
From GT New Horizons
Revision as of 01:51, 12 November 2021 by Elisis (talk | contribs)

Notable Changes

  • Pollution is off to make way for a pollution rework in a coming update
  • New Rocket Fuels using the LCR are available, and you can get to the moon on Cetane-Boosted Diesel
  • Cells can now remove and insert fluid in machines much easier
  • Tungsten line has been reworked to be more involved.
  • Glowing textures are now supported (needs updated resource packs)
  • Many quest changes, as always run /bq_admin default load


New Mods:

  • Logistic Pipes
  • Cooking for Blockheads 1.2.3-GTNH

Removed Mods:

Mod Upgrade:

Mod Changes:

Quests changes:

Version History