Version 2.5.0

From GT New Horizons
Revision as of 01:31, 10 January 2024 by Embri (talk | contribs) (→‎Breaking Changes from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0: Creative Energy Buffer is removed.)
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Version 2.5.0 sees the arrival of special achievements and accompanying trophies, folding dollies that can now be stacked and carried in any inventory, fancy new Thaumcraft footwear, plenty of AE2 goodies including new stocking busses & hatches, Dual P2P Interface and a bigger crafting storage than ever before. Multiblocks got a lot of UI improvements with more options, better error messages and integration with Information Panels.

Breaking Changes from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0

  • Component Assembly Line recipes using >64 of the same material part [1]
    • This affects LuV+ Motor, Piston and Pump, possibly other parts - recipes now use fluids instead of multiple same-item stacks.
  • The Round Robinator has been removed. (Use a distributor, or EIO round-robin, etc.)
  • ULV Generators and many other ULV things have been removed. The rest should be considered deprecated.
  • Crops++ uncapped drop rates and requirements fixed. High level crops like Primordial Pearl can actually die now if their environment is poor. [2]
  • Stocking Input Bus (ME) now has two tiers. A Stocking Input Bus (ME) is available in HV, and is only capable of stocking selected items. An Advanced Stocking Input Bus (ME) is available in LuV, and has the auto-pull functionality. Existing stocking buses are converted to the advanced version. This update may break setups due to the bus using a default facing. [3]
  • Fluid Conduits that have not been configured manually from the defaults will change from Insert/Extract enabled to Extract only.
  • Increase Dyson module consumption, especially without computation (
  • the LSC structure check was fixed, you do now in fact need the 50%+ non-empty capacitors as advertised.
  • Processing Array controllers are depreciated; slated for removal in 2.6.0
  • Hang Gliders no longer work on dimensions with no atmosphere.
  • 512V Creative Energy Buffer is removed; use Debug Power Generator instead.

Recipe Changes from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0

Some of these changes might break existing setups.

  • Aqua Regia: Multiblock Mixer recipe now requires Programmed Circuit 1. Recipes using all other circuits have been removed. Single-block mixer recipes are unchanged.
  • Celestial Tungsten Plasma: Now requires 2L of Tartarite, instead of 8L.
  • Cellulose Fiber (all types): Inputs, outputs, and running time have all been multiplied by 5.
  • Crafting Input Bus (ME): Now requires Advanced Stocking Input Bus (ME), instead of Stocking Input Bus (ME), for both research and crafting. Note that due to the automatic conversion of stocking buses (see above), existing setups should transition seamlessly.
  • Draconic Chestplate: Now requires two Awakened Cores and one Draconic Energy Cores, instead of one Awakened Core and two Draconic Energy Cores.
  • Essentia Mirror: Now requires Tantalum Plates, instead of Titanium Plates.
  • Ethylbenzene: The single-block reactor recipe inputs, outputs, and running time have all been multiplied by 2. LCR recipe is unchanged.
  • Extreme Engine Intake Casing: Assembler recipe now outputs 4 casings, instead of 1; this makes equal to the crafting grid recipe.
  • Fancy Workbenches (Bibliocraft): No longer craftable.
  • Ferrite Mixture Dust: Now requires Programmed Circuit 3, instead of no circuit.
  • Gasoline: The LCR recipe now requires Programmed Circuit 24. The recipe without a circuit has been removed. The single-block reactor recipe is unchanged.
  • Half Complete Casing I: Inputs, outputs, and running time have all been multiplied by 4.
  • Half Complete Casing II: Inputs, outputs, and running time have all been multiplied by 2.
  • Logistics Crafting Table, Logistics Power Junction, Logistics Security Station, and Logistics Statistics Table: All now require Programmed Circuit 24, instead of circuit 18.
  • Obsidian Brick (Amun-Ra): Now requires Programmed Circuit 23, instead of circuit 4.
  • Packed Ice Stairs (Railcraft): No longer craftable. Use the identical Chisel version.
  • Personal Cloaking Device: The recipe has been completely changed. Is now made in the Assembling Line (UV) instead of the Assembler (IV).
  • Potassiumfluorosilicate Dust: Now outputs Hydrochloric Acid as a byproduct.
  • Quantum Anomaly: Now outputs Dimensionally Transcendent Residue as a byproduct.
  • Sodium Sulfate Dust: Recipes using Programmed Circuit 2, and either Sodium Fluoride Dust, or Borax Dust, have been removed. Circuit 1 recipes are unchanged. This affects both the single-block reactor and the LCR.
  • Stocking Input Bus (ME): Now requires a full block ME Interface instead of a flat fixture one. Also see above for changed functionality.
  • Styrene: LCR recipe consuming 1000L Ethylene and 1000L Benzene has been removed. The other two recipes are unchanged.
  • Typewriter (Bibliocraft): Now requires a Keyboard, instead of a Button Group; making the Typewriter actually craftable.
  • Additionally, extruder recipes for many GT++ metal parts now require more EU/t, and thus require a higher voltage tier.


New Mods:

  • Amazing-Trophies
    • Adds trophies to the game
  • CodeChickenLib
    • Dependency (backend/library)
  • ThaumicBoots
    • New magic boots!
    • Boots of the Seasons, Boots of Christmas Spirit

Removed Mods:

  • Netty-Patcher
  • itlt
  • p455w0rd's Library

Mod Changes:

Assume almost every mod has gotten bug fixes / backend changes / security updates / localizations as relevant. All code base and minor fix entries have been stripped for brevity and ease of reading.

  • AE2FluidCraft-Rework 1.1.73
    • Added: Cell tooltips now have a thousands separator
    • Added: Dual interface p2p copy/paste
    • Fixed: Stacksize overflow when overlaying a recipe
    • Added: Level Maintainer Terminal
  • ae2stuff 0.6.0-GTNH
    • Quartz Knife can rename Wireless Connectors
    • New textures for Wireless Connector color coding
  • AdventureBackpack2 1.0.16
    • Added: worn backpack is now shown in Tinker's Construct tab
  • Applied-Energistics-2-Unofficial v3-beta-291-GTNH
    • Fixed: Stack sizes larger than 127 can be used from NEI
    • Added: Singularity Crafting Storage
    • Added: Sticky Card for Storage Busses
    • Added: Pattern count to crafting preview screen
    • Fixed: More than 2.14B items can now be accepted from one cell
    • Added: "tall" crafting status screen
    • Fixed: CoFH & Buildcraft wrenches now work with AE2 cables
    • Added: NEI Bookmark Pulling for AE2
    • Added: Thermal Dynamics Fluxducts can now attune P2Ps to Redstone Flux
  • Avaritiaddons 1.6.0
    • Added: Bookmark pull feature for Compressed Chests
  • bartworks 0.8.22
    • Recipe Fixes: plasmid, potassiumfluorosilicate
    • Fixed: Quad Input Hatch on Mega Oil Cracker
    • Fixed: Void Protection mode on Mega Distillation Towers
    • Fixed: High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor not accepting coolant
    • Wire Cutter now toggles separated input busses / batch mode for all multis
    • Circuit Assembler mode added to Circuit Assembly Line
    • Humongous Input Hatch is now UXV tier
  • Battlegear2 1.3.0
    • Fixed: Ender Arrow no longer drops an invalid stack
    • Fixed: left-clicking on items in Battlegear slots no longer deletes them
  • BetterCrashes 1.3.5
    • Now uses crash report upload
  • BetterLoadingScreen 1.5.3
    • Updated loading screen tips
  • BetterQuesting 3.4.6
    • Quest book shows previously shown screen when closed
  • Binnie 2.2.4
    • Fixed: Incubator recipes are no longer broken
  • Botania 1.10.3
    • Added: backport of portal junk handling / bread explosion
    • Added: Mushroom Pouch, similar to Flower Pouch
    • Added: Ring of Loki can now break blocks and has a keybind to toggle break on/off
  • BugTorch 1.2.12
    • Added: Squid now make noises
  • BuildCraftCompat 7.1.16
    • Added: Apiarist Pipe can now be set with drag & drop from NEI, Shift+left click cycles backwards
  • Chisel 2.12.3
    • Fixed: Chisel no longer takes priority over other Tile Entities when right-clicking.
  • Controlling 2.0.1
    • Controls search improved, alphabetical sort fixed, category names no longer disappear
  • Crops-plus-plus 1.5.12
    • Added: Crop Gene Extractor now has a ghost circuit slot
    • Fixed: crops now correctly implement heightened and lowered requirements
    • Fixed: Textures have been 16x standardized to match Minecraft
  • DuraDisplay 1.1.7
    • More configuration options
  • Electro-Magic-Tools 1.3.8
    • Removed: non-functional Large Essentia Generator recipes.
  • EnderIO 2.5.8
    • Added: more wrench compatibility options with Shift+left-click to gain conduit node interface access
    • Fixed: Conduit fluid mode now defaults to output only
  • GT5-Unofficial
    • Removed: IC2 iridium exploit, clay bucket exploit
    • Fixed: Input Hatches on Large Turbine and Boiler multiblocks now accept fluids
    • Fixed: ic2steam now accepted by cracked recipes
    • Fixed: missing single block machine overclocks
    • Fixed: Import/Export buttons on covers now correctly assigned
    • Balance: Quantum Tanks no longer apply massive debuffs when full
    • Fixed: Ferrite Mixture now has a circuit setting in the Mixer and no longer conflicts with Invar
    • Fixed: Transcendent Plasma Mixer only consumes power on startup instead of constantly draining
    • Fixed: Industrial Apiary now discriminates on what items it will accept from conduits
    • Fixed: EV Monster Repellator now has its proper powered range of ~400 blocks
    • Added: IC2 machines can be harvested with wrench left-click
    • Fixed: ProjectRed red alloy wire no longer connects to GT parts that can't be redstone controlled
    • Added: Wrench wiregrid displayed for non-GT blocks that can be rotated
    • Added: Dimensionally Transcendent Plasma Forge now has batch mode
    • Fixed: recipe conflict between ethylbenzene and sytrene in Large Chemical Reactor
    • Added: Auto-pull (LuV) and passive (EV) variants of Stocking Input Busses & Hatches
    • Added: backport of paint solvent (removes paint from GT blocks/parts) from GTCEu
    • Added: AE2 cables can now be spray painted with GT paint
    • Fixed: Vinteum gem is available again
    • Added: Average amperage/voltage per tick is now available as a data point
    • Fixed: recipe conflict for scotch, now craftable
    • Fixed: Sunnarium Bee production rate erroneously displayed as 20% when it's 5%
    • Fixed: Inconsistent GT item pipe transfer behavior [4]
    • Added: Covers can now be set to a lower tick time / trigger frequency
    • Fixed: Non-cell fluid recipes in Vacuum Freezer restored
    • Added: Distillation Tower can now handle Very Heavy Oil
    • Fixed: ME Hatches now default to no connecting sides, and any side can be toggled as active
    • Fixed: uninsulated wires do damage again
    • Added: Metrics Transmitter Cover & Advanced GT Sensor Card for Information Panels [5]
    • Fixed: Status messages & UI for Ore Drilling Plant, Oil/Gas/Fluid Drilling Rig, and Concrete Backfiller
    • Added: BarnardaC bee effect
    • Balance: Fool's Ruby is now Spinel
    • Removed: old depreciated Seismic Prospector
    • Processing Array controller is depreciated, and will be removed in a later version
  • GTNH-Intergalactic 1.2.8
    • Fixed: Space Mining Module not accepting plasma
    • Fixed: Space Elevator no longer generates maintenance issues
  • GTNH-Lanthanides 0.11.8
    • Added: new Lanthanides/Samarium processing line [6]
  • GTplusplus 1.10.53
    • Asymmetry of Quantum Force Transformer will be updating in a future version
    • Fixed: Semi-fluid Generator tank size standardized
    • Fixed: Germanium ingots can be fluid solidified again
    • Fixed: Missing Coal Gas, molten Neptunium, Force & Astral Titanium Plasma recipes restored
    • Balance: Casing requirement reduced on various multiblocks [7]
    • Added: new molten Iridium & Precious Metals Alloy recipes for the Alloy Blast Smelter
    • Added: Simple Washers can now clean purified dusts
    • Added: Calcium Chloride recipe to Large Chemical Reactor
    • Fixed: GT Fish Catcher now outputs GT iron nugget variant
    • Added: Soldering Iron changes multiblock void mode
    • Added: Harvesting can now be disabled on Crop Managers
    • Added: Alternative LFTR Fuel recipe in Chemical Plant without cells
    • Added: TCeti Seaweed line skip to the Quantum Force Transformer
    • Fixed: Alloy Blast Smelter recipes now display two to a page in NEI
    • Balance: Tartarite requirement for new plasma chain cut by 75% [8]
    • Added: Autobuild to Elemental Duplicator
  • Gadomancy 1.2.0
    • Added: recipes for Eldritch maze blocks
  • Galaxy-Space-GTNH 1.2.14
    • Added: autobuild for Dyson Swarm
    • Added: Space Suit support for ThaumicBoots
  • GigaGramFab 0.3.9
    • Added: single use tools for AE2 crafting
  • GoodGenerator 0.7.16
    • Fixed: Naquadah Generator crash when running out of coolant
    • Fixed: Naquadah Reactor not accepting non-fuel liquids
    • Fixed: Naquadah Reactor not detecting ME Input Hatch while running
    • Fixed: Compact Fusion running on too little energy
    • Fixed: Fuel Refinery no longer generates maintenance issues
    • Added: UXV compatibility for the Component Assembly Line
    • Added: Metastable Oganesson Fluid Solidifier recipes
    • Added: "yottank" to fluid cell tooltips for easier NEI searching
    • Fixed: Precise Assembler in now overclocks properly and Precise Mode does not do parallels
  • Gravitation-Suite-Neo 1.0.20
    • Fixed: Quantum Shield keybind no longer crashes servers
    • Fixed: Vajra voiding drums and other containers on break
  • harvestcraft 1.1.4-GTNH
    • New gooseberry and banana juice food items
    • backport Grinder
    • oreDict fixes
  • Hodgepodge 2.3.40
    • Added: initial support for Angelica / Sodium-backport
    • Fixed: Extra Utilities drums consuming cells/capsules
    • Fixed: x-ray vision through Quicksand in F5
    • Removed: all items in creative search tab to prevent massive lag/crashes
  • HoloInventory 2.3.2-GTNH
    • Fixed: quantity displays for JABBA barrels and Quantum Chests
  • ironchest 6.0.74
    • Bookmarked recipe pull feature support
  • Jabba 1.3.1
    • Added: Dollies can now be folded. Folded dollies stack and can go in any inventory/container
    • Fixed: Sky Stone Chests can now be dollied
  • KekzTech 0.9.6
    • Fixed: Lapotronic Super Capacitor wireless explosions
  • KubaTech 0.13.11
    • Extreme Extermination Chamber renamed to Extreme Entity Crusher
    • Fixed: GUI slot duplication in Mega Apiary and Extreme Industrial Greenhouse
    • Fixed: Extreme Entity Crusher lag at high voltage
  • LogisticsPipes 1.0.8-GTNH
    • Fixed: Logistic Pipes now prioritize reserved Storage Drawers properly
  • lwjgl3ify 1.5.7
    • Horizontal scrolling fix
    • Changes for future Angelica (Sodium backport) support
    • Fix MacOS Command+key inputs not sending correctly
    • Fix for Control+Alt+key inputs not sending correctly
  • MagicBees 2.7.1-GTNH
    • Fixed: Ethereal Shard dupe
    • Balance: Magic, Resilient, and Blood Frames buffed
    • Fixed: Frames converted to additive production rates
  • ModularUI 1.1.24
    • Fixed: Fluid lighting in GUIs
  • NewHorizonsCoreMod 2.2.53
    • Added: Chisel recipes for Knightmetal, Blaze blocks
    • Added: Recipe for Lapotronic Energy Orb in Space Assembler
    • Added: Fluix cables can now be undyed in any crafting interface
    • Added: Assembler recipes for Electric Blast Furnace, Vacuum Freezer, and Large Chemical Reactor controllers, new Stocking Busses & Hatches, IC2NuclearControl Information Panels, EnderIO Machine chassis'
    • Balance: Essentia Mirror recipe EV -> MV
    • Fixed: Crafting Input Bus (ME) recipe & research
    • Fixed: Maintenance Hatch now accepts Advanced Glue for its crafting recipe
    • Fixed: High tier (ZPM+) Fluid Canners not working
    • Fixed: Electro-Magic Tools Thaumium Drill crafting recipe
    • Removed: BiblioCraft Fancy Workbench recipes
  • NotEnoughItems 2.4.13-GTNH
    • Fixed: Compressed Chests now work with TiCon Crafting Stations
    • Fixed: Various recipe display and RecipeCatalyst handlers
    • Fixed: Tooltip pagination & keybind
    • Fixed: MacOS Command key accessibliity
    • Added: Option to put the search widget under the item panel.
    • Added: Holding ALT now increases bookmark stack increase in increments of output item's stack size
    • Added: Up and Down arrows scroll through NEI search history when search widget is active.
    • Added: Option for fancy smooth graphics when rearranging bookmarked items
    • Added: Bookmarked items can now be dragged to the [x/x] page count area to move to other tabs. (REI backport)
    • Added: Recipe handlers (tabs) can be scrolled through when over the tab bar or by holding left Shift.
  • Nutrition 0.0.5
    • keybind / GUI fixes
    • Added: mining speed buff at average 90 nutrition values and above
    • Balance: makes strength apply at average 70 nutrition values and above (reduced from 90)
  • OpenBlocks 1.8.2-GTNH
    • Fixed: Graves can no longer be eaten by Hungry Nodes, easier to break for the owner.
  • PersonalSpace 1.0.28
    • Added: Daylight Cycle option
  • Railcraft 9.15.3
    • Fixed: Packed Ice Stairs recipe conflict
    • Fixed: Railcraft fluid flowing graphics now render correctly
    • Balance: Creosote burn value as fluid buffed to match value from buckets
  • Realistic-World-Gen alpha-1.3.8
    • Fixed: Broken terrain generation at distances greater than -28675
    • Fixed: Biome names are now more human-readable
    • Added: Configs for caves, mineshafts, underground lakes, and villages
    • Added: Command to set compatibility to worldgen on a per-world basis
  • Schematica 1.9.4-GTNH
    • Added: Rotation of structure now saved with schematics
    • Added: new tiers of storage upgrade: Ruby, Tanzanite.
  • TecTech 5.3.23
    • Balance: increased Eye of Harmony stellar plasma consumption
    • Balance: Eye of Harmony can no longer use Stocking Input Bus
    • Fixed: Eye of Harmony OC bug / tier skipping [9]
    • Fixed: Multis using the wrong exotic energy input hatches list
    • Recipe Added: Higher tier SMD's now usable in Mainframe circuit recipes.
  • thaumcraft-research-tweaks 1.0.6
    • Fix missing aspects, adjust Research Table to accommodate
  • ThaumicBases 1.5.6
    • Advanced Alchemical Furnace is now Thaumium Alchemical Furnace so it doesn't share a name
  • ThaumicEnergistics 1.5.4-GTNH
    • Added: 256K to 16384K ME Essentia Storage Cells
    • Added: Quantum and Singularity ME Essentia Storage Cells
    • Fixed: Advanced Network Tool & large storage toolbox rendering
  • ThaumicHorizons 1.4.1
    • Added: New lens textures
  • ThaumicTinkerer 2.8.5
    • Added: Configs for Shadowbeam Focus
    • Fixed: Infused Fire performance issues
  • TinkersConstruct 1.10.12-GTNH
    • Added: Slime Boots and Slime Sling are fixed and now craftable
    • Fixed: Broken TiC armor is now repairable
    • Fixed: TiCon right-click tool place now compatible with Ofanix cobblestone
  • twilightforest 2.5.1
    • Magic Beans crash, improve castle doors
  • WAILAPlugins 0.3.0
    • Production modifier for Apiary HUD, Magic Apiary handler
    • Fixed: Railcraft tank tooltip

Version History