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Latest revision as of 09:49, 26 October 2021


New Mods:

  • -Kekztech 0.2.2

Mod Upgrade:

  • -Appliedenergistics 2 rv3-beta-20
  • -AsieLib 0.4.9
  • -Avaritia 1.16
  • -Bartworks 0.5.3pre6
  • -Better Questing 3.0.306
  • -Blood Magic 1.3.3-29
  • -Comand Blocks for BQ-3
  • -Computronics 1.6.6
  • -Core Mod 1.6.25
  • -Draconic Evolution 1.0.2n
  • -Extra Cells 2.4.2bNIGHTLY
  • -Forestry
  • -Gadomancy
  • -Galactic Greg 1.0.2
  • -Gregtech
  • -GT-PlusPlus
  • -GT Scanner Mod 1.5.6
  • -GTTweaker 1.7.2
  • -Open Computers
  • -Questbook 2.1.1
  • -RF Expansion 3.0.29
  • -Spice Of Life 1.3.12
  • -Standard Expansion 3.0.162
  • -Steves Factory Manager A94-GTNH
  • -SuperTiC 1.2.1
  • -Tec Tech 3.7.3
  • -Thaumic Based 1.4.20-0
  • -Thaumic Horizons
  • -Tinkers Construct
  • -Utilityworlds 1.0.9e
  • -Universal Singularities 8.5a
  • -WAILA Plugins 0.2.2
  • -Witching Gadgets 1.2.9m-GTNH

Mod Changes:


  • -Fixed a very easy and stupid duplication bug
  • -Steps to reproduce:
  • -1. Open Compressor GUI
  • -2. Place any item to 1st hotbar slot
  • -3. Leave 2nd slot blank and fill slots 3-9 with any other items
  • -4. Point your cursor on 1st slot and click Shift+LMB
  • -5. Item from first slot will been moved to second slot and their stack size will been increased twice
  • -Update libraries and build properties


  • -added sub/supercript numbers to Werkstoff
  • -adjusted ElectricImplosionCompressor times
  • -added "Creative Debug Scanner" for BlackFlame
  • -added ingot/nuggets to Werkstoff
  • -improved Generation Randomness of Ruins
  • -fixed MegaEBF forming issues
  • -added an Interface for the Radiation Hatch
  • -minor API changes
  • -added Tellurium
  • -added GT++ compat, fixed bugs, improved code
  • -added qualifiers to a lot of stuff,
  • -wrote a GT++ compat for the radio hatch
  • -fixed a typo in he bacterial vat description
  • -made the bio vat loose his output when sv arent delivered though the whole process
  • -hopefully fixed the stackoverflow for ores
  • -buffed output on siftable ores
  • -made my werkstoffsystem work with the biovat
  • -added GT++ Localisation
  • -New BioVatOilRecipe
  • -fixed bugged modifier on the BioVat
  • -added OilRecipe
  • -cleaned up code (removed unused imports, resorted modifiers, added qualifiers)
  • -fixed BioVat bonus? maybe?
  • -fixed BioVat Forming issues with invisible TEs inside
  • -finally fixed the stupid modifier
  • -update the chinese translation and fix bugs
  • -added config changing command
  • -made the bio vat bonus config dependant
  • -0.5pre Circuits
  • -improved circuit recipe generation
  • -finalised circuit recipe gen
  • -fixed lowgravity/cleanroom mismatch
  • -fixed name of "Magneto Resonatic Dust"
  • -fixed Electric implosion generator not working
  • -added Achivment Localisation
  • -MegaMachine Fixes
  • -Circuit Assembly Line added
  • -added "classic mode"
  • -fixed MP issues
  • -added pngs to circuit assembly line parts
  • -fixed part recipes
  • -hide trash from nei
  • -fixed CircuitAssemblyLine
  • -added Gas
  • -started on fluid generation
  • -started on forced re-unification
  • -worked on TileEntity_GTDataServer
  • -added Noble Gasses
  • -fixed fluid generation system
  • -fixed UnificationEnforcer
  • -added MoltenCells
  • -added NobleGas EBF Recipes
  • -added Replicator/Scanner Recipes
  • -started working on Giant Hatches
  • -added recipe for CircuitAssemblyLine
  • -fixed unificationEnforcer for GT++ "molten."noblegases
  • -added localisation for CircuitAssemblyLine achivment
  • -added Capacity description to the GiantOutputHatch
  • -added Xenon to the Liquid Air Distilling recipe
  • -some fixed
  • -fixed circuit assembly line not crafting
  • -fixed some NEI/Circuit Assembly Line issues
  • -Several fixes, last planned pre 0.5 release
  • -worked on Ross128bA
  • -added config option for magical forrests on Ross128b
  • -fixed non working Werkstoff recipes
  • -added config options for CAL
  • -added config option for new EBF Gas recipes
  • -added pictures for circuits (thanks EmeraldsEmerald)
  • -fixed CAL recipe
  • -fixed circuits, and missing recipes for EBF
  • -added stuff to debug log
  • -code inprovement
  • -THTR now puts out the correct amount of IC2HotCoolant
  • -improvements on the Unification Enforcer (added a way to convert old fluids)
  • -fixed original EBF noble gas recipe to not be affected by lower tier gas
  • -rebalanced ZPM+ Circuits
  • -added new Textures by EmeraldsEmerald
  • -changed Loading behavior
  • -added oredict for glassblocks
  • -fixed crash when galacticraft.planets is not installed, but only galacticraft.core
  • -started to work on 5.2 content,loading of which is disabled
  • -changed OracleJDK8 -> OpenJDK8
  • -changed load order again, fixing class exceptions in obfs enviroment
  • -began on PlatinumOverhaul
  • -Palladium and Platinum recipes are done
  • -fixed weird behavior of autogenerated recipes
  • -added Ruthenium, Iridium, Osmium and Rhodium chain
  • -recipe changes
  • -added fluid container registration for LCR
  • -fixed boxinator(packager) recipes
  • -rebalanced PGSD Overhaul v1
  • -fixed typos
  • -added HotIngots
  • -started on own logic system for oreprefixes
  • -fixed translation for asembly line machines
  • -fixed UnificationEnforcer
  • -made diode recipes use new LuV Material
  • -use my own prefixLogic
  • -fixed my prefixLogic
  • -added plate, stick and stickLong to my Werkstoffs
  • -made LuV Hulls/LuV Casings use my LuV Material
  • -fixed wrong outputs of nerfed dusts
  • -fixed crop recipes give out pure metal
  • -fixed crafting recipes give out pure metal
  • -added Sodiumformate recipe
  • -added crafting meta items
  • -added multiple ingot neta items
  • -fixed LuV Tier recipe changer
  • -smaller visual fixes
  • -smaller recipe fixes
  • -fixed some recipes
  • -rebalanced PTGroup
  • -improved imports
  • -fixed UnificationEnforcer
  • -fixed the recipe replacer
  • -changed out Osmiridium for LuV recipes
  • -added Tiberium for Blackflame
  • -added LuVFineWireMaterial("Ruridit")
  • -added wireFine items & recipes
  • -fixed Scanner/Replicator recipes
  • -deleted an unused class
  • -added a config option to silence the GT++ logging
  • -added a warning to not disable Ross after world start
  • -fixed a lot of broken recipes
  • -further fixed bridge materials/OreDict
  • -added Tiberium FuelRods
  • -fixed lenses not showing up
  • -fixed gem only materials
  • -added NoBlast SubTag
  • -added Ross128ba into the game
  • -fixed ore decolorisation
  • -added "TheCore" Nq cell
  • -rewrote NEI Ore Handler
  • -limited oregen to the propper planets
  • -added Fluorspar ore
  • -further improved werkstoff recipe generation
  • -a lot of smaller fixes and balance
  • -security patches
  • -moved some commands,
  • -fixed a typo
  • -removed null items
  • -rebalanced TheCore
  • -added forestry compat (possible due to their LGPL license!)
  • -fixed langfiles
  • - cells getting deleted after use on drums
  • - higher tier fluid solodifier uncraftable
  • -added localisation to BioCulture System(add your locale to the GT Language File) (fixes #38)
  • -removed dead AE2 code
  • -applied new prefix logic to the thaum compat
  • -added most of GT Tools and some Electric GT Tools
  • -greatly improved bridge materials
  • -fixed some platinum stuff not giving back the correct dusts
  • -fixed formic acid input loss
  • -moved code in the propper packages
  • -General fix for Recipes that use Tier Voltage instead of Machine Voltage
  • -limit stack sizes for CAL to max stacksize instead of 64 to make recipes doable
  • -added Localisation for a few more fluids
  • -added ASM fix for RWG
  • -fixed conversion recipes if GT++ isnt installed
  • -fixed texture loader
  • -added mega distillation tower
  • -made Circuit Assembly Line needs power
  • -added heat level 9 for MamiTomoe
  • -added capsules/fixed capsules
  • -started working on bottles
  • -started working on dyson swarm
  • -added The Core picture
  • -added bottle pngs
  • -added TecTech handler
  • -fixed BioCulture "breeding" System
  • -improved readability
  • -rebalanced Rhodium (zinc loss removed, 0,8 -> 0,2 Rh per Pt)
  • -optimised imports
  • -fixed circuit assembly line
  • -changed THTR, now requires up to 0.5% of input per cycle
  • -added saftey-nullchecks to BioLab
  • -buffed Ross128ba Helium and Saltwater
  • -added General purpose Fermenting Bacteria & fermentation recipes to the Bio Vat
  • -fusion fix
  • -removed final field stuff due to a "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError" on server
  • -fixed last remaining Platinum reverse recipes for Dreamcraft/GT Items
  • -fixed a typo in the centrifuge recipe
  • -added a circuit priorisation mode for the MEGA EBF
  • -redid the CircuitAssemblyLine Structure-Check
  • -fixed some recipes
  • -fixed structure check for Circuit assembly line
  • -added Formic acid to the acid gen
  • -re-blacklisted planet stone dust for platinum overhaul
  • -Fixed Unification Enforcer
  • -retiered YttriumOxide and CubicZirconia to HV due to Kekztech
  • -added small ores
  • -fixed heated water pump
  • -fixed small ores
  • -fixed small ore names
  • -added registration for small ores
  • -changed some tooltips
  • -added mercury minerals to use with GaGreg
  • -fixed small ore names
  • -fixed Hg-Compound Werkstoffs not giving out Hg
  • -fixed cell amount in a recipe
  • -added SmallOres fortune
  • -modified NEI handler
  • -moved recipes edit
  • -to fix CircuitAssembler Recipes
  • -might break scripts
  • -repaired Unification Enforcer for items
  • -general readability fixes
  • -WerkstoffLoaderAPI fixes
  • -Fixed Numbers in Loader
  • -fixed Werkstoff Mixer recipes not generating
  • -fixed insaine high voltage, and insaine short time requirements for FluidExtractionRecipe and FluidSolidifierRecipe
  • -fixed ElectrolyzerRecipes, CentrifugeRecipes, ChemicalRecipes, MultiblockChemicalRecipes, MixerRecipes time
  • -added not yet enabled TT integrated ManualTrafo
  • -added a recipe for Th232
  • -enforced Zr unification
  • -added a quality override for ToolQuality
  • -used getters for speed, dur, and quality
  • -fixed or suppressed all warnings
  • -fixed problems with vanilla gt5u
  • -inlined an else statement
  • -added additional OreDict
  • -fixed issues with Thaumcraft Aspect Handler if Forestry isnt installed
  • -refined error handling
  • -removed redundant calls that have a function
  • -added fully automated Werkstoff Blocks
  • -added recipes for the blocks
  • -added ASM to buffer recipe
  • -added a command to print the recipe list to a file
  • -removed index of call by using an iterator instead of functional call
  • -added Self Sorting List
  • -modified sorting algorythm to skip multiple nodes
  • -Added Morons "Ademic Steel",
  • -fixed additional oredict for oredict enforcer
  • -added a config option to disable the crafting patch
  • -made setters for overrides chainable (Werkstoff.Stats)
  • -fixed possible NPE
  • -Fixed SSList Iterators
  • -Renamed SSList -> AccessPriorityList
  • -implemented clear()
  • -changed prio to prefer newer elements if two have the same prio
  • -worked on AccessPriorityList
  • -switching now works fine
  • -toArray() now works as expected
  • -added Exceptions
  • -Lathe Fix
  • -Material Conversion Fix
  • -finishing work on replacement list
  • -Mega Vaccum Freezer Structure Fix

Blood Magic

  • -add changes to Nei Blood Orb shaped handler
  • -Remove dependency on NEI item cache

Command Blocks

  • -Update for Bq3 Mod


  • -add titel for BQ3 in Core mod
  • -BioLabChanges
  • -buffed Radox (first step 1 -> 10, second step 1 -> 100)
  • -implemented SeaWeed Recipe idea (with some changed numbers as follows:
  • -GelatinMixture produces 2000L instead of 1000L
  • -itemGelatin needs 2000L GelatinMixture instead of 1000L
  • -MeatRaw gives 125L instead of 36L
  • -UnknownNutrientAgar needs 1000L MeatRaw instead of 288L
  • -UnknownNutrientAgar produces 8000L instead of 1000L
  • -SeaweedBroth needs 8000L UnknownNutrientAgar instead of 1000L
  • -SeaweedBroth produces 50L instead of 100L
  • -suggestion: molds for pipes #4869
  • -fixed deperdencies
  • -should be runnable only with Baubles, Yamcore and GT.
  • -moved GTpp recipes to its own class
  • -ME Upgrade recipes
  • -Infinity catalyst cooling #4952
  • -strip it, strip it good
  • -added UHV & UEV Circuit Assembler
  • -added UIV & UMV Circuit Assembler (currently disabled)
  • -added UHV, UEV, UIV to the customLoader
  • -reworked comments on Loader Machines
  • -added UHV/UEV machines
  • -made use of new glas tiers
  • -streamlined some code
  • -Add recipe for Supercoolant
  • -Add new items for cells
  • -Quantumsuit Rebalance #4975
  • -fix circuit
  • -Oredict Rubberwood #4992
  • -Add Maple Syrup Extractor Recipe #4993
  • -added Fluid In/Output Hatches till MAX
  • -fixed a typo in the seaweed recipe
  • -fix UIV+ Circuit Assemblers
  • -Chest buffer names labeled with wrong voltage tier #5026
  • -add alu brass to alloy smelter for singularity use.
  • -lapotronic energy orb cluster has no circuit ordict #5059
  • -Ticon clear glass panes can't make the iron tank guage #5063
  • -moved Rockets Plates -> Assembly line
  • -changed molten metals -> bolts
  • -changed T4 plates from pure Os -> OsIr (Ru2Ir if BartWorks is installed)
  • -fixes 4 item minium requirement
  • -added localisation
  • -fixed some alloy/plate issues
  • -change T8 to Black Plutonium correct recipe
  • -fixed implosion recipe for T4 plates
  • -added basic BW Small Ores (disabled on any Dim w/o config changes)
  • -subgrouped small veins
  • -put BW small ores in the runnable
  • -added mercury vein
  • -contains Mercury/Sulfur, Mercury/Chlorine/Oxygen, Palladium/Mercury, Palladium/Mercury/Tellurium ores
  • -Fix recipes of TurboChargers
  • -remove Gendustry Bee warnings
  • -Cotton through the wiremill gives string #3397
  • -Gregtech modual armor should be disabled or fixed due to possible player data corruption issue #5101
  • -Add message on recipe acceleration changes.
  • -Copper to Duralumin exploit #5196
  • -[Suggestion] Add recipe for making wafers from high-tier doped wafers #5176

Draconic Evolution

  • -added BW integration
  • -removed unessecary GT lib

Extra Cells

  • -Make fluid interface check for it's status before giving crafting items to grid
  • -Aligned light level amount of terminals to be on AE2 levels.
  • -Also removed lights from components that should not have light.
  • -Show Empty Fluid Pattern in NEI
  • -Fix partial fluid output from storage buses
  • -Refactor fluid storage bus logic (can work with multiple fluids, and correct filtering.)
  • -Fix Storagebus fluid dupe
  • -Implement Crafting Storages using new cells
  • -Fix terminal dupe issue
  • -Bigger oredict filter
  • -Fluid emitter reactive update
  • -Fluid Colors
  • -Remove NBT Data on item drop
  • -Remove Enchantment colors from items (cherry picked from commit ce58b28)
  • -Duplication glitch with Certus Tank
  • -Duplication glitch with overfilled Storage Component
  • -Duplication glitch with Conversion Monitor
  • -Duplication glitch with Fluid Export Bus
  • -Fixed client-side NPEs
  • -Fixed strange bug with Gas Conversion Monitor
  • -Additional containers validation to avoid some duplication glitches (not for all yet)


  • -Add new limiting crafting time function.
  • -Recipelist acceleration is working. Worktable local cache needs creating.
  • -Add in local recipe cache
  • -Remove isDirty related stuff, it causes stack overflows because it is not properly cleared when the craft is partial.
  • -Performance now should be good enough we don't even care about a few extra calls.
  • -Add config options, remove debug prints


  • -implemented Automagys Interfaces
  • -made them Optional
  • -removed unessecary nullchecks
  • -bit of formatting
  • -General Code Maintenance
  • -might fix
  • -optimised imports
  • -removed some unused null checks
  • -qualified names, generally made the code more readable
  • -fix imports

Galactic Greg

  • -added bartworks integration
  • -removed debug function
  • -added runnable for adding own veins
  • -updated gt
  • -added a constructor
  • -added conly only constructor to work with NEI and easier programming of the veins


  • -#4727 Modified code to skip to the next cardinal direction pair when doing power delivery instead of always doing a 0-5 search.
  • -This should help simple "straight cables with machines attached" prefer to power the closer machines first, especially for NS runs.
  • -fluid shenanigans
  • -Populate getDescription() for WAILA
  • -null checks
  • -Allow Cassiterite Sand 4x with Tine twig #4774
  • -better foil for zpm transmitter and sensor #4844
  • -Upgrade transformer logic
  • -Update transformers and pollution
  • -Re-add Titanium Ore to T4 or T5 planets #4839
  • -Stargate Wiki said Trinium is 100x more durable than steel and 100x more lighter.
  • -checking with new trinium speed value
  • -rebalance infinity a bit
  • -rebalance infinity catalyst and infinity
  • -IC2 ENet compat for GT transformers & GT cables
  • -Fixes every face of ic2 nuclear reactors giving full energy
  • -Should reduce performance concerns from previous ic2 energy compat
  • -Removes Tec's workaround
  • -document potential cable gotchas
  • -NEI Tier update
  • -add rutile quadrupeling #4850
  • -buff pipe recipes
  • -gycerol electrolyser receipt also for large electrolyser #4875
  • -fixes "scythe bug"
  • -added FakeScannerRecipes for all Schematics
  • -Add some additional debug information to pumps; people claim to be still having problems with them
  • -UHV/UEV integration of basic machines
  • -added multiple Glass Variants instead of only one
  • -Add Space Coolant
  • -Add new Coolant in AssLine recipes
  • -Delete recipes in crafting table (for new coolant)
  • -quantinium veins on venus are too dens #4978
  • -fixed bee stuff with genetics
  • -added mica crop
  • -code improvements
  • -fix exploit on nc sensor cards
  • -LCR recipes - Ammonia NH3 and Nitrous Oxide issue #5038
  • -Vacume Freezer NEI Interface #5042
  • -small Assembly Line fix
  • -made the Assembly Line not start when the recipe voltage > possible incoming voltage
  • -fix bufferd dynamo hatch (#207)
  • -fix buffer dynamo hatch
  • -fix where a turbine with a buffer dynamo hatch makes more then 1A it wil not out put non complete amps in to the buffer
  • -Update
  • -lapotronic energy orb cluster has no circuit ordict #5059
  • -update durability to mine Redstone and Diamonds after making bronze tools.
  • -try to find out what crash nei
  • -More gracefully handle nulls in LCR recipes
  • -Remove NBT data from turbines, preventing them from being disassembled.
  • -revert redstone hardness. Otherwise no on can crash it with a lv 2 hammer.
  • -made the assembly line translation class more robust
  • -wont crash anymore with broken language file
  • -commented out small ores osmium, iridium and platinum (add BartWorks small ores)
  • -Bricked Blast furnace wrong bricks in description #5082
  • -can only make tape with noram rubber #5081
  • -Cannot breed Certus and Fluix Bees #5096
  • -change tf ores dont spawn above y 35
  • -change iridium to platinum in T3 Heavy Duty plates/ingots
  • -add extra mix for TF GalenaTF
  • -Range config for single block miners
  • -Adds screwdriver range configuration to single block miners
  • -Range config for oil drilling rig
  • -Adds screwdriver range configuration to oil drilling rigs
  • -Range config for single block pump
  • -Adds screwdriver range configuration to single block pumps
  • -Additional fluid textures
  • -Added animated fluid textures for liquid nitrogen and liquid oxygen based on liquid mercury
  • -Improved Fluid Textures
  • -Adds animated textures for the following fluids: Deuterium, Gas, Natural Gas, Sulphuric Gas, Helium, Helium-3
  • -Hydrogen, Methane, Nitrogen, Nitrogen Dioxide, Oxygen, Radon, Trinium, Liquid Air
  • -Sodium Hydroxide recipe issues #5116
  • -improved loading times a lot
  • -whitelisted only a few materials that really get changed with gt
  • -code maintenance
  • -tested and ready for shipping
  • -improved readability
  • -improved loading times by buffing recipes
  • -buffer increases performance by another ~40%
  • -Fixed breaking bug
  • -added a config option to disable material whitelist
  • -Rebalanced Fortune on Miners
  • -rebalanced Fortune to scale linear with tier
  • -made circuit config wrapping
  • -rewrote a bit of code to be more readable
  • -tin item pipe not harvestable #5156 set Steel Level from 2 to 3
  • -Regulator-Fix
  • -Prospector display improvements
  • -Updated prospector oilfield output
  • -Updated Seismic Prospector ore and oil outputs to be more useful.
  • -Fix for drill and pump not preserving default values, provided by bartimaeusnek
  • -4112 - update plasma turbine tooltip
  • -4412/4883 Solar Boiler rebalance and bugfix
  • -Fix Large Combusion Engine missing maintenance line
  • -Change battery buffer from updating info line every 20 *scans* to every 20 ticks, ie 1s.
  • -Tooltip change for circuit assemblers to make them different from normal assembling machines.
  • -AE2 integration for Quantum and super chests (why they are 2 different classes?)
  • -Digital chests refactored, preserving binary compatibility.
  • -[Suggestion] Add recipe for making wafers from high-tier doped wafers #5176
  • -add quadrupeling to pure tungsten ore #4751
  • -Make stuff visible for WAILA

GT Scanner Mod

  • -fixed small ores showing up on non-small ore screen
  • -autogenerated a color for every registered fluid


  • -Add support GT++ Centrifuge

Spice Of Life

  • -Add null checks to to prevent bowl crash
  • -Oops, forgot to return 0 in getFoodGroupModifier()

Steves Factory Manager

  • -Handle fluid IDs shuffling: Save fluid ids as strings, load them as ints or strings
  • -Alk likes integers apparently...
  • -fallback code

Tec Tech

  • -Drop power usage to IV
  • -Adjust power drain
  • -Probably fix for id lost on relogin?
  • -Tesla Casings Addition
  • -shift the texture page occupation to remove overlap
  • -Frankenstein 80'tesla
  • -Anomaly work
  • -Chunk data handler
  • -Tick handling for chunkdata
  • -Chunk data should work now
  • -Add WTF led status properly
  • -Whomstd've needs material loader...
  • -Cleanup chunk data tick handler
  • -Implement data syncing
  • -Add most of pollution injections
  • -Implement some auto updates
  • -Spawn particles only around ThePlayer not all
  • -Implement player data persistence
  • -Power Limits and Current Display
  • -Extra features
  • -Fix gui
  • -Sanser command
  • -Just Display Things ~
  • -Change Cancer Command
  • -Add proxy get Player
  • -Route get player to proxy
  • -Texture Attempt 3.6
  • -Adjust some particles
  • -Tesla fixes more I guess
  • -Expose some internal state
  • -Proper Power pass use
  • -Cleanup particle code
  • -More changes ++
  • -Adjust clean energy behaviour
  • -Symbol Renderer on containers
  • -Cleanup get gregtech
  • -Cleanup font render
  • -Capacitor Tiering
  • -Cleanup empty arrays
  • -Add int based coord recalc
  • -Clean network code
  • -Scan slices
  • -Better Paramatrizer
  • -Include avrcore
  • -Fix oredict for SuperconductorUHV
  • -Tesla Scan Server Load Reduction
  • -Tesla Front Texture
  • -Capacitor Textures
  • -Add names and symbols for neutron, proton
  • -Properly add to registered definitions
  • -Adjust parametrizer card
  • -Proper Texture implementation
  • -this should make the microcontroller chooch
  • -Fix creative tab item registration
  • -Integration with SpartakCore (#17)
  • -Integration with SpartakCore
  • -Update
  • -Fixed ItemList in SpartakCoreRecipeLoader class
  • -Add register_machine_EM_behaviours
  • -Tesla Effects
  • -Lightning alignment
  • -Tesla efficiency formulas redone
  • -Lightning Net code streamline
  • -Power loss now configurable
  • -Tesla Tooltips rework
  • -Fix Tesla Capacitor Values
  • -Tesla orientation update
  • -Now uses the updated Extreme rotation and checker methods properly
  • -Offset checking optimisation
  • -Tesla Cover Item Refactor
  • -Tesla omnidirectionallity
  • -Tesla Winding Components
  • -Tesla Cover Recipes
  • -Along with a tiny Enum refactor
  • -Capacitor Hatch Recipes
  • -Experimental Lang Stuff
  • -Tesla Network Code Streamline
  • -Unethical Housekeeping Procedure Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
  • -Decay Generator Housekeeping proceedure
  • -Fix ParamTxt
  • -Fix retardation
  • -Depreacte broken api, refactor field names
  • -Add missing server side disables
  • -Add missing side only
  • -fixed fix for research station research
  • -add OC
  • -Lang functional completion
  • -Almost every string should now be present in the lang file, anyone is welcome to contribute additional lang support for other locales.
  • -Fixed crash on Tesla tower removal
  • -nested the onRemoval() due to an occasional java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking memory connection
  • -Fix some recipes with molten materials
  • -LibFix 2.0
  • -All praise Greg Maven (this can't be the right way of adding libs..)
  • -Just in case add null checc
  • -tiny tesla fix
  • -Add BuildCraft as a library
  • -Ultimate battery( and really ultimate) recipes aren't consistent with previous batterys recipes. #5162

Thaumic Based

  • -Fix an issue with Node Linking Device when linking process stuck if first selected Node Linker was destroyed before the end of procedure
  • -Render rework
  • -Campfire and Brazier have gotten a slight overhaul so their shapes are less ugly
  • -Entity Decon does magic damage instead of void damage - aka "why the fuck am I taking damage in creative?"
  • -(cherry picked from commit a6ee24f280d9bc36ba11e9ee545cbf0219962481)
  • -Packed Ice recipe Compressor / Crafting table / Crucible #2699

Thaumic Horizons

  • -outcommented a bugging part of the pocket plane dim generation
  • -added creature limit to pocket plane dim
  • -fixed keystone
  • -fixed teleport issues with pocketplane after restart/unload
  • -Fix OreBoar eating stone Logic (#3)
  • -Fix AIEatStone Logic
  • -Fix Path check
  • -Issue: when user opens serumconverter and hovers over specific thaum-aspects, error occures:
  • -java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
  • -at com.kentington.thaumichorizons.client.gui.GuiBloodInfuser.func_146979_b(
  • -Fix: wrap logic into simple check, if "key" actually could act as array's index (>= 0)

Tinkers Construct

  • -Maybe fix lumber axe error

Universal Singularities

  • -add loclizer for Tricalcium Phosphate

WAILA Plugins

  • -Show fluid filter information.
  • -GT Solar Boiler Calcification Support
  • -Config string

Witching Gadgets

  • -Reorder checks
  • -Reduce NEI serach time by 30% for initial searches by only doing the research check if the item is actually a gem

Config changes:

Advanced Solar Panels

  • -Add Gregtech Cheese to Cheese Curd recipe in Molecular Transformer #4778 for Sampsa


  • -Update Automagy.cfg
  • -Changed to be able to recognize Chisel's bookshelf in Inventarium

Core Mod

  • -update pack version
  • -remove gendustry bees custom tooltips
  • -[suggestion] add twilight forest moss patch to the witchery ent #3005

Ender Zoo

  • -Disable Dire Wolves #4825 disable no but less anoying

Enhanced Lootbags

  • -Add witchery modpacks and recipes
  • -more loot for witchery lootbags
  • -Hee Loot bags


  • -Salt ores not going into Miners backpack #5009


  • -remove Gendustry bees,combs and drops entirely.
  • -remove Bees localizer because not used anymore
  • -D-O-B Invalid output #5199


  • -Re-add Titanium Ore to T4 or T5 planets #4839
  • -add Titanium to venus also
  • -remove small osmium ore from genymede #5080
  • -replace Osmium, Iridium and Platinum with Bartworks small ores
  • -Extra Galena TF mix cfg


  • -update gt++ config
  • -reenable Rotor Cutoff

Iguana Tinker Tweaks

  • -update Block harnes
  • -make skystone harder.

Server Properties

  • -motd version #4737
  • -Add Server to list on next release #5056
  • -add russian Server
  • -deleted Australian Server no longer online

Universal Singularities

  • -Phosphorus Singularity recipe is missing. #4215


  • -Update Ztones.cfg
  • -Disable unused Ztones items #4931

Script changes:

Biome O Plenty

-Mud craftable using dirt and water in a mixer #3398

Better Questing

-add new quest book

Compact Kinetik Genrators

-easy recipe for low kinetic wind generator is still enabled #4873

Core Mod

-XP crafting #4817

-suggestion: molds for pipes #4869

-Update CoreMod.zs

-Bowstring And Fletching are now consumed in the process of pouring a cast #4415

Enhanced Lootbags

-add hee lootbag recipes for enchanted

Extra Cells

-ME upgrade old broken recipes removed

-added ductape fix for computronics recipes

-Extra cell crafting storage do not follow existing crafting storage unit crafting style. #5074


-Update Recipes for 20n, 50n, and 100n Forestry Stamps #5184

-forgot to remove old recipes.


-gravichestplate #4325


-suggestion: molds for pipes #4869

-Quest #623 impossible #5020

-BartWork Circuits need tier tooltip #5076


-2 Different super chests? #4812


-Quest 1089 "Hearty Breakfast" has wrong cooked meat oredict #5092


-Industrial Diamond cannot be lathed into rods despite NEI saying so #4830

-Update IC2.zs

-Mining Pipe Tip -> Mining Pipe #3696

-Chamelium uncraftable #5046

-Adjust hazmat suit repair recipes #5172

Iron Tanks

-Steel Tank incorrectly labeled/textured as Silver Tank #4659


-Update Minecraft.zs

-2 cotton + Integrated Circuit #1 --> 1 string in an LV assembler #3397

-Weird shapless lapis lazuli block into dust recipe #2434

-Packed Ice recipe Compressor / Crafting table / Crucible #2699


-Update Natura.zs

-Fix fusewood stairs recipe #3674

Tainted Magic

-Update Tainted-Magic-1.zs


-Update Thaumcraft-04-Artifice.zs

-Compatible with ore dictionary.

Thaumic Bases

-Potentially confusing thaumonomicon text #3171

Tinkers Construct

-Update Tinkers-Construct.zs

-Compatible with ore dictionary


-more witchery recipe changes

-more witchery rework

-Teleportation Balancing #5186


-disable ztone item in script that are disabled via config


-Add Coin Mold

Quests changes:

  • -update Quet for BQ3
  • -update Title screen from GTNH in BQ3
  • -update quests
  • -update tier 0 Quests BQ3
  • -update Quest T1
  • -update chapter Steam for BQ3 mod
  • -update Quests to BQ3.304
  • -Quest 1714 (Cheaper Simple Circuit) requires wrong amounts #4846
  • -Wafers quest - Wrong amounts of ingredients/results #4835
  • -Quest #1849 #4831
  • -Iron capped Greatwood Wand quest (798) does not detect its second step #4827
  • -Incorrect ingridients for "Superconuctors 2048 eu/t" quest #4820
  • -Quest: Turbine Time #4819
  • -resize BQ3 Quests Tier 2 LV
  • -more BQ3 LV work
  • -update MV Chapter to BQ3
  • -fixing many wrong icons
  • -BQ3 HV Quests update
  • -BQ3 Update Quests EV
  • -Update IV chapter BQ3 quests
  • -Update LuV Tier in Quests BQ3
  • -update icons in BQ3 Chapters
  • -Update Multiblock Goals and Fusion Quests for BQ3
  • -Quest Correction? #4865
  • -Add new rocket fuel Quests #4863
  • -add nbt ignore to BBF Bricks
  • -Quests should check NBT for items that really matter
  • -Skipping empty tags, and cleanup of "personalised" tags
  • -AFSU's quest issue #4948
  • -translation update to
  • -Quest 2138 Change the text of the quest or change items. #4995
  • -Quest 805(Lapotron Dust) & 806 (Lapotron Crystal) require wrong ingredient amount #4987
  • -Update Quests #444, #19, #36 to have ignoreNBT on item tasks to be set to true
  • -Update Quests #19, #36 to have ignoreNBT on item tasks to be set to true
  • -Factory labeler not recognized in a quest Qname "Naming Names" #5021
  • -Quest Updates: How the heck do I find ores #5031
  • -Fix Quest #535 Hammer not being accepted
  • -Question Repeat for stainless steel dust #5053
  • -Nice Nether Trees #1741 #5050
  • -"Basic crafting: Motors", nbt issue #5044
  • -Pam's Heavy Cream Recipe Issue #5015
  • -fix mortar quest
  • -fix Tools Quest steam Age
  • -Fixed Quest Detection issues related to NBT
  • -Quest not completing (probably NBT issues) #5066
  • -fixing water tank quest
  • -added Platinum Group Quests
  • -made HSS-S Quest a Main Quest
  • -renamed HSSG -> HSS-G
  • -moved some quests around in IV
  • -rearraged Quests a bit (Grid work)
  • -fix Glass Quest
  • -Low tier wand retrieval item missing #5072
  • -fix Iron Tank Quest
  • -fix Icons from Electrotine Jetpack Quests
  • -Add two more Quests. Pressure Plates and Buttons
  • -Underwhelming rewards for the Ore Mining Rig (T1). #5083
  • -Better quest not recognizing crafting tasks #5085
  • -fix eletric Jetpack Quest
  • -Quest 52 "A clear view" doesn't accept damaged Chisel #5090
  • -Fix all IC2 items use all damage values
  • -update witchery Quests
  • -add Familiar Quest
  • -Lord of Tortment issue #3409
  • -add more lootbags to potion quests (witchery)
  • -add other loot bags to infinity quests
  • -First HEE Quests
  • -add more HEE Quests
  • -Removed some bq nbt requirement
  • -Set flags to not require NBT on all "You're gonna hate this" type quests
  • -Milkwart quest doesn't complete #5119 fix Ocelot Quest
  • -More nbt quest Issues (MV tab edition) #5120
  • -Quests Not Working #5112
  • -Quest 598 requires dust for no reason #5108
  • -Silky Combs quest requires forestry centrifuge and GT centrifuge #5145
  • -Apiarist's cloth quest #5147
  • -add loot to mutated Frame
  • -Quest ID 1081 #5167
  • -Quests Not Working #5112
  • -Thermal Centrifuge Quest (LV) - text wrong (minor issue) #5193
  • -Quest ID 2337 - Mandrake Noise Protection is Set to Consume Earmuffs #5201
  • -plunger 2.0 The Hand Pump - quest wrong #5170
  • -1,1-dimethylhydrazine craft #4808
  • -Chemical Lesson part two text inaccurate #5202
  • -Quests Not Working in 2.0 #5206

Version History