium Crop - Bobs-Yer-Uncle-Berry(*)
TC - Cluster, Nugget
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Bismuth TC - Cluster, Nugget
S - Bismuth Small Ore (Nether)
EV - Bismuth Ore (Mars), UU-Matter (Replicator), Meteor Ritual (Emitter (HV))
Black Granite Bee - Any Stone Comb(%)[1]
Any Slag Comb(%)[2]
Crop - Black Stonelilly
World Generation
S - Granitic Mineral Sand (byproduct, %)
LV - Black Granite Dust > Plate > Block, Abyssal Stone (Chisel)
EV Meteor Ritual (Emitter (LV), Sensor (LV), Exquisite Diamond, Firestone Lens, TNT)
LuV - Meteor Ritual (Field Generator (IV))
Black Plutonium Crop - Space Flower(*)
LuV - Meteor Ritual (Elite Mass Fabricator II)
ZPM Small Black Plutonium Ore (Triton)
UV - Plutonium 241 + UU-Matter + Space Flower (LCR), Black Plutonium Vein (Makemake/Pluto)
UHV? - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Crop Synthesizer VII)
UEV? - Cosmic Neutronium Vein (Horus)
Blaze Powder Bee - Fiery, Ignis, Volcanic
Crop - Blazereed, Cinderpearl
TC - Blaze Rod
Fire Beetle, Inferno, Witch, Witch Spider drops, Blaze (Natural Shedding)
St - Blaze Rod
S - Blaze Rod (Pulverizer), Cinderpearl (Extractor), Fire Charge, Magma Cream (Centrifuge)
Blaze Rod Bee - Smouldering
Crop - Blazereed
TC - Blaze Powder
Blaze & Blaze variants, Fire Beetle drop
Blue Topaz TC - Cluster
Bone TC - Bone Meal
Skeleton & variants, Guardian Snowman, Dire Wolf, Fallen Knight, Skeleton Druid, Skeletal Horse, Twilight Lich, Death, Werewolf drops, Skeleton (Natural Shedding)
LV - Skeleton Head (Chemical Bath)
MV - Animal Trade (%, Polynesia Charm)
IV - Zhuhai Fishing Port (%)
Borax Bee - Salt
TC - Cluster
S - Rock Salt Ore (%), Salt Ore (%)
HV - Rock Salt Ore (Pulverizer, %)
IV - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Mass Fabricator II)
UV - Borax Ore (Pluto/MakeMake)
Boron MV - Borax (Electrolyzer)
IV - BartWorks ores (ross128a)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
LuV - BartWorks ores (ross128ba)
Brass TC - Nugget
MV - Technician Coins (Quest Book)
Brick Dust St - XP Bucket (Crafting)
Bronze TC - Nugget
MV - Technician Coins (Quest Book)
EV - Pahoehoe Lava (%, Thermal Boiler)
Brown Limonite Crop - Ferru Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
Cactus Crop - Eating Plant, Cactus (IC2, vanilla)
World Generation (Deserts)
MV - Animal Trade (%, Polynesia Charm)
Cadmium TC - Cluster
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Caesium TC - Cluster, Nugget
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Calcite Bee - Any Stone Comb(%)[1]
Crop - White Stonelilly, Gray Stonelilly, Red Stonelilly, Black Stonelilly, Fertilia
TC - Cluster
St - Calcite Ore (World Generation)
S - Hardened Dirt (Pulverizer %), XP Bucket (Crafting), Stone + Blacksmith Coins (Quest Book)
LV - Marble, Redrock, Basalt, Lapis Lazuli Dusts (Centrifuge), Fertilizer (Electrolyzer)
MV - Grossular, Almandine, Pyrope, Pyrochlore, Spessartine Dusts (Centrifuge, %)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Emitter (LV), Sensor (LV), Field Generator (LV))
LuV - Water (Sifter, %)
ZPM - Grade 2 Purified Water (Distillation Tower)
Calcium LV - Bone Meal, Quicklime (Electrolyzer), Tricalcium Phospate (Centrifuge)
MV - Andradite, Apatite, Calcite, Lazurite, Grossular, Gypsum, Pyrochlore, Uvarovite, Zeolite (Electrolyzer)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Calcium Disilicide TC - Cluster
Calcium Hydride TC - Cluster
Californium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Callisto Ice Crop - Space Flower(*)
TC - Cluster, Nugget
IV - Crushed Ice + Space Flower + UU-Matter (LCR)
Carbon Bee - D-O-B
LV Hydro-Cracked fuels byproduct (Distillery), Graphite Ore byproduct (%), Rubber Wood (%), Dark Ashes (Centrifuge), Coal/Charocal/Lignite Coal/Diamond Dust, Fertilizer (Electrolyzer)
MV Sugar, Magnesite/Calcite/Amber/Graphite Dust, hydrocarbon fuels, Carbon Monoxide/Dioxide (Electrolyzer)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
IV Venus Stone Dust (Centrifuge)
Carmot TC - Cluster, Nugget
Carrot Crop - Carrot (IC2, vanilla)
Cassiterite Crop - Tine Twig(*)
TC - Cluster
Ore - Vermiculite, Cassitereite & Mica Veins (Overworld)
Sand - Garnettin Vein (Overworld)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Emitter (LV), Field Generator (LV), Cheese)
Celenegil TC - Cluster, Nugget
Cerium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Certus Quartz Bee - D-O-B
Crop - Evil Ore
TC - Cluster
MV - Technician Coins (Quest Book)
Ceruclase TC - Cluster, Nugget
Chad St - Sugar Canes (Mortar), Technician Coins (Quest Book)
Chalcopyrite Crop - Coppon Fiber(*)
TC - Cluster
Charcoal TC - Wood Log
Cheese TC - Cluster
Chlorine MV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Chrome Bee - D-O-B
TC - Cluster, Nugget
EV - Technician Coins (Quest Book), UU-Matter (Replicator)
Chromite TC - Cluster
Chrysotile TC - Cluster, Nugget
Cinderpearl Bee - Any Thaumic Flowers[3]
Crop - Cinderpearl[4]
S - Glow Flower Seed + Blaze Powder (Assembler)
Cinnabar TC - Cluster
Clay Bee - Clay, Earthen, Earthy, Sky Stone, River, Solum
TC - Clay
St - Harvest Clay blocks, Clay Dust + Water Bucket, Explorer Coins (Quest Book)
S - Mud Ball (Extractor)
LV - Clay Dust + Water (Mixer)
MV - Blood Magic (Alchemic Chemistry Set), Animal Trade (%, Polynesia Charm)
HV - Sand (Clayconia)
Clay Dust St - Clay, Hardened Clay (Mortar), XP Bucket (Crafting)
LV - Hardened Clay, Hardened Dirt (Pulverizer), Redrock Dust (Centrifuge), Dirt (Centrifuge, %)
LuV - Water (Sifter)
Coal Bee - Coal, D-O-B
Crop - Withereed, Starwart
TC - Cluster
Wither Skeleton drop (Nether)
St - Diamond, Coal, Lignite Veins (Overworld), Lignite Coal + Lignite Coal Dust + Explorer Coins (Quest Book)
LV - Netherrack Dust(%), Fire Charge (Centrifuge)
MV - Charcoal (Alchemic Chemistry Set)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Exquisite Diamond)
IV - Coal (Conjuration Catalyst)
Cobalt TC - Cluster, Nugget
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Cobalt Brass St - XP Bucket (Crafting)
Cobaltite Crop - Nickelback Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
Cocoa Crop - Cocoa (IC2, vanilla)
Coffee Coffee Seeds (IC2), Coffee Seed (Pam's HC), Coffee Sapling
Coin (TC) Thaumcraft Treasure Bags
Emerald (Wizard Villager Trade)
MV - Thaumcraft (Warp Effect)
Copper Bee - D-O-B
Crop - Cyprium, Copper Oreberry, Coppon, Coppon Fiber(*)
TC - Cluster, Nugget
Crimson Cleric, Crimson Knight, Pech Forager, Tainted Villager drops
St - XP Bucket (Crafting)
S - Farmer Coins (Oreberry, Quest Book)
MV - Technician Coins (Quest Book), EV - Lava (%, Thermal Boiler), UU-Matter (Replicator)
Cotton TC - Cotton
St - Farmer Coins (Quest Book), hoe grass blocks away from water (Natura seeds), Textile Garden (Pam's HC seeds)
Creosote Bee - Tarry
St - Any recipe (Coke Oven) Sawdust (Fluid Extractor)
LV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
MV - Coal, Wood - (Pyrolyze Oven)
HV - Wood Tar (Distillation Tower), Coal, Wood (Industrial Coke Oven)
Cryolite TC - Cluster
Cupronickel TC - Nugget
HV - Technician Coins (Quest Book)
Cyan Dye Crop - Cyazint
Damascus Steel MV - Blacksmith Coins (Quest Book)
Dark Iron TC - Cluster, Nugget
Deep Iron Crop - Space Flower(*)
ZPM - Meteoric Iron + Space Flower + UU-Matter (LCR)
Desh Crop - Space Flower(*)
HV - Titanium + Space Flower + UU-Matter (LCR)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Diamond Bee - Diamond (GTNH), Diamond (ExB), Unstable, Diamand, D-O-B
Crop - Diareed
TC - Cluster
Diamond Ore (Abyssal Geode World Generation, %), Diamond Ore (Diamond Vein), Diamond Small Ore (Overworld)
LV - Redcap, Redcap Sapper drop (Twilight Forest), Flawed Diamond (Implosion Compressor)
MV - Flawed Diamond (Precision Laser Engraver), Pig Trade (%, Polynesia Charm)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Exquisite Diamond, Firestone Lens)
Diatomite TC - Cluster
Dilithium TC - Cluster
Diorite Crop - White Stonelilly
MV - Basalt (Alchemy Catalyst)
Dirt St - Saplings + Sand + Rotten Flesh, Dirt Creeper drop
S - Bio Chaff (Pulverizer)
Dolomite TC - Cluster
Dragon Heart Ender Dragon, Chaos Guardian drop
HV - Survivor Coins (Quest Book)
Dreamwood IV - Clean Stainless Steel Machine Casing (Elven Trade), Alfheim Bee (effect)
Duralumin TC - Cluster, Nugget
Dysprosium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Earth Shard Bee - D-O-B
Egg Bee - Leporine, Poultry
St - Chicken (Natural Shedding), Cook Coins (Quest Book)
MV - Thaumcraft (Warp Effect)
Electrotine TC - Cluster
Electrum TC - Nugget
HV - Technician Coins (Quest Book)
EV - Pahoehoe Lava (%, Thermal Boiler)
Emerald Bee - Emerald (GTNH), Emerald (ExB), Esmeraldi
Crop - Bobsyeruncleranks, Bobs-Yer-Uncle-Berry(*)
TC - Cluster
Emerald Ore (Abyssal Geode World Generation, %)
Villager (Natural Shedding, trading)
S - Emerald Ore (Nether)
LV - Emerald Small Ore (Twilight Forest)
MV Pig Trade (%, Polynesia Charm)
HV - Technician Coins (Flawless, Quest Book)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Firestone Lens, Advanced Replicator, Advanced Circuit Assembler)
Emery TC - Cluster
Ender Pearl Bee - Flux, Quantum
Crop - Enderbloom
Enderman & variants, Ender Creeper, Eldritch Crab, Twilight Lich drop
S - Liquid Ender (Smeltery)
LV - Ender Fragment, Enderpearl Dust (Autoclave, %), Enderman Head (Chemical Bath)
MV - Ghast Tear (Alchemy Catalyst)
HV - Technician Coins (Quest Book)
Enderman Head Bee - Endermanhead
Enderman drop
EV - Survivor Coins (Quest Book)
IV - Enderman Propolis (%, Fluid Extractor)
Endstone Crop - Stargatium, Yellow Stonelilly, Ender Sapling
Energetic Alloy Bee - D-O-B
Entropy Shard Bee - D-O-B
Erbium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Ethanol HV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
Europium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Eximite TC - Cluster, Nugget
Eye of Ender Crop - Enderbloom
Evolved Enderman rare drop
Trade with Priest Villager
HV - Blaze Powder + Ender Pearl (Chemical Reactor)
EV - Technician Coins (Quest Book)
Fertilizer (IC2) Bee - Fertilizer
Crop - Fertilia
Spider Eye + Rotten Flesh + Dirt + Explorer & Farmer Coins (Quest Book)
LV - Dirt + Wood Pulp + Sand + Water (Mixer), Fermented Biomass (Distillery)
MV Darkwood log/sapling/leaf, Potash Apple (Extractor)
Firestone TC - Cluster
Fire Shard Bee - D-O-B
Fish Crop - Meatrose
Fishing Silverfish, Fishing Zombie, Helmet Crab drop
IV - Zhuhai Fishing Port (%)
Flerovium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Flint St - Gravel (Crafting), XP Bucket (dust, Crafting)
LV - Sky Stone Dust (Centrifuge, %)
MV - Animal Trade (%, Polynesia Charm)
Fluorine EV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book), UU-Matter (Replicator)
Fluix Bee - D-O-B
EV - Technician Coins (Quest Book)
Force Bee - Force
Crop - Force
TC - Nugget
EV - Force Comb (Chemical Plant)
Forcicium TC - Cluster
Forcillium TC - Cluster
Fullers Earth TC - Cluster
Gadolinium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Galena TC - Cluster
Gallium Bee - Zinc
Crop - Galvania Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster, Nugget
St - XP Bucket (Crafting)
S - Sphalerite & Zinc byproduct (%)
LV - Redcap/Redcap Sapper drop (Twilight Forest)
HV - Bauxite byproduct (%)
EV+ - Planetary Stone Dusts (%)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
LuV - Meteor Ritual (Field Generator (IV))
ZPM - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Circuit Assembler VI)
Garnet Sand TC - Cluster
Garnierite TC - Cluster
Gelainous Slime Bee - Slimeball
Crop - Slimy Sapling
Slime Beetle, Blue Slime drops
LV - Slimy Sapling, Congealed Blue Slime (Extractor), Slimy Mud (Centrifuge)
Ghast Tear Crop - Tearstalks
Ghast (Natural Shedding)
Glass S - Explorer Coins (Quest Book)
Glass Dust St - XP Bucket (Crafting)
Glauconite TC - Cluster
Glowstone Bee - Glowering, Demonic, Glowstone, Sunnarium
Crop - Glow Flower, Glowflower, Glowing Earth Coral, Glowheat, Glowshroom (any), Glieonia Seed
TC - Glowstone Dust
Witch & variants, Witch Spider, Twilight Wraith drop
S - World Generation (Nether), Glowing Coral, Glow Flower, Glowflower, Glowheat, or Glowshroom (Extractor)
MV - Redstone (Alchemy Catalyst), Witchery (Distillery)
HV - Cinnabar, Redstone Ores (byproduct, %), dust & UUM (Arcane Infusion)
IV - Glowstone Dust (Conjuration Catalyst)
Gold Bee - Copper, Gold, Glittering, D-O-B
Crop - Gold Oreberry, Aurelia Leaf(*), Lucrite Seeds, Golden Oak
TC - Cluster, Nugget
St - Gold Vein (World Generation), XP Bucket (Crafting), LV - Magnetite + Aurelia Leaf (Chem.Reactor), Netherrack Dust, Copper & Magnetite Ores (Centrifuge, %), Chalcopyrite + Mercury (Chem.Bath, %), Basaltic Mineral Sand (Electromagnetic Separator, %), Farmer Coins (Oreberry, Quest Book)
MV - Glowstone Dust (Centrifuge), Animal Trade (%, Polynesia Charm)
EV - Lava (%, Thermal Boiler), Technician Coins (Quest Book), UU-Matter (Replicator), Meteor Ritual (Emitter (LV), Advanced Circuit Assembler II)
Granite Crop - Red Stonelilly
MV - Diorite (Alchemy Catalyst)
Graphite TC - Cluster
Granitic Mineral Sand TC - Cluster
Green Sapphire Bee - D-O-B
TC - Cluster
Grossular Crop - Pyrolusium Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
Manganese Vein (World Generation
LV - Yellow Garnet (Centrifuge), Bauxite, Yellow Garnet (%, byproduct)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Replicator, Advanced Circuit Assembler II)
Gunpowder Bee - Batty, Crumbling, Austere, Creepy, Chaotic, Shadow Metal
Crop - Creeperweed
TC - Gunpowder
Creeper & variants, Ghast & variants, Witch & variants, Spectral Bat, Blackberry Slime, Cursed Enderman, Gatling Skeleton, Hellfire, Firebat, Fire Beetle drops
S - Carbon/Coal + Sulfur + Saltpeter (Crafting)
LV - Creeper Head (Chemical Bath), Fire Charge (Centrifuge)
MV - Blood Magic (Alchemic Chemistry Set), Botania (Alchemy Catalyst), Fusewood (Extractor)
Gypsum TC - Cluster
S - Hardened Dirt (Pulverizer %)
Haderoth TC - Cluster, Nugget
Hafnium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Heavy Fuel MV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
Helium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Hepatizon TC - Cluster, Nugget
Holmium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Hops Crop - Hops Seeds
Hydrogen MV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Ichorium TC - Crafting
LuV - Shadow Metal + Magic Essence + UU-Matter (LCR)
Indium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
IV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
Ink Sac Bee - Stainted, Watery, Somnolent, Dreaming, Aqua
Crop - Blackthorn
TC - Ink Sac
Squid, Blackberry Slime, Blinding Enderman, Blinding Silverfish, Ninja Skeleton, Witch of Shadows drop, Squid (Natural Shedding)
St - Fishing Rod (%)
S - Fish Catcher (%)
IV - Zhuhai Fishing Port (%)
Ilmenite TC - Cluster
Crop - Titania Leaf(*)
Infuscolium TC - Cluster, Nugget
Inolashite TC - Cluster, Nugget
Invar TC - Nugget
Iodine EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Iridium Bee - Platinum, Iridium
Crop - Quantaria Leaf(*)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Iridium Metal Residue Dust Bee - D-O-B
Iron Bee - D-O-B
Crop - Ferru Leaf(*), Iron Oreberry, Metalmeat Seeds
TC - Cluster, Nugget
St - XP Bucket (Crafting)
S - Farmer Coins (Oreberry, Quest Book)
MV Technician Coins (Quest Book), Animal Trade (%, Polynesia Charm)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Iron III Chloride MV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
Jade TC - Cluster
Jasper TC - Cluster
Kaolinite TC - Cluster
Knightmetal Crop - Knightly Oreberry
Krypton EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Kyanite TC - Cluster
Lanthanum EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Lapis Lazuli Bee - D-O-B
Crop - Lazulia (dust), Lazullia Seeds
TC - Cluster
Lazurite TC - Cluster
St - Lazurite Ore (Lapis Vein)
S - Sodalite, Lapis, Lazurite (byproduct, %)
LV - Lapis dust (Centrifuge)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Firestone Lens, Field Generator (LV))
IV - Europa Ice dust (Centrifuge)
Lead Bee - D-O-B
Crop - Plumbilia Leaf(*), Argentia Leaf(*), Plumbiscus
TC - Cluster, Nugget
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Leather Bee - Beefy, Neighsayer
Crop - Corium
TC - Rotten Flesh
Cow, Horse, Mooshroom, Armor Creeper, Desert Spider, Wild Deer, Werewolf drop
Cow Trophy (once per day)
St - XP Bucket (Crafting), Survivor Coins (Quest Book)
S - Imp Leather + String (Crafting)
LV - Zombie Head (Chemical Bath, %)
MV - Blood Magic (Alchemic Chemistry Set), Botania (Alchemy Catalyst), Cow Trophy (Assembler)
IV - Zhuhai Fishing Port (%)
Ledox Crop - Space Flower(*)
TC - Cluster, Nugget
IV - Space Flower + Lead + UU-Matter (LCR)
Lepidolite TC - Cluster
Light Fuel MV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
Lignite Bee - D-O-B
St - Coal + Coal Dust + Explorer Coins (Quest Book)
Lithium Crop - Scheelinium Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster, Nugget
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Livingrock Bee - Alfheim (effect)
LV - stone (Pure Daisy)
Livingwood Bee - Alfheim (effect)
LV - log (Pure Daisy)
Lubricant MV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
Lutetium EV - Fuel Rod - Depleted Thorium (Thermal Centrifuge), UU-Matter (Replicator)
LuV? - Monazite Froth (Utupu-Tanuri)
ZPM - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Circuit Assembler VI)
UHV? - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Crop Synthesizer VII)
Malachite Crop - Coppon Fiber(*)
TC - Cluster
Magical Essence Crop - Magical Nightshade
MV - Primordial Pearl (Pulverizer), Salis Mundus + UU-Matter (Autoclave, %)
Magnesite TC - Cluster LV Olivine Vein (Twilight Forest)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Circuit Assembler II)
Magnesium Bee - Olivine, Chrome
TC - Cluster, Nugget
LV - Marble Dust (Centrifuge), Magnesia (Electrolyzer), Olivine, Pyrope, Magnesite Ores (%, byproduct)
MV Ruby or Sapphire Juice, Ilmenite Slag, Spessartine + Nitric Acid, Milk, Mars Stone (%, Centrifuge), Magnesite, Ruby, Olivine, Dolomite, Obsidian, Asbestos, Soapstone, Talc, Pyrope, Biotite, Fullers Earth, Glauconite, Bentonite (Electrolyzer)
HV Asbestos, Bentonite, Fullers Earth, Vermiculite Ores (%, byproduct)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator), Almandine or Pyrope Froth (Vacuum Furnace)
Magnetite Crop - Ferru Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
Manganese Bee - Manganese, D-O-B
Crop - Pyrolusium Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster, Nugget
LV - Pyrolusite, Spessartine, Tantalite Ore (% byproduct), Pyrolusite, Tantalite, Spessartine Dust (Electrolyzer)
MV - Explorer Coins (Quest Book), Tantalite (Electrolyzer)
EV - Scheelite, Tungstate Ore (Mars/Deimos, % byproduct), UU-Matter (Replicator)
IV - Manganese Ore (Europa)
ZPM - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Circuit Assembler VI)
LuV? - Pyrope, Spessartine Froth (Utupu-Tanuri)
Manyullyn TC - Cluster, Nugget
Marble Bee - Any Stone Comb(%)[1]
Crop - White Stonelilly
World Generation (Overworld)
S - Quarried Stone (Chisel)
HV - Marble ores (byproduct, %)
EV - Meteor Ritual via Quarried Stone (Cheese, TNT, Sanitizing Soap)
Mica Bee - Mica
Crop - Micadia Twig(*)
TC - Cluster
Mica Vein (Overworld)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Emitter (LV), Sensor (LV), Field Generator (LV), Cheese, Nether Star)
Melon Bee - Big Bad
Crop - Melon Seeds (IC2, vanilla)
TC - Melon Seeds
Watermelon Slime drop
Pam's Tropical Garden
MV - Carrot (Alchemy Catalyst)
Mercury (Quicksilver) Bee - Quicksilver
Crop - Shimmerleaf (IC2, TC)
TC - Cinnabar Cluster
LV - Quicksilver (Fluid Extractor), Shimmerleaf (Extractor), Cinnabar, Redstone Dust (Centrifuge)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator), Meteor Ritual (Sensor (LV), Field Generator (LV), Sanitizing Soap, Advanced Replicator)
IV - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Mass Fabricator II)
Meteoric Iron Crop - Ferru Leaf(*), Space Flower(*)
TC - Cluster, Nugget
HV - Iron + Space Flower + UU-Matter (LCR)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Meteoric Steel HV - Steel + Space Flower + UU-Matter (LCR)
Methane MV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
Meutoite TC - Cluster
Mirabilite TC - Cluster
Mithril TC - Cluster, Nugget
Molybdenum Bee - Tungsten
TC - Cluster, Nugget
S - Molybdenum Vein (Nether)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator), Meteor Ritual (Sensor (HV), Advanced Circuit Assembler II)
IV - Chrome Vein (Europa)
Molybdenite TC - Cluster
S - Molybdenum Vein (Neither)
Monazite TC - Cluster
Mud Ball Bee - Clay
St - Harvest Mud blocks, Dirt + Water
LV - Dirt + Water (Mixer)
Mushroom Crop - Brown Mushroom (IC2, vanilla)
MV - Pig Trade (%, Polynesia Charm)
Mysterious Crystal ZPM - Crystal Matrix + Space Flower + UU-Matter (LCR)
Mytryl TC - Cluster, Nugget
IV - Space Flower + Magic Essence + Platinum + Metoric Iron + UU-Matter (LCR)
Naptha MV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
Naquadah Bee - Naquada, Naquadria
Crop - Stargatium Leaf(*)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator), Meteor Ritual (Advanced Circuit Assembler II)
LuV - Meteor Ritual (Field Generator (IV), Elite Mass Fabricator II)
ZPM - Meteor Ritual (Crystalprocessor Mainframe)
UHV? - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Crop Synthesizer VII)
Naquadah Oxide Bee - D-O-B
Naquadria Bee - Naquadria
Crop - Stargatium Leaf(*)
Neodymium Crop - Platina Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster, Nugget
EV - Technician Coins (Quest Book), UU-Matter (Replicator)
Neon EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Nether Quartz Crop - Evil Ore
Nether Sapling
TC - Cluster
Nether Star Bee - Wither
Crop - Starwart
TC - Cluster
Nether Wart Crop - Nether Wart (IC2, vanilla)
S - Nether Fortress, Quest Book reward
MV - Blaze Rod (Alchemy Catalyst), Witch's Cauldron
Netherrack Crop - Nether Stonelilly, Nether Sapling
World Generation (Nether)
S - Nether Quartz Ore, Nether Ore (byproduct, %)
MV - Quest reward
IV - Netherrack (Conjuration Catalyst)
Neutronium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Nickel Bee - D-O-B
Crop - Nickelback Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster, Nugget
St - XP Bucket (Crafting)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Niobium LV - Tantalite Ore (% byproduct)
MV Pyrochlore Dust (Electrolyzer)
HV Pyrolusite, Pyrochlore Ore (% byproduct)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator), Illmenite Slag Dust (% Centrifuge)
LuV - Meteor Ritual (Elite Mass Fabricator II)
ZPM Niobium Vein (Triton), Triton Stone Dust (% Centrifuge), Meteor Ritual (Advanced Circuit Assembler VI)
UV - MakeMake Stone Dust (% Centrifuge)
UHV - Barnarda E, Barnarda F Stone Dusts (% Centrifuge)
Niter TC - Cluster
Nitrogen MV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Obsidian Bee - Shadowed, Darkened, Abyssal
Crop - Ender Sapling
St - XP Bucket (dust, Crafting), Chisel to remove mining requirement (World Generation)
S - Andesite (%, Pulverizer)
LV - Sky Stone Dust, Impure Flint Dust (Centrifuge, %), Redstone (Rock Breaker), Lava (Fluid Solidifier) dust > ingots > block (Extruder/Compressor)
MV - Water + Lava (Alchemic Chemistry Set)
HV - Perlite Dust (Moon, Centrifuge)
EV - Lava, Pahoehoe Lava (%, Thermal Boiler)
Oganesson EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Oil Bee - Oily, Refined, Oil, D-O-B
Crop - Oilberries
LV - Pump from BC Oil spout
MV - Drilling Rig, Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
Oilsands TC - Cluster
Oilsands Vein (Overworld)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Sensor (LV), Field Generator (LV))
Olivine Bee - D-O-B
Crop - Olivia
TC - Cluster
LV - Sky Stone Dust (Centrifuge, %)
Opal TC - Cluster
Order Shard Bee - D-O-B
Orichalcum TC - Cluster, Nugget
Oriharukon Crop - Space Flower(*)
HV - Bismuth + Space Flower + UU-Matter (LCR)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Osmium Bee - Iridium, Osmium
Crop - Quantaria Leaf(*)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
IV - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Scanner)
LuV - Osmium Vein (Enceladus/Miranda/Oberon/Titan)
Oureclase TC - Cluster, Nugget
Oxygen MV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Palladium Crop - Platina Leaf(*)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Paper Bee - Pupil, Scholarly, >Savant
Crop - Papyrus, Paperbark Sapling Ninja Skeleton, Death Tome drop
S - Wood Pulp/Chad (Crafting)
LV - Wood Pulp/Chad (Chemical Bath)
MV - Sugar Canes (Alchemic Chemistry Set)
Pentlandite TC - Cluster
Perlite TC - Cluster
HV - Ilmenite Vein (Moon)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Sensor (HV))
IV - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Mass Fabricator II)
Phosphate TC - Cluster
Crop - Fertilia
Phosporous EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Pig Iron TC - Cluster, Nugget
Pitchblende TC - Cluster
Crop - Reactoria Leaf(*), Uranium Leaf(*)
Plantball Bee - D-O-B
Platinum Crop - Platina Leaf(*)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Platinum Metallic Powder Dust Bee - D-O-B
Plutonium 239 Crop - Trollplant
HV Uranium 238 (% Centrifuge)
EV - Phobos Stone Dust (Centrifuge, %), UU-Matter (Replicator)
UV Pluto Ice Dust (Centrifuge, %)
ZPM Proteus Stone Dust (Centrifuge, %)
Plutonium 241 Crop - Trollplant
Pollucite TC - Cluster
Potassium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Powellite Crop - Nickelback Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
Praseodymium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Primordial Pearl Crop - Primordial Berry
Eldritch Dimension boss mob drops
Old Urns, Abandoned Crates, Rare Treasure loot (tiny %)
Inert Pearl Fragment + Nether Shard + Ender Shard + Ichorium + Aurora Block + Eldritch Eye (Arcane Infusion)
Prometheum TC - Cluster, Nugget
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Pulsating Iron Bee - D-O-B
Pumice TC - Cluster
Pyrite TC - Cluster
Ferru Leaf(*)
Coppon Fiber(*)
Pyrochlore TC - Cluster
S - Explorer Coins (Quest Book)
Pyrolusite TC - Cluster
Crop - Pyrolusium Leaf(*)
Pyrope TC - Cluster
Quartz Sand TC - Cluster
St - XP Bucket (Crafting)
Quartzite TC - Cluster
Quicklime S - Hardened Dirt (Pulverizer %)
Radon EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Raw Silicon EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Rarest Metal Residue Dust Bee - D-O-B
Realgar TC - Cluster, Nugget
Red Alloy Bee - D-O-B
LV - Technician Coins (Quest Book)
Red Dye Bee - Red, Maroon
Crop - Rose (IC2, vanilla, BoP), Poppy, Red Tulip, Rose Bush, Red Deviating Lily
Roseter drop
St - Rose, Poppy, Red Tulip (crafting), Red Deviating Lily (World Generation)
S - Rose, Poppy, Red Tulip (Extractor), Red Mystical Flower/Petal (Pulverizer)
LV - Red Tinted Honey (Fluid Extractor/Squeezer)
Redstone Bee - Excited, Energetic, Ecstatic, Ordered, Thauminite, D-O-B
Crop - Redlon Seed, Glowing Coral, Glow Flower, Glowflower, Redwheat
TC - Cluster, Dust
Witch, Witch Spider, Jolt, Lemon Slime, Lightning Creeper, Lightning Enderman drop
St - Redstone Ore, Priest Villager trade, XP Bucket (Crafting)
S - Electrotine Ore (%)
LV - Cinnabar Ore (%), Netherrack Dust (Centrifuge, %)
MV - Glowstone Dust (Centrifuge)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Sensor (LV), Field Generator (LV), Advanced Replicator)
Refined Glue Bee - Slimeball, Sticky Resin
Crop - Stickreed, Slimeplant
LV - Congealed Slime, Congealed Blue Slime, Gelatinous Slime, Slimeball, Slimy Mud, Sticky Resin (Centrifuge), Chemist Coins (Quest Book), Glue (Distillery/Fluid Extractor)
Rhodium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Roasted Iron TC - Cluster
Roasted Nickel TC - Cluster
Rotten Flesh Bee - Brainy, Decaying
Crop - Corpseplant, Zomplant
Zombie & variants, Zombie Pigman & variants, Fallen Knight, Zombie Horse
LV - Zombie Head (Chemical Bath)
MV - Witches Hand (Witch's Cauldron)
IV - Zhuhai Fishing Port (%)
Rubber Bee - Elastic
S - Raw Rubber Dust + Sulfur (Alloy Smelter)
LV - Congealed Purple Slime (Centrifuge) -> Rubber Pulp (Extruder)
MV - Technician Coins (Quest Book)
Rubber Dust (raw) St - XP Buckets (Crafting)
Rare Earth LV - Sky Stone Dust (Centrifuge, %)
Red Granite Bee - Any Stone Comb(%)[1], Any Slag Comb(%)[2]
Crop - Red Stonelilly
S - Red Granite Ores (dust, %), Red Granite Dust > Plate (Compressor)
EV - Meteor Ritual (TNT)
Rock Salt Bee - Salt, Lithium
Crop - Salty Root
TC - Cluster
LV - Salty Root (Chemical Bath, %)
Rubidium TC - Cluster, Nugget
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Rubracium TC - Cluster, Nugget
Ruby Bee - D-O-B
TC - Cluster
Ruby (Fake/Spinel) Crop - Trollplant
Ruthenium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Rutile Crop - Titania Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
MV - Bauxite (Electrolyzer), Andradite (Centrifuge, %),
HV - Ilmenite Ore (Moon, EBF), Bauxite Processing (%)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Nether Star)
IV - Rutile Ore (Venus)
Salis Mundus Bee - Salis Mundus, Naga, Lich, Hydra, Ur-Ghast, Snowqueen
Crop - Magical Nightshade
TC - Salis Mundus
MV - Magic Essence (Extractor), Balanced Shard (Pulverizer), Infused Gold + Mercury (Centrifuge, %)
Salt Bee - Salt, Lithium
Crop - Salty Root
TC - Cluster
LV - Salty Root (Chemical Bath, %)
Saltpeter Bee - Salt, Lithium, Hazardous, Unstable
Crop - Salty Root
TC - Cluster
S - Electrotine Vein (Nether)
LV - Salty Root (Chemical Bath, %), Potassium + Nitric Acid (Chemical Reactor), Soul Sand(%), Cryotheum Dust (Centrifuge)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Pufferfish)
Sand Crop - Yellow Stonelilly
TC - Sandstone
S - Sandstone (Pulverizer), Sandstone, Gravel (Forge Hammer)
LV - Soul Sand (Pure Daisy), Cobblestone, Sandstone (SAG Mill), Soul Sand, Endstone Dust, Dirt, Oilsands Ore (Centrifuge, %)
MV - Cobblestone + Gunpowder (Alchemic Chemistry Set). Cobblestone (Alchemy Catalyst)
Samarium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Sanguinite TC - Cluster, Nugget
Sapling (Pam's HC) St - vanilla sapling + fruit/nut (Crafting)
Forest Ranger Coins (Quest Book, Olive & Maple only)
Sapling (Thaumcraft) St - Silverwood/Greatwood Leaf Block (%, World Generation)
Explorer + Farmer Coins (Quest Book)
LV - Manasteel Grafter (%)
MV - Thaumium Grafter (%)
IV - Silverwood Sapling (Tree Growth Simulator)
Sapling (vanilla) St - Forest Ranger Coins (Quest Book)
LV - Leaf Block (Branch Cutter/Grafter)
MV - Animal Trade (%, Polynesia Charm)
Sapphire Bee - D-O-B
Crop - Sapphirum
TC - Cluster
Scandium TC - Cluster, Nugget
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Scheelite Crop - Scheelinium Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
HV - Tungstate Vein (End)
EV - Tungstate Dust (Autoclave/Chem.Reactor), Pahoehoe Lava (Centrifuge, %), Meteor Ritual (Advanced Circuit Assembler II)
IV - Meteor Ritual (Heavy Duty Alloy Ingot T3, Advanced Mass Fabricator II)
Seed Oil Crop - Rape(seed), Pumpkin Seeds, Peanuts
Seeds (Pam's) Break Gardens
St - Farmer Coins (Quest Book)
Shadow Iron TC - Cluster, Nugget
Shadow Metal Bee - Shadow Metal
HV Stone (Crucible Transmutation/EBF/Vacuum Freezer)
IV - Magic Essence, UU-Matter + Void Dust (LCR)
Sheldonite Crop - Platina Leaf(*)
Shimmerleaf Bee - Any Thaumic Flowers[3]
St Grow a Silverwood Sapling
LV - Glow Flower Seed + Quicksilver (Assembler)
Silver Bee - D-O-B
Crop - Argentia Leaf(*), Shining
TC - Cluster, Nugget
St - XP Bucket (Crafting)
EV - Lava (%, Thermal Boiler), UU-Matter (Replicator), Technician Coins (Quest Book)
Skeleton Skull Bee - Tricky
Crop - Starwart
Skeleton & variants drop (Beheading)
Witch of the Undead, Death drop
Sky Stone Bee - Sky Stone
TC - Obsidian
AE2 Meteors (World Generation)
Explorer Coins (Quest Book)
Slimeball Bee - Slimeball
Sticky, Ectoplasm (Effect)
Crop - Slimeplant, Slimy Sapling
TC - Slimeball
Slime & variants, Slime Beetle, Infected Zealot, Slimeling, Faint Ghast, Ghost Spider, Jumping Creeper, Toad drops, Slime (Natural Shedding)
LV - Congealed Green Slime (Extractor)
MV - Witchery (Distillery), Cactus (Alchemy Catalyst)
Soapstone TC - Cluster
Sodalite TC - Cluster
St - Sodalite Ore (Lapis Vein)
S - Lapis, Sodalite, Lazurite (byproduct, %)
LV - Lapis, Stone dusts (Centrifuge)
HV - Europa Stone dust (Centrifuge, %)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Field Generator (LV))
Sodium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Sodium Persulfate MV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
Soldering Alloy TC - Nugget
Soul Sand Bee - Soul, Spirit
Crop - Nether Sapling
LV - Soulful Wax + Sand + Dirt (Mixer), Tainted Soil + Heat Sand (Assembler)
MV - Sand (Alchemic Chemistry Set)
HV - Soul Sand (Conjuration Catalyst)
EV - Meteor Ritual (Soul Sand)
Spawn {mob} (egg) Bee - Silverfish (Silverifsh only)
S - Cave Spider, Enderman, Silverfish or Witch, Survivor Coins (Quest Book), Quest Book rewards
S - Chicken, Cow, Horse, Mooshroom, Ocelot, Pig, Sheep, Squid, Wolf (Enhanced Lootbags)
Nether - Blaze, Ghast, Magma Cube or Zombie Pigman, Survivior Coins (Quest Book)
Naga, Lich, Minoshroom, Hydra, Knight Phantom, Ur-Ghast, Yeti or Snowqueen, Survivior + Dark Wizard Coins, (Quest Book)
Spessartine TC - Cluster
Crop - Pyrolusium Leaf(*)
Sphalerite Crop - Galvania Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
Spodumene TC - Cluster
Stainless Steel EV - Blacksmith Coins (Quest Book)
Steel Bee - D-O-B
TC - Nugget
MV - Blacksmith Coins (Quest Book)
Steeleaf Crop - Steeleafranks
Labyrinth loot (Twilight Forest)
Snow Guardian armor/weapon drop (Twilight Forest, Pulverizer)
Stibnite Crop - Coppon Fiber(*)
TC - Cluster
Sticky Resin Bee - Elastic, Stickyresin, Slimeball, Resinous, D-O-B
Crop - Stickreed
St - XP Bucket (Crafting), Rubber Tree (Treetap), Explorer Coins (Quest Book)
LV - Propolis (Centrifuge) Rubber Wood (%, Centrifuge)
String Bee - Spidery, Batty
Crop - Flax, Cotton, Spidernip, Plax Seeds
TC - Wool (any)
Spider & variants drop, Spider (Natural Shedding), break Cobweb
St - XP Bucket (Crafting), Farmer Coins (Quest Book)
S - Bow, Wool (Pulverizer), Silk Wisp, Wool + Wool Gin (Crafting)
LV - Cotton (Wiremill/Assembler)
MV - Cotton (Spinning Wheel), Blood Magic (Alchemic Chemistry Set), Botania (Alchemy Catalyst), Wool (SAG Mill)
IV - Zhuhai Fishing Port (%)
Stone Dust Bee - D-O-B>div> Crop - Gray Stonelilly
St - XP Bucket (Crafting)
Strontium TC - Cluster, Nugget
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Sugar Bee - Valiant, Sugary, Sweetened, Ripening, Fruity
Crop - Sugar Beet
Sugar Canes, Reed, Sweed Seeds
Witch & Witch variants, Caramel Slime, Cursed Enderman drops
S - Sugar Canes (Pulverizer), Sugar Beet (Extractor)
LV - Honey (Centrifuge)
Sugar Canes Crop - Reed Seeds, Sugar Canes, Stickreed, Sweed Seeds
TC - Sugar
World Generation
Sulfur Crop - Galvania Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
St - XP Bucket (Crafting)
LV - Netherrack Dust (Centrifuge, %)
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Sulfuric Acid HV - Chemist Coins (Quest Book)
Talc TC - Cluster
Tantalite Crop - Pyrolusium Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
St - Manganese Vein (Overworld/Nether)
Tantalum TC - Cluster, Nugget
LV - Tantalite (%, byproduct)
MV - Tantalite (Electrolyzer)
EV - Lava, Pahoehoe Lava (%, Thermal Boiler), UU-Matter (Replicator), Meteor Ritual (Emitter (LV), Advanced Circuit Assembler II, Advanced Replicator, Field Generator (HV))
ZPM - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Circuit Assembler VI)
Tanzanite TC - Cluster
Tartarite TC - Cluster, Nugget
Tellurium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Terbium TC - Cluster, Nugget
EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Tetrahedrite TC - Cluster
Coppon Fiber(*)
Thaumium Bee - D-O-B
Crop - Magic Metal Berry
MV - Magic Essence, UU-Matter + Iron (LCR)
Thauminite Bee - Thauminite
Crop - Magic Metal Berry
MV Thaumium (Crucible Transumutation)
Thorium Bee - Thorium
Crop - Thunder Leaf(*)
LV - Coal Ore (%)
MV - Thorianite Dust (Electrolyzer)
HV - Monazite Ore (%)
EV - Uranium 238, Uraninite (Deimos/Phobos, % byproduct), Pitchblende (Mars/Phobos, % byproduct), UU-Matter (Replicator), Meteor Ritual (Advanced Replicator, Sensor (HV), Advanced Circuit Assembler II)
IV - Thorium Ore (Callisto), Thorianite Ore (ross128b, %)
LuV - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Mass Fabricator IV)
Thorianite Crop - Thunder Leaf(*)
Thorianite Ore (ross128b)
Thulium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Tiberium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Tin Bee - D-O-B
Crop - Stagnium, Tine Twig(*), Tin Oreberry
TC - Cluster, Nugget St - XP Bucket (Crafting)
S - Farmer Coins (Oreberry, Quest Book)
LV - Technician Coins (Quest Book)
EV - Lava (%, Thermal Boiler), UU-Matter (Replicator)
Titanium Bee - Titanium, D-O-B
Crop - Titania Leaf(*)
HV - Rutile + Chlorine + Magnesium (Chem.Reactor, EBF/Alloy Blast Smelter)
EV - Small Titanium Ore (Mars), UU-Matter (Replicator)
IV - Rutile Vein (Venus)
LuV - Staballoy (Centrifuge)
UEV - Lead + Bauxite + Tungstate, Naquadah Oxide Mixture (%, QFT[5])
ZPM - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Circuit Assembler VI)
Tricalcium Phosphate TC - Cluster
Tritanium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Topaz TC - Cluster
Trona TC - Cluster
Tungstate Crop - Scheelinium Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
MV - Endstone Dust (%, Centrifuge)
HV - Moon Dust, Demios Dust, Mercury Core, Mercury Stone, Ender Goo (%, Centrifuge), End Stone (Pulverizer)
EV - Lava, Pahoehoe Lava (%, Thermal Boiler), Meteor Ritual (Nether Star, Advanced Circuit Assembler II)
IV - Meteor Ritual (Heavy Duty Alloy Ingot T3, Advanced Mass Fabricator II)
Tungsten Bee - Tungsten, D-O-B
Crop - Scheelinium Leaf(*)
EV - Scheelite Processing (Chem.Reactor/EBF), UU-Matter (Replicator)
LuV - Tungsten Ore (Oberon)
ZPM - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Circuit Assembler VI)
Uraninite Crop - Uranium Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
Uranium 235 Bee - D-O-B
Crop - Uranium Leaf(*)
HV Uranium 238 (% Centrifuge)
Uranium 238 Bee - Uranium
Crop - Uranium Leaf(*)
S - Thorium (% byproduct)
HV - Red Granite blocks (Macerator, %)
EV - Uranium Vein (Deimos/Phobos), Uraninite (Deimos/Phobos, % byproduct), Pitchblende (Mars/Phobos, % byproduct), UU-Matter (Replicator), Meteor Ritual (Sensor (HV))
IV - Plutonium Vein (Callisto/Ceres/Ganymede), Plutonium 239 (Callisto/Ceres/Ganymede, % byproduct), Meteor Ritual (Heavy Duty Alloy Ingot T3, Advanced Mass Fabricator II)
LuV - Meteor Ritual (Advanced Mass Fabricator IV, Elite Mass Fabricator II)
ZPM - Thorium Vein (Triton)
UU-Amplifier Crop - Transformium
LV - UUA Berry (Extractor), Scrap / Scrapbox (Amplifabricator)
UU-Matter Crop - Transformium, Space Plant
LV - UUM Berry, Space Flower (Extractor), UU Amplifier (Mass Fabricator)
Uvarovite TC - Cluster
LV - Yellow Garnet (Centrifuge)
Vanadium TC - Cluster, Nugget
LV - Vanadium Magnetite (%, byproduct), Vanadium Magnetite (Centrifuge)
MV - Andradite, Grossular, Almandine or Pyrope + Nitirc Acid (Centrifuge, %), Ruby Juice, Sapphire Juice, Green Sapphire Juice (Centrifuge, %)
EV - Mars Stone Dust (Centrifuge, %), UU-Matter (Replicator)
LuV - Vanadium Vein (Enceladus)
Vanadium Magnetite Crop - Ferru Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
Vermiculite TC - Cluster
Vibrant Alloy Bee - D-O-B
Vinteum TC - Cluster, Nugget
Void Metal Bee - Void
Crop - Magic Metal Berry, Void Plant Seed
TC - Void Seed
HV - Magic Essence, UU-Matter + Thaumium (LCR)
Vulcanite TC - Cluster, Nugget
Vyroxeres TC - Cluster, Nugget
Water Bee - Water, River, Ocean
Crop - Cactus (IC2, Vanilla)
TC - Bucket, Cell
St - Water Tank, Cactus Juice (Crafting)
LV - Thirsty Tank, Simple Stirling Water Pump, Snow Golem farm
HV - EnderIO Reservoir, Everfull Urn
EV - RemoteIO Reservoir, Reservoir Hatch
Water Shard Bee - D-O-B
Wheat Bee - Sheepish, Rural, Farmerly, Agrarian, Monastic
Crop - Wheat (IC2, vanilla), Redwheat
TC - Wheat Seeds
Kobold drop (Twilight Forest)
Hoe grass blocks away from water for seeds
Wither Skull Bee - Withering, Wither, Essentia
Crop - Starwart
Wither Skeleton, Horned Huntsman drop
Skeleton Drop (Skullfire Sword)
Wollastonite TC - Cluster
Wool St - Explorer Coins (Quest Book)
Wrought Iron Crop - Nickelback Leaf(*)
St - XP Bucket (Crafting)
LV - Blacksmith Coins (Quest Book)
Wulfenite TC - Cluster
Xenon EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
XP (liquid) St - XP Drain + tank (Player Levels)
LV - Concentrated Essence Berry (Fluid Extractor), Vacuum Hopper (Mob Farm)
MV - Farmer Coins (berry, Quest Book), Experience Obelisk, Experience Rod (PLayer Levels)
Yellow Dye Crop - Dandelion (IC2, vanilla)
Yellow Limonite Crop - Ferru Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster
Ytterbium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Yttrium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
Zeolite TC - Cluster
Zinc Bee - Galvanized, Zinc, D-O-B
Crop - Galvania Leaf(*)
TC - Cluster, Nugget
S - Tin, Tetrahedrite Ore (%), Zinc Small Ore (Overworld, Nether, End)
LV - Sphalerite Ore (Chemical Bath, %)
EV - Zinc Ore (Mars), UU-Matter (Replicator)
Zirconium EV - UU-Matter (Replicator)
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 There is no bee that directly makes this resource; however any that makes Stone Combs (Redstone, Lapis, Certus, Fluix, Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Olivine, Red Garnet, Yellow Garnet, Firestone or Force) makes multiple dusts that can be centrifuged for it. The same thing can be done with Stonelilly crops.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Slag Combs are made by many bees; Copper, Tin, Lead, Iron, Steel, Nickel, Zinc, Silver, Cryolite, Gold, Arsenic, Aluminium, Titanium, Chrome, Manganese, Tungsten, Platinum, Iridium, Osmium, Salt, Lithium, Electrotine, Stainless Steel, Enderium, Bedrockium, Uranium, Plutonium, Naquadah, & Naquadria.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Any bee with the "Thaumic Flowers" flower trait (Aer, Chaotic, Solum, Ignis, Ordered, Aqua, or Wispy) can spread Cinderpearl and Shimmerleaf.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Must be mutated, cannot be placed on cropsticks.
  5. Quantum Force Transformer. Recipes usually require a catalyst and multiple other materials than what is listed in the table.