Release Stability

From GT New Horizons
Revision as of 07:51, 19 June 2023 by Embri (talk | contribs) (LCR lock chunk corruption)

This is a reference page for development pack versions with notes about their stability and issues, aimed at helping players choose what version they want to play with if they are adventuring beyond the official stable releases. It is not an extensive list of every problem, just ones that are most likely to affect the majority of players.

For full change logs of official releases, see the Version Histories linked below.

The following are removed or slated for major changes after 2.3.0:
  • Lootgames (rebalanced loot tables)
  • Extra Cells (convert to AE2 Fluid Crafting equivalents)
  • Disassemblers (Arc Furnace / Pulverizer taking over recycle recipes)


2.3.x Issues

Locking Large Chemical Reactors (LCR's) can cause chunk corruption; confirmed on 2.3.3 and 2.3.4, may exist in earlier builds.

2.3.0 (stable release)

Status: Recommended. Also used on official servers (Delta/Epsilon/Eta).


Status: Not recommended. Questbook backend changes make downgrading from this version back to 2.3.0 unfeasible.

  • Many menus crash the game.
  • Quest File name lengths cause major problems on various windows versions.
  • Quests are not recognized properly on servers.
  • Compact fusion does not work
  • Many EEC recipes do not work.
  • Note that due to the major questbook changes it is not possible to downgrade from any 2.3.1+ to 2.3.0 without losing the quest progression unless you have a backup.


Status: Decent with updated AE.

  • AE2 has ghost connections, see this issue on Github
    • To fix, update AE2. You may use version rv3-beta-195 (this is the version in 2.3.3), up to rv3-beta-213 should work with minimal changes
  • BetterP2P crashes on use
    • To fix, update BetterP2P. The latest version on Github should work.
  • Betterquesting still has some problems with total file path length.


Status: Not recommended. If at all only use with updated GT. Dont use in UEV+

  • GT bending and many other recipes broken. updating GT to is highly recommended and fixes many but not all.
  • various other recipe bugs like iron wand caps which are not fixable like that.
  • cant obtain the new magnetic material yet. It's needed for UEV+ components.


Status: Relatively new. Seems mostly fine if one updates GT.

  • rather badly incorrect fluid recipes. including broken DT and distilling recipes. highly recommended to update GT to
  • a few other smaller recipe issue. including 2 assembling line recipes (fixed by updating to coremod to 2.1.51), sodium persulfate ore processing and the volumetric flask solidifying (a hotfix for these 2 is more complicated: you would need update to both GT to and MUI to 1.1.12)