New Mods:
- InGame Info XML
- Lunatrius Core
Mod Upgrade:
- Avaritia 1.15
- Bartworks 0.4.16
- Blood Arsenal 1.2-8
- Core Mod 1.6.14
- Crops++ 1.3.5
- Crop Load Core 0.1.4
- Electro Magic Tools
- Forestry
- Gregtech
- Gt Nei ore plugin 1.0.7
- GT-PlusPlus
- GT Scanner Mod 1.5.4
- IFU 1.6
- Loot Games 1.0.18
- Not Enough Items 1.0.6-GTNH
- Tec Tech 3.6.11
- Thaumic Horizons
- Universal Singularities 8.5
- Warp Theory 1.0k-Dev
- Witching Gadgets 1.2.9k-GTNH
Mod Changes:
- -changed ichorium to gt mod
- -Made project jarSign compatible
- -Unified build-system
- -updated gradle and forge
- -smaller fixes
- -no hardness or resistance on non gt te blocks
- -fixed possible lesu npe
- -maybe fixed windmill dupe?
- -fixed circuit programmer dupe
- -began work on Electric Implosion compressor
- -fixed recipes
- -added multi layer rotor recipes
- -Giant Materials/Space Compat update
- -added ASM
- -added a shit ton of materials and got my own Materials system up and running
- -added Ross128 when GC is installed
- -code clean up
- -made all asm patches disableable
- -removed secondary configs
- -added comments for config
- -Ore Dict Support
- -Added Y/Th Glas
- -Added OreDict support for all Materials
- -Added an Internal Handler for Colors
- -Added Materials and improved Compability to GT and GT++
- -Improved Code Quality of the BW Oregen Handler
- -Fixed NEI handler
- -fixed megas not working with more than one hatch
- -finetuned the veins a bit more
- -changed material names and colors/texture sets
- -removed Taint Biome due to buggyness and i dont like it >:(
- -added debug log
- -added thaumcraft aspects for materials
- -refractored code
- -added a config option for the debug log
- -fixed Graphene Typo
- -prepared custom TC Aspects
- -enabled a config option for the threaded loader (experimental state)
- -Improved Threaded Loader
- -un-threaded GameRegistry stuff
- -Fixed Heated Water Pump
- -will now drop its contents on removal
- -will no longer void non-burnable Items
- -Added ITileDropsContent for easy use
- -Pulled delSlot into its own Class
- -Created FuelSlot (a slot that will only accept burnable stacks)
- -API version increase
- -Added THTR
- -Redid Config to work propperly
- -added some materials/items for the THTR
- -added additional Thorianite Recipes
- -added InfoData on THTR
- -added isSneaking on diode screwdriver click (reverse Actual Amps)
- -added World Generation feature for Ross128b
- -started on Ross128ba
- -cleaned up code
- -started on Werkstoff Liquids
- -fixed small translation failure
- -this time really fixed (#27)
- -added small rocket gui stuff
- -fixed a bug where the moon of ross128b would cause issues with the dim handler
- -added Electric Implosion Compressor recipe and tooltip
- -fixed Electric Implosion Compressor recipe "Map"
- -moved Ross128 to t3 even with galaxyspace loaded
- -fixes crash when ExU is installed
- -Optimised BlockChecker
- -made THTR structure check NOT ignore walls
- -corrected tooltip on THTR
- -added Empty mode on THTR
- -fixed coords hash
- -started work on OC integration
- -rewrote blockchecker just to see if a loop would be faster than a recursive check
- -fixes not enabled ASM code
- -re-enabled the tooltip handler
- -reworked clienteventhandler
- -Tooltip Server Synchronisation
- -Add thaumcraft wand pedestal fix
- -We only add the vis into the wand
- -added ConfigOption for TC patch
- -added DeObfs instruction
- -code cleanup
- -added Miner Compability
- -tweaked heat values for GTNH
- -minor code changes
- -fixed thorianit exploit
- -fixed yttrium oxide recipe
- -added thorium leaf recipe
- -fixed 45% empty space
- -Added config options
- -removed broken IC2 recipes
- -fixed DEHP recipe
Blood Arsenal
- -Gadomancy Crash fix part 1
- -Update
- -fixed build.grandle
- -Add login message handler
- -Update zh_CN.lang
- -fixes Xenoxene recipe
- -Titanium Dust with Nitrogen same EU cost as without Nitrogen #4261
- -remove all centrifuge recipes from gendustry bee combs and drops
- -added a load check
- -Let the bacteria Vat recipes only load when bartworks is loaded
- -Field Generator Tier 2,3,4 are bugged in assembler #4292
- -Add usage for Tantalum in SMD Capacitor recipes
- -Missing Rockbreaker LUV+ #4374
- -Tier 8 Rocket is Impossible to Obtain #4267
- -re-configured Quantium Voltage to IV
- -removed unnescarry ,new Object[0] for varargs methods
- -#4474 gating item, updated pack version and added gendustry bees removal warning
- -fix t8 rocket plates
- -added Abandoned GregTechPlusPlus Aspects
- -will hopefully doesnt cause corruption when loaded up
- -Re-enabled Naquadah Generators at IV
- -changed recipe time and minimal heat requirements for enriched Naquadah
- -Awakened Draconium Coil #4647 temperature fix
- -Create zh_CN.lang
- -[ImgBot] Optimize images
- -fully implemented Speiger's Crop Plugin
- -removed (some) duplicate code
- -added debug command
- -fixed magic metal berry
- -added thauminite as supported metal due to request
- -added vanilla Bonsai
- -added HumidityBonus/Malus
- -fixed scala dependency
Electro Magic Tools
- -Refractored Code
- -fixed Solar crash
- -added a null check
- -changed crop logic a bit
- -if crop havest is not possible at the optimal state, just harvest, ffs.
- -remove redstone flux not working api
- -change api adress and path
- -added recipe
- -Trinium can't be obtained in the Tier below the T4 rocket #4221
- -Disabled all Dimethylhydrazine recipes.
- -Removed them in favour of the GT++ recipes which are harder.
- -Cherry pick multiamp dynamo support for multiblock generators.
- -Removed local explosion checks from large turbine and plasma turbine.
- -Large turbs now support buffered 4A dynamos.
- -salt bees equal to lithium bees #4285
- -Impossible to craft Fusion Reactor MK1 #4276
- -[suggestion] add a recyling recipe for brick stairs #4274
- -Rutile processing magnesium dupe #4260
- -Mining plascrete blocks #3998
- -change name sparkling
- -Problems with bee comb ore quadrupling recipes #4253
- -all ev and iv combs have now chemical recipes
- -Suggestion: Buff Platinum Group Sludge #4241
- -add more comb recipes for Casseterite Sand
- -Titanium ore nerf #3647
- -Increase small titanium ores, change spawn range #4289
- -Superconductor UV Wire wrong recipe #4224
- -Field Generator Tier 2,3,4 are bugged in assembler #4292
- -GT tool fix
- -enable GT Tools to mine any block without tool requirements (dirt i.e.)
- -Make use of scanner recipe map since i also inject my own recipes...
- -refractored code,
- -restored compability to vanilla ore gen,
- -moved GC and Forrestry code to own classes to prevent crashes inDev
- -implemented equals and hashcode on NearbySeeds class
- -added an information line to the Implosion Compressor tooltip
- -Refined last commit
- -re-added unused, Deprecated constructors
- -re-added unused vars
- -treat empty string as null for GT_Tool_*.isMinableBlock
- -allowed to mine any block that doesnt require a tool with GT tools at Hand mining speed
- -rerouted forestry modid to the config value to prevent typos
- -recipy change voltage coil HV,IV #4375
- -redid fake OD
- -removed coal from god of thunder crop
- -beautified code for readability
- -fixed NBT dependant Recipes
- -duct taped import of circuits in assemblers
- -adjusted recipe map sizes
- -redid Item&Fluid Hatches
- -removed rests of UndergroundBiomes & ImmersiveEngineering support
- -added oilsands recipe
- -might fix #3913 and #4421
- -Change gates for Magic Energy Converters. #4324
- -UHV Motor is uncraftable #4350
- -[RFC] New Rocket Recipes #4409
- -shortened sc cooling times
- -ductape fix for fusion reactor
- -cleaned up code
- -Duplicate Alumite tools #4231
- -Fix exploitive hydrogen loophole #4348
- -add missing circuits to ProcessingCircuits
- -added 0lafs changes
- -make higher tier superconductors give out less wires per recipe
- -removed nitrogen/helium cells from superconductor recipes
- -added helium as fuid for superconductor recipes
- -halfed the amount of pumps for superconductors
- -Added HP Solar Steam Boiler
- -added recipe
- -removed unnessecary ", new Object[0]" for vargars methodes
- -UEV Motor uncraftable #4601
- -#4644
- -complain about null inputs
- -adjusted HP solar boiler to match the tooltip
- -re-added solar GUI
Gt Nei ore plugin
- - updated Java 7 -> 8
- -Buffered Input from cfg
- -refractor, code improvements
- -small ores completely working
- -added tooltip
- -added logger
- -added ic2 to gradle
- -updated gradle deps
- -restored base gt compability
- -small ore csv (untested)
GT Scanner Mod
- -refractored code
- -added bartworks integration
- -added automatic dev and dev-debug build to build grandle
- -redid logic to work propperly with any type of material as input
- -refractored code (a bit)
- -fixed GUI
- -restricted the wand to OW, Nether and TF (configurable)
- -removed damage bar from Item
- -added build wrapper
- -make ifu buildable with the dev version we add on GTNH webpage
Loot Games
- -Single line that prevented people from completing Stage 4
- -Corrected some confusing messages sent to players
Not Enough Items
- -Prevent random crashes. No idea why this happens, but deal with it gracefully.
- -(Probably) Stop the ic2 invalid damage application messages.
- -Update gradle wrapper
- -bump version and specify gtnh in filename
Tec Tech
- -Added recipes for Energy hatches 4A-64A IV/LUV/ZPM
- -Change recipe of Biomainframe (#15)
- -The recipe became more logic.
- -ResearchStation,ObjectHolder and QuantumComputer recipes can only use CrystalProcessorMainframe #4361 (#16)
- -Realy Ultimate Battery Recipe issue #4604
- -[Recipes] Assembly line need few changes. #4636
- -Fix Researchable scanning issue
Thaumic Horizons
- -several fixes
- -fixed safe handler
- -fixed aspect fraction of the safe handler
- -re-made it buildable for gradlew
- -updated gitignore
- -fixed internal stuff
- -hopefully fixed server crashes
- -added propper dim retrun
- -fixed cloud client crash
- -improved miner Math issues with pocket plane dim
- -added "dustBlock" as default block for pocket planes
- -fixed fps issues by removing clouds from pocket plane dim
- -fixed another NPE
Universal Singularities
- -name change to make Phosphorus Block working again
Warp Theory
- -Fixed warptheory error message
- -Always allows usage of command on server
Witching Gadgets
- -added a catch to the duplication aswell
- -fixed an ArrayOutOfBounds Execption
- -OutOfBounds Execption pt2
- -removed GT++ harddep for softdep
Config changes:
-add bartworks cfg
-Updating Botany glass to be pure clear glass, no dumb border.
Core Mod
-update displayed version
-update pack version
Custom Main Menu
-Update Main menu from GTNH
Enhanced Lootbags
-Reward bags are absolute trash: EV suggestions #4268
-Reward bag suggestions #4257
-Added a bunch more proper loot to the Advanced bag.
-Created IC2 Crops lootbag and added to all IC2 crops breeding quests.
-Added Bees Expert lootbags to last crafting quests, added industrial apiary items to bees expert lootbags.
-Fix to IC2 lootbag.
-add deep iron small ores to mecury
-enable item rendering in hand. Duct tape fix
Holo Inventory
-Due to user demand, ban drawer controller from holoinventory
InGame Info XML
-add ingameinfo xml and configs
Open Modular Turrets
-Initial Changes to turrets (more damage)
-Update server list #4479
Thaumic Horizons
-enabled pocket plane
-tested on zeta w/o complications so far
Witching Gadgets
-Ichorium nugget duplication in Witching Gadgets #4240
Script changes:
-AE2 Cutting Knifes #4264
-Make UHV circuit correspond to ore dict
-UHV circuit of Neutron Collector and Neutron Compressor Recipe corresponds to the ore dictionary
Biome O Plenty
-Calcite Synthesis #4228
-Bauxia crop doesn't recognize TiCo Aluminum Block. #4227
-update EMT script
-fixed damage problems with EMT Recipes
-now accept any damage value
-Minor issue: Unrefined Desh -> Desh Ingot (Furnace recipe) #4286
-remove old gendustry combs out of the recipes
-remove handcraft recipes from Niobtitanium and tungstencarbide
-remove max tier cheaty recipe for machine parts
-Chest loot #4251
-Fix Blast Furnace Convert Glass
Pams Harvest Craft
-Butchery knife duplication #4234
SG Craft
-IC2 SGPU crashes client when attempting to leave its interface #4254
Tinkers Construct
-Obsidian dusts don't smelt in the smeltery #4277
Twilight Forest
-Steeleaf issues. #4265
Quests changes:
- -Added large gas turbine quest, fluid regulator quest, fluorine coins quest.
- -Fixed up info on rotors in boilers and steam turbine quests.
- -Fixed butcher knife quest to accept any knife.
- -Fixed alumite ingot quest to oredict.
- -Thorium Reactor Quest #4259
- -BM quest #4250
- -Change block needed for Pyrolusium crop. #4244
- -O like Oxygen Quest Rewrite
- - Slightly rewrote quest text to better direct player toward recipe that creates 2000 L Oxygen
- from 1 Cassiterite Sand, as well as some minor reworking of the rest of the quest text.
- -Added oxygen from sugar to quest text per request
- -#4400 Minor quest fixes complete.
- -$4342: Quest added for Soul Brazier to help players manage permanent warp.
- -Quest fixes and additiona. #4911 #4323 #2358 #4216 #4342 #4320 #4232 #4169 #4245 #4298 $4198
- -Quest fixes. #4337, #4194, #4157, #4109, #2599, #4124, #4117, #4113, #4076, #4091, #4078, #3683, #4349, #3603, #3505, #2926, #2880
- -#3042, #4247, #4319, first pass of #2663.
- -Fixes for crop quests from bedrill, created Botany quests for #2663
- -Next part of #2663.
- -#3647 redo gating for fluid quests. #4404
- -Quests #3996 #3654 #4426 #4327 #4392 #3282 #3503
- -#3503 warning added for Doomsquirter.
- -First pass at TecTech quests, skeleton for Steve's Factory Manager quests.
- -#4227, #4281, #4437, #3604
- -Most of #4424 complete. #4448 #4449 #4447 #4441
- -#4451, #4454, #4455
- -#3851 #4133 #4459 #4465 #4468 #4473
- -#4478, Started #4500 & #3626, general quest cleanup and maintenance.
- -Minor quest changes. Added SAG mill grinding head quest.
- -#4500, adventure backpacks, bee stuff, #4373
- -Remove concrete bug mention.
- -#3626, mostly finished with #4373
- -Quests. Spray can, adventure backpacks, #4530 #4526 #4521 #4488
- -#4373 #4407 #4542 #4555 #4551
- -Trying out new bee quests, setup bee template quest for copying
- -Bee breeding quests megaupdate
- -Added a bunch of magical branch bees, at least enough to get to empowering.
- -Didn't make it thaumic shards and salis mundus
- -Added side effects for shard bees
- -Added more magical bee lines, including draconic and wither bees.
- -Fixed problem with quest unlocks. Added excited and cultivated.
- -Added info on Botany pigmented glass not being fireproof.
- -Fix Celebratory
- -Converted Bee Breeding quests to use Bees Advanced lootbags.
- -Added quest for Acid Generator after Redstone centrifuging. Fixed Slice and Splice rewards.
- -Created IC2 Crops lootbag and added to all IC2 crops breeding quests. Needs a recipe to convert standard to fortuned bag.
- -Spread out ic2 crops quests
- -Added Bees Expert lootbags to last crafting quests, added industrial apiary items to bees expert lootbags.
- -Change Gendustry quests to use proper expert bag. Change alveary quests back to using Bee Advanced.
- -Moved upiering bee adv -> bee expert to unlocking the Genetics Sampler/Mutatron or Industrial Apiary
- -Fixed Enderio Crafter reward bag.
- -Quickfix for Endless Evolution, change from 1:1 to 1:4 due to player concerns.
- -Change DE cores to 4 ichor ingots, reward 16 cores. Clean up LV window.
- -Minor quest fixes. Changed DE quest back to 16 cores, but instead of 16 ichor changed to 4.
- -Final quest update for
- -Update for Chinese translator.
- -Minor quest fixes from Translation, #4643 #4642 #4641
- -fix diamond hammer quest
- -Minor fixes. Quest fixes for translator. Fix to IC2 lootbag.
- -Updated with more bee breeding quests, translation cleanup.
- -update Quest files us lang
Version History